Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Need Your Help In Stopping Corruption

The Rhino in Congressional District 15 is Dennis Ross, who was caught by me for stealing campaign money and using his Federal Office as Campaign headquarters. In turn he placed his "best Rhino buddies" to run against me. One was a Commissioner who was ousted out of office (but he's a nice guy). Show me a Con Artist who is not a nice guy. Then you have his partner in his law firm. He's a real nice guy since Ross's law firm added on all his contracts: "If I lose your case I own your home for payment". Do you wonder why Haines City is a ghost town and owned by attorney's? Then there is the psychologist who told me Florida's Citizens are like children, they whine and cry about things and they all need to be placed into a time out chair. 

I am running against these Republicans and the Republican Party wants me to be silent. No, I will not! I am here to fight for every American not just District 15. Any and all Bills passed by Congress affects YOU no matter where you live! 

You want these people in Office or do you want me? A thumbs up does not pay for signs, cards, ads, campaign supplies, etc. I need your donations since I signed an agreement I will not take big Corporation money to be owned by big corporation for pay to play. You want change I need your donations.

And because of these Rhinos, Sharia is coming sooner than we think in the United States.

There are 90 Sharia Muslims running for the House and the Senate mostly on the Democratic Ticket. 150 are running on the Republican Ticket all hiding under their "Good" Christian names, all wanting Sharia and all wanting to enslave people.  Those who have stepped down may be involved with Hillary, allowing Sharia laws to replace the Constitution without you realizing it and allowing Terrorists, both domestic and foreign, to be called mentally ill, cultural different, or like Obama did with 14 KGB spy's send them back to Russia.

The example of what Sharia will do to your District and the USA: the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, a Sharia Muslim, said get used to the terrorism. This is now NORMAL. Not one single Congressman spoke up against this!  The Pulse Nightclub shooting, the Las Vegas Shooting, the San Bernardino shooting, the Jewish Holocaust Museum in DC shooting, the Miami Bomb found before it exploded, the Boston Marathon Bombing, the New York Halloween Truck Murders, and there are more. A majority of these happened under Obama because he allowed it and so did your Congress. These Congressmen and Senators who decided not to run again, said while in office don't call this a JIHAD TERRORIST  ATTACK, IT'S A MENTAL ISSUE! That was because they wanted the Vote not because they wanted safety for America. They incited people about guns. That is a KGB and Nazi move. Take your gun and when they come after you what defense do you have?

London and New York City have populations of around 8 million, figures suggest you are almost six times more likely to be burglarized in the British capital than in New York City, and one and a half times more likely to fall victim to a robbery.

London has almost three times the number of reported rapes and murder rate since Sadiq Khan has been in office.

When Obama was in Office according to a very Liberal Progressive newspaper the NY Post  

America has now averaged one serious Islamic terrorist attack a year on President Obama’s watch, yet he still insists the threat from radical Islam is overblown and that he’s successfully protecting the nation.

It goes on to say:

In the wake of Omar Mateen’s Orlando massacre, Obama whined about growing criticism of his terror-fighting strategy. But boy, does he deserve it. His record on terrorism is terrible, and Hillary Clinton should have a tough time defending it.

And the Republicans in office were too busy looking away, telling you they are doing something about it but didn't and not once did the main body of the Republican Party say to the public we are at war with a Terrorist group who calls themselves peaceful but their job is to kill you. Instead they tell you see something say something. Guess what! The Parkland Shooter, many people said something nothing was done. While the shooter was walking through a school killing the innocent, the Sheriff (a Hillary and Obama supporter) stood outside and told his men to stand down because maybe it was fireworks! Fireworks inside a school? So now we may have a paid shooter from the Hillary's KGB connections killing our children so they have an excuse to take away our guns like Stalin and Hitler did so Americans can be defenseless.  

I stand with the 2nd amendment. 

I stand with our President Donald Trump. The old KGB tactic is to divide the country as they are doing by accusing President Trump and pivoting each person with stretched out lies that can not be proven and if you throw enough lies against the fan something is going to stick. These Republican Congresspeople and the Senators who are running away from their offices are questionable. They did something and when it sticks they will be found out. By then they may plead the Hillary plead of defense by saying "What difference does it make?"

What the difference it makes is that the Congressman Dennis Ross took an oath of Loyalty to the people who put him into office as well as Loyalty to the Constitution of the United States. Stealing Federal money for his campaign to run out of his office, using Federal Employees on Federal Time to travel back and forth from California on a "Campaign Fund Raising", spending $30,000.00 for cell phones and that did not include the service, spending money for campaign office equipment when there was no campaign office but a closet in his federal office where he had Federal forms and papers, spending money in staples for office supplies for a non existing campaign office. Last year he collected over $700,000.00 in campaign funds, spent over $500,000.00 bogus spending. There were no ads, no fliers, but his family went out to dinner and yet he knew he was under the FBI investigation on the misuse of a Federal Office and Campaign funds. But his followers say: "Oh he was such a nice guy"! And he'll stand before you and smile then tell you he's a "Good Christian" while he picks the pocket of every American in this country by using Federal funds intermingled with Campaign funds to run. And some of these funds were given to the 2 Attorneys and 1 Psychologist to run against me because I am a woman and Jewish. Another group of "Good Christians".

Dennis Ross said he stood with Israel yet his friend, another "Good Christian", Douglas Hunter who is also a Rhino wanted to GIVE, not sell, to the country of Jordan the Reaper and Predator Drones. Jordan has recently pledged allegiance to ISIS! This is kept very quiet by the Republican Party since the party does not want this information out to the public. Obama wanted Israel destroyed. Ross and Hunter want to give Jordan the ballistic strength to do so.

If he was standing with Israel, Ross should have stood up on the steps of the White House and told the world what Hunter was doing. But he didn't. He signed Hunter's request and he fooled all You "Jewish Supporters". You gave this man money and supported him and his "Jewish Supporters" told me at a holiday party "they all do this".

If they all do this, it is time for a pink slip and place a NON-Career person who is not an Attorney into the PEOPLE'S HOUSE!

My name is Loretta Miller I want to be your Congressperson. I am running for Florida District 15 but District 15's vote in Congress will affect all of the United States, including our protectorates. Like I said, a Thumbs Up will not put me in congress, your donations will.

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