Sunday, January 12, 2014

Obama as well as Hillary refuses to attend the furneral of PM Ariel Sharons Funeral

Obama sends Joe Biden to Israel because he refuses to go to Israel to attend one of the greatest leaders and Prime Minister Israel has every had. Hillary also refuses to go. But he went to Mandala's funeral, took "selfies" with the UK and Dutch Prime Minister, made a total ass out of himself, and was a disgrace to the USA. Israel will not let him speak or make a mockery out of a sad occasion.

WHY Obama refuses:
1. He hates Israel
2. He hates Jews
both Michelle and Obama hate Israel and Jews PLO fund rasier in 2003
3. He is a MUSLIM\and a member of Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood and the PLO . He was the toast master at a PLO fund raiser to buy arms to be used in terrorist attacks on Israel .
Obama and Michelle seated with Palestinian Liberation Organization Leader Edward Said at Khalidi Muslim fundraiser, in 2003

4 He wants to see Israel Destroyed

WHY Hillary refuses:
1. She hates Israel
2. She hates Jews
3 She has a Muslim woman HUMA ABEDIN who is her Deputy Chief, a member of the Sisterhood of the Muslim Brotherhood, and is connected to the Holy Land Foundation
4. She wants to see Israel destroyed

Hillary Clinton Facing Criminal Charges Over Muslim Brotherhood Connection, Incitement of ViolenceHillary Clinton is facing criminal charges in Egypt

As Hillary Rodham Clinton faces a pivotal year; weighing a 2016 presidential run whilst continuing her attempts to prevent national exposure of her role in the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, she could now be facing criminal charges in Egypt, over her known Muslim Brotherhood connections and her collusion with the wife of ousted Egyptian President Muhammad Morsi to incite violent revolution in the north African nation.
A complaint filed with Egypt’s Attorney General alleges that Naglaa Mahmoud, Morsi’s wife, was working – with Clinton’s help – to incite armed rebellion aimed at toppling Egyptian top General and Defense Minister Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.
After the Muslim Brotherhood-back government of Egypt was overthrown after the military responded to popular, nationwide demonstrations, the new Egyptian government started work on bringing criminal charges against the Brotherhood in an apparent drive to completely outlaw the fundamentalist organization. The numerous known ties between the Obama administration and the Muslim Brotherhood – none of which have been revealed in the American mainstream media – were destined to be exposed during this process. Those ties include:
1) Barack Obama’s half-brother, Malik Obama, has been implicated in fund-raising operations for a known terrorist organization and is said to be involved in the management of funds for the Muslim Brotherhood. These connections were previously explored in anAugust article in the Guardian Liberty Voice.
According to a World Net Daily report, the Vice President of Egypt’s Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt, Tehani al-Gebali, said that she wanted “to inform the American people that their President’s brother Obama is one of the architects of the major investments of the Muslim Brotherhood.” She went on to say “The Obama administration cannot stop us; they know that they supported terrorism.” Al-Gebali was referring to sustained efforts made by the US administration, along with Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham, to punish Egypt for ousting the Muslim Brotherhood government and attempting to bring about the release of Morsi and other key Brotherhood figures from detention.
2) Mohamed Elibiary, who has made no secret of the fact that he is an Islamist and Muslim Brotherhood supporter, is a member of the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Security Advisory Council. He was appointed to that position in September, 2010. He is not the only person linked to the Muslim Brotherhood who holds an influential position within the US government.
Elibiary once tweeted “yes I do consider the United States of America an Islamic country with an Islamically compliant constitution.” He has been an outspoken advocate of the spread of Islamism and sharia law, the Islamist judicial system which, among other elements, strips women of almost all basic human rights.
3) Huma Abedin, who is a close friend of Hillary Rodham Clinton and her former Chief of Staff, has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Saleha Abedin, Huma’s Pakistani mother, has been identified as one of the leaders of the Muslim Sisterhood. Huma, who was raised in Saudi Arabia, is also the wife of former Democratic Congressman and failed New York mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner.
Muhammad Morsi is set to go trial in January, along with a number of other Brotherhood leaders, and the talk of possible criminal charges being brought against Hillary Clinton stem largely from her long-time friendship and co-operation with Naglaa Mahmoud. Egyptian television reporter Nasr Qaffas has reported extensively on Mahmoud’s interview with the Turkish Anatolia Press agency. According to the agency, Mahmoud said “I have between my fingers, a treasure trove of secrets from the White House and Mrs. Clinton fears my wrath.”
Mahmoud described how she was befriended by the Clintons in the 1980s, when she and her children lived in the US. “We have a long friendship of many years.” She said, referring to Hillary Clinton. “This friendship increased further when my husband became the legitimate president of [Egypt].” She added “We also have routine business dealings with the Clintons.”
Remarking on the 2016 US presidential campaign, Mahmoud said “Hillary depends on us tremendously to help her succeed in the coming presidential elections, just as we helped Barack Obama win twice.” It was not made clear how Obama’s election was allegedly aided by the Muslim Brotherhood.
World Net Daily also reported that Egyptian lawyers have also filed charges against Barack Obama with the International Criminal Court. According to Egyptian newspaper reports, the charges specifically cite “intentional murder, genocide, slavery, forcible transfer of population, imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty, torture and the intentional infliction of severe pain or suffering physical or mental person is under the control of the accused, rape, persecution, enforced disappearance of persons, apartheid and other inhumane acts.”
It remains to be seen how criminal charges brought against Hillary Clinton in an Egyptian court will affect her prospects for a White House run. Numerous Muslim Brotherhood sources are threatening exposure of a significant body of evidence linking the White House – and Obama and Clinton, specifically – to Muslim Brotherhood violence. Presumably, their motive is to pressure the Obama administration into securing not only Morsi’s release, but his return to power in Egypt. If any of these links are solidly corroborated, the trial of Brotherhood leaders could become the focal point of a vast international scandal; ultimately linking the Obama administration directly to terrorist activities.

By Graham J Noble
Just in history Ariel Sharon has shown more backbone then this Usurper of a President and never sold his people out to Muslim Countries as Obama has sold the USA out to Muslim Countries who spit on our flag, wipe their backsides with it, and chant death to America.

Loretta Lax Miller feels dealing with these countries by with holding aid and American Money from them is the start of the answer. She feels using the money for our American Children and the schools are a priority and help private sector to create jobs. She believes in removing the foothold of UN Agenda 21 and keeping their policies out of our Sovereign Country. 

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