Loretta Miller is a Constitutionist and part of the Constitution Party
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Today CAIR insulted all the Jews on CNN by allowing a Muslim woman to wear The Jewish Shield emblem of King David and mocking the Holocaust after stating many years that the Holocaust never existed. Only the Muslims can be insulted when the INFIDELS dare fight back and attack them. It is the Muslims who are using OUTSIDE Jihad which the Muslims state Jihad means struggle. Struggle from what Oppression when they are the Oppressors? They oppressed other religions, destroyed Churches and Synagogues as well as Buddhist and Hindu Temples, and they say they are Oppressed. Stealing lands, Israel belong to the Jews but Muhammad and his thugs killed destroyed everything in his path including the Temple of Solomon. Now they say they are oppressed. Taking away Jewish and Christian lands in Islamic countries, raping non-Muslims. The rape is so bad that the women have to wear Burkahs to let them men know they are Muslims. But rape for a non-Muslim is not forbidden. The Muslims helped Hitler kill Jews in the concentration camps but NOW THEY WEAR THE STAR OF DAVID LIKE BADGE AS THOUGH THEY WERE THE ONES SENT TO THE OVENS AND DENY THE HOLOCAUST FOR THE JEWS WHICH THEY HELPED IN!
They did this once in Sweden trying to throw guilt on the Liberals. The poor Muslims who rape, burn, and destroy similar to the riots in Ferguson Michigan with the support of the Muslim Brotherhood. It was fun burning down businesses who now will never build in their neighborhood. They come to America as refugees then demand Halah foods from food banks. It's funny this government has enough money to bring these people from a Terrorist Islamic country, they don't vet them, but they give them shelter, food and cars as well as Jobs. In return they shoot us, kill us and demand. But this government doesnt have enough money for the American Homeless or our disabled Veterans!
I dont see a number tatooed on her arm
a picture of her in a concentration camp
The only oppression she wants is to put us all under Shariah
The Islamic Central Council of Switzerland (ICCS), a conservative Muslim group, has chosen a symbol reminiscent of the Jewish Star of David for a planned protest against Islamophobia this weekend.
Around 2,000 people are expected to participate in the ‘Day against Islamophobia and racism’, a mini-festival organized by ICCS in the capital Bern that will run from 2 to 5pm on Saturday.
In an attempt to draw parallels between the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany and Muslims in the Switzerland of today, many participants will wear t-shirts and stickers with the word ‘Muslim’ framed by a yellow star.
The Bern-based ICCS was founded by young Swiss converts to Islam shortly before the political initiative to ban minarets. Some in the Swiss media have labeled its president Nicholas Blancho ‘the Bin Laden of Biel’, a reference to his home town.
Seemingly unperturbed by the criticism, Blancho says there are distinct similarities between anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.
“We want to trigger a debate and show that the discrimination of Muslims in Switzerland is a fact,” he told Tages Anzeiger. “Muslims are treated as second-class citizens and are discriminated against, for example because they wear a headscarf or because of their name when they look for an apprenticeship or are looking for an apartment,” he added.
The symbol has outraged Swiss Jews. Edith Bino, president of the Jewish community in Bern, told the Zurich newspaper that the idea of the star is so wrong that they could not take it seriously.
Of course, we are already used to Muslim groups actively working towards a new Holocaust, so I guess this is lightweight.
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