Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Wacky Doogle Movement of Tim McClellan

The wacky doogle of Facebook I wrote about this before when Roseanne developed this and declared herself as Queen. under rule #34.  I could not believe these Wacky Doogles are still here . Before we go on they want to reactivate a Law that is obsolete

Glass-Steagall Act

The Glass-Steagall Act, also known as the Banking Act of 1933 (48 Stat. 162), was passed by Congress in 1933 andprohibits commercial banks from engaging in the investment business.
It was enacted as an emergency response to the failure of nearly 5,000 banks during the Great Depression. The act wasoriginally part of President franklin d. roosevelt's New Deal program and became a permanent measure in 1945. It gavetighter regulation of national banks to the Federal Reserve System; prohibited bank sales of Securitiesand created theFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which insures bank deposits with a pool of money appropriated frombanks.
Beginning in the 1900s, commercial banks established security affiliates that floated bond issues and underwrote corporatestock issues. (In underwriting, a bank guarantees to furnish a definite sum of money by a definite date to a business orgovernment entity in return for an issue of bonds or stock.) The expansion of commercial banks into securities underwritingwas substantial until the 1929 Stock Market crash and the subsequent Depression. In 1930, the Bank of the United Statesfailed, reportedly because of activities of its security affiliates that created artificial conditions in the market. In 1933, all ofthe banks throughout the country were closed for a four-day period, and 4,000 banks closed permanently.
As a result of the bank closings and the already devastated economy, public confidence in the U.S. financial structure waslow. In order to restore the banking public's confidence that banks would follow reasonable banking practices, Congresscreated the Glass-Steagall Act. The act forced a separation of commercial and investment banks by preventing commercialbanks from underwriting securities, with the exception of U.S. Treasury and federal agency securities, and municipal andstate general-obligation securities. More specifically, the act authorizes Federal Reserve banks to use governmentobligations and Commercial Paper as collateral for their note issues, in order to encourage expansion of the currency.Banks also may offer advisory services regarding investments for their customers, as well as buy and sell securities fortheir customers. However, information gained from providing such services may not be used by a bank when it acts as alender. Likewise, investment banks may not engage in the business of receiving deposits.
bank is defined as an institution organized under the laws of the United States, any state of the United States, the Districtof Columbia, any territory of the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, or the Virgin Islands, that bothaccepts demand deposits (deposits that the depositor may withdraw by check or similar means for payment to third partiesor others) and is engaged in the business of making commercial loans (12 U.S.C.A. § 1841 (c)(1) [1988]). Investmentbanking consists mostly of securities underwriting and related activities; making a market in securities; and setting upcorporate mergers, acquisitions, and restructuring. Investment banking also includes services provided by brokers ordealers in transactions in the secondary market. A secondary market is one where securities are bought and soldsubsequent to their original issuance.
Despite attempts to reform Glass-Steagall, the legislature has not passed any major changes—although it has passed billsthat relax restrictions. Banks may now set up brokerage subsidiaries, and underwrite a limited number of issues such asasset-backed securities, corporate bonds, and commercial paper.
The Glass-Steagall Act restored public confidence in banking practices during the Great Depression. However, manyhistorians believe that the commercial bank securities practices of the time had little actual effect on the already devastatedeconomy and were not a major contributor to the Depression. Some legislators and bank reformers argued that the act wasnever necessary, or that it had become outdated and should be repealed.
Congress responded to these criticisms in passing the Gramm-Leach-Bilely Act of 1999, which made significant changes toGlass-Steagall. The 1999 law did not make sweeping changes in the types of business that may be conducted by anindividual bank, broker-dealer or insurance company. Instead, the act repealed the Glass-Steagall Act's restrictions on bankand securities-firm affiliations. It also amended the Bank Holding Company Act to permit affiliations among financialservices companies, including banks, securities firms and insurance companies. The new law sought financialmodernization by removing the very barriers that Glass-Steagall had erected.

Rules Approved on 7/20/2011

The Rules 1-36 are proposed as the permanent rules by the MP's of the 8th USA Parliament (2008-2012) whose purposes shall include scheduled ballot release on 4/20/2012, The 8th USA Parliament Election, and vote count on 8/6/2012 for the election of the 9th USA Parliament.
