Saturday, May 12, 2018

To my Mom Happy Mothers day

Dear Mom

When I was 27 you died. I was alone . You left me with Charlie, your German Sheppard and I took care of him. He lived till he was 18 years old.

How I found out your had died  was a note on my door when I was returning home from work. I ran to the hospital. I thought it had to be a mistake.You told me that evening go ahead  to work I am fine. I should have never listened to you because I didn't have a chance to say goodbye.

For years I felt guilty and every Mother's day the pain keeps coming back since you died on Mother's day. Marcus who I named in memory of you and dad wants to celebrate this day and I do it with a smile hiding my grief.

I miss you Mom and at night in my sleep I dream of you , dad and Jordan.

Please forgive me for not saying goodbye and where ever you are have a Happy Mother's day and I miss you.

Your Potato Chip


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