Saturday, May 19, 2018

2 Muslims who want to remove the Constitution for Sharia Law

I am Jewish and running against 2 Muslims running under the Good Christian Names before they converted, who want to remove the Constitution for Sharia Law and they are stating Sharia is the law of their Allah and is just. They want to kill people their Allah and Mohammad instructed them to for not accepting their Allah. They claim this is Democracy I had gone to their Political meeting which was held in Arabic So you as an American who can not understand Arabic will only understand what they want to tell you in English. You are an infidel and they will never tell you the truth of what they really want. I speak, understand and write besides English which is my native tongue, Hebrew , Arabic, Farsi, German, and Russian. I am Jewish and they did not expect me to be there.
People they waited till now they know people don't care about elections since the news only gives you 1/4 of the truth. These Muslims are getting their money from Saudi Arabia. You want to live under Sharia? The other Republicans wont tell you the danger in the future if Sharia Laws supporters get into office, If you don't want to Donate to me

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