Parliament Arrangement and Elections: General
1. RANKED VOTING ONLY: All voting and vote counting shall be in the form of ranked ballots only (and eballots when practical and verifiable).
Consecutive numbers beginning with the #s 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. etc. must always be used when marking names on (e)ballot of all alternatives or names.
Not acceptable are the use of "x"s, check marks, indecipherable writing, punch the hole which sometimes results in unwanted chad, click the dot, raise the hand, or any symbol whatsoever other than one or more consecutive numerals beginning with the number one. All forms of plurality voting, or first past the post (FPTP), are prohibited.
Deviation from this rule will disqualify the ballot, and the ballot will be marked spoiled and deemed democratically illegitimate.
2. ELECTION OF PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT, AS INITIAL CONTACTS: The US Parliament's elected national assembly shall consist of up to 1000 names elected to "seats" for four year terms. A second vote count of the same ballots which elected the 1000 names will also be conducted to elect a President and Vice President to four year terms.
The two vote counts of all the cast ballots received shall be conducted on August 6th, 2012. In the first vote count electing the 1000 at-large seats, each name receiving 1/1001ths (or .999%) plus one vote of the votes cast, is elected as one member of parliament, or "MP". In the second vote count, the first name receiving 33.33% plus one vote is elected President, and the second name receiving 33.33% plus one vote is elected Vice President. Once elected, the President and the Vice President serve as the initial contacts for the eventual and ongoing formations of a ruling coalition, which is the largest majority of elected MPs to approve a set of rules.
3. HOW THE VOTE-COUNT WORKS: Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) for approving the rules, and all other single winner elections: Everyone's vote goes initially to his or her 1st choice. If no alternative has a majority, then the alternative with fewest votes is eliminated, and each of its ballots goes to voter's next choice. This process of elimination & re-distribution continues until 1 alternative has a majority of the ballots.
4. THE SAINTE-LAGUE PARLIAMENT SYSTEM for seat allocation in all multi-seat districts: 1. Divide the election's total number of votes by the number of seats. This is the 1st quota. 2. Divide this quota into each candidate's votes, and round off to the nearest whole number. That's that candidate's seat allocation. 3. If, due to rounding, this awards a number of seats different from the desired number of seats, then adjust the quota slightly up or down, till, when paragraph 2 is carried out, it will award all seats.
5. THE PARTY LEADER within the USP is a label for the highest ranked name, categorized under each party. Party leaders are responsible for the distribution of all ballots and rules to the members of their party/category and lists.
6. CATEGORIZATION AND PARTY NAMES The first and most important criterion in determining the nominee's party/category is the nominee's most recently requested or declared party/category in US Parliament matters. The second most important criterion in determining the nominee's party/category is determined by the nominee's state's records, as written by the member while registering to vote. Appointed members may be categorized with any party/category that they wish, and the party/category of all members is considered to be the true one. Elected members may decide to change or switch their party/categorization at any time. Members automatically qualify for the ballot in the next election cycle under the party/category of their choice.
7. STATE AND COUNTY ELECTIONS: States and county subsidiary elections will conducted in all the states and territories of the US, organized into twelve population balanced districts with twelve population subsidiary districts, referred to as the super states (states and groups of states) and the mini states (counties and groups of counties). No existing state or county boundary lines will be breached by any boundaries drawn up to form the 12 super states and 144 mini states within the US Parliament's boundaries. All super states and mini states will have the same rules and dates as the national parliament until new rules are approved by said elected bodies. Super state election dates and cycles will fall on the even years between the national US Parliament/US Presidential Election cycles every four years, and mini state election dates and cycles will fall on odd numbered years.
8. Once elected, the ELECTED NOMINEES and write ins may vote as a member of national parliament (MP), member of super state parliament (MSP), or member of mini state parliament (MMP), to elect the three prime ministers, two secretaries and one set of rules.
Ballots And Eligibility
9. US CITIZENS ONLY: All adult voters must either reside within the United States of America, or be a US citizen residing outside the US. Violation of this or any other rule will automatically disqualify a ballot.
10. BALLOT VERIFICATION requires only a name of the voter, or a witness when no name is used.
11. BALLOTS MUST be post-marked and received between April 20th and August 5th, 2012. Any US resident, nominee and/or proxy may observe the counting of the ballots. Volunteer counters will conduct the vote counting. Choices marked on paper ballots are guaranteed to be confidential, yet openly viewed by all observers.
12. BALLOTS AND EBALLOTS: All US residents are eligible to vote in US Parliament Elections during the time between April 20th and August 5th. Such ballot may be retype set or altered to specifically identify their select nominees' correct name and party affiliation. All ballots released to public use by the USA Parliament's elected secretary shall count as a legitimate ballot and shall be presumed to represent the correct and most current nominee name information.
13. Choices marked on eballots are bound by confidentiality under the behavior of officers of the Parliament.
14. BALLOT: ORDER OF NOMINEES and of all subsidiary parliament and their ballots, will be determined by the results caused by the voters' ranking of the nominees on the ballots. This is known as the correct consecutive order of nominee.
a: Ties in nominations will be broken through alphabetizing the names.
b: New nominees will be placed on the ballot in the order that they were nominated, below higher ranked elected members. The date of the original nomination may determine the placement in order on the ballot.
c: If elected members switch party/categories at any time, they will be placed in the new party/category below all other nominees already listed. The final order of the prepared ballot will be determined by the nominees' party name or category, which will be listed on the ballot in alphabetical order.
15. SPACE FOR THREE OR MORE WRITE-IN choices must be provided on each ballot, in all elections.
16. EBALLOTS are ballots cast via email. EBALLOTS must be emailed to ps@usparliament.org, a private email address used by the secretary and observers, for receiving eballots. No reply email will be sent to voters who cast eballots, unless the voter indicates that he/she wishes to be self appointed to the USP, or unless a question regarding verification is raised by a volunteer vote counter.
17. ONLY ONE SINGLE PARLIAMENTARY BALLOT, IS PERMITTED TO BE MARKED BY EACH U.S. RESIDENT: All U.S. residents, and U.S. citizens living abroad, may vote one time and only one time, during each US Parliament (USP) election cycle. In cases where a second ballot is cast, only the latter of the two ballots will be counted, the former will be marked spoiled and regarded disqualified.
18. ARCHIVES of all records of every ballot cast since the USP was founded on August 1th, 1995 when recognized by the US Federal Elections Commission, are to be kept as proof in the USP's archives.
19. NOMINEES' STATEMENTS for the "8th USA Parliament Election" must be post-marked and received before 4/15/2012. Late statements shall be included when possible.
Nominations and Resignations
20. NOMINATIONS: Any resident of the United States of America, living at home or abroad, may nominate up to three names for either member of parliament or for president or vice president. The full name of the nominees and nominators will be recorded, made public and will be available through the US Parliament's secretary's office. Nominations mailed through US Mail or email, must be postmarked and received between February 1st and March 31st in each election cycle. Pacific Standard Time (PST) shall apply in all time relevant cases, on all election matters. First and last names are preferred, however all names nominated will be permitted on the ballot, as well as the party/category of the nominee. If party/category not known, the label "[Info. Not Avail.]" will be used. A nominee's name (and thus identity) may appear on the ballot once, so fusion voting is not allowed. Other than the "automatic nominations" (see next rule #21), only the top twelve ranked names of all new nominees within each party /category will qualify for the ballot, to be ranked below all other names on the prepared ballot. The order of these names will be determined firstly based on the rankings of "nomination ballots", and secondly by chronological order of the dates that the nominee's name was received (between 2/1/2012 and 3/31/2012).
21. AUTOMATIC NOMINATIONS OF ELECTED MEMBERS' NAMES IN 100 and 1000 MEMBER DISTRICTS: All elected names of the 100 and 1000 seats, plus the five executives, the full cabinet ministers and an elected president and vice president from each of the 12 subsidiary districts, shall automatically qualify for the ballot in each four year election cycle, of each and every 100 and 1000 member district.
21.b) The national parliament and national parliament's ballot will consist of 1000 elected names and ballot qualified MPs.
22. RESIGNATIONS. When any elected member, executive or minister stands down, resigns, retires, or dies - the transfer of office will be presented to the 2nd preferred choice on the same voters' ballots (STV) for that seat and respective seat garnered in each election.
23. NOMINATION SEASON DORMANCY: All votes of confidence and elections of executives or cabinet members shall pause during the nomination period from February 1st to March 31st of each Parliament's election year.
Election Ethos and Bylaws
24. FOR SINGLE-WINNER ELECTIONS, such as election of a set of rules, the single transferable vote system (STV, Droop) will be used through preference voting.
25. TIE VOTES will be broken by calling new elections.
26. VOTES OF CONFIDENCE for the Prime Minister (also known as Taoiseach), secretary and/or rules, may be collected at any time, by any member of the US Parliament, and in subsidiary parliaments.
27. THE TRIPLE PRIME MINISTER/DUAL SECRETARY SYSTEM will be implemented in the 8th US Parliament, and executive decisions will be made by the five (known as "executives"), in a majority rule vote, of at least 3/5ths of the three prime ministers and two secretaries. Only three of the five executive members are needed to implement actions by the executive as a whole. Rule #4 will be the voting system used for election of the three prime ministers and the two secretaries, as a three member district (three prime ministers), and as a two member district (two secretaries). The two districts combined are the elected five executives. (Sainte-Lague)
Permanence And Ad Hom/ Inalienable Rights.
28. PERMANENCE. These Rules nor intent purpose and function will not change once approved by majority vote by the elected members, or MPs, of the 8th USA Parliament. These rules shall apply to the 8th USA Parliament's Election and the subsidiary state, and county parliaments' elections, unless they are voted down by majority on or before 4/20/2012.
29. NO PERSON MAY BE CENSORED, and no limits may be placed on free speech by/of any other person or nominee, including US Parliament elected members and staff, at any time. An act of such is analogous to the present federal government action (speaker)'s words are to be taken down. Party/category's names may not be used in such a way that slanders or libels names of any person, or other party/categories or individuals. Those that refuse to comply, by continuing to libel others through their choice of party name, will be categorized as members of the Anarchist Party. Elected members using a name or pseudonym rather than their actual name, which libels, slanders or mimics (such as incorrect spellings), shall have their name censored, and instead will be known only as Anonymous.
30. DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY shall include overseeing the communication link between members. The secretary calls for new elections when ties occur, and helps oversee convening and recessing of each parliament assembly. Contact the US Parliament via telephone 415-686-1996 or the web site at http://www.usparliament.org for obtaining more information.
31. Referendum of 8th USA Parliament Archive Additions: A Parliamentary album focused on comment, debate and collection inclusive of local, state, and federal corruption and police / public office exploitation or crime conducted by such persons.(ad Hoc. The president's executive privilege is no less anarchic than the meter maids side business of meth dealing) The focus of the record is not to generalize public service institutions as evil (i.e. Fk the Police) but to decide what are the correct ways in which that service can be carried out, or should, so that outlaws and poor candidates are then clearly also disciplined along with the administration hiring of poor choice or partisanship.
MPs, MSPs and MMPs of the 100 and 1000 elected member groups, are encouraged to participate through a sort of national shadow Attorney General communication tree. Reference: AK/S: Authoritarian Knacker/Sack.
32. The role of the elected President and Vice President of the national 9th USA Parliament is to each rank all known US Senate candidates in every state on a ballot. The ballot(s) cast by the President and/or Vice President will be combined and counted under STV in rule #3, where the US Senate candidate elected is the one receiving the highest number of ranked votes or "tics", and the one with the lowest sum of all tics wins when ties occur.
The elected US Senate candidate will be recognized as such by all members of the USA Parliament on all levels and in every state as the elected US Senate member of the "Coalition of Three" in their prospective state: US President/US Vice President/US Senate candidates.
The elected US Senate candidate will also coordinate with the USA Parliament's nationally elected President and Vice President during both the presidential and state elections from the date elected on August 6th, through the first Tuesday of November. In their state's partisan at-large candidates, additional teams of candidates will be elected at-large by ballots cast by all the ballot qualified partisan candidates themselves within each state's at-large elections.
The USA Parliament's President and Vice President may improve or change their ranked ballots for one or more of the state US Senators at any time during their term, thus giving the actual team US Senate candidates names, elected or unelected to state office, a certain dynamic which can change according the President and Vice President's rankings.
33. THE SIXTY FULL CABINET MINISTERS: The US Parliament's national, super-state, mini-state and micro-state parliament assemblies shall elect up to 60 unique Full Cabinet Ministers. Each of the five executives agree to rank all names nominated by each of the other four executives, thus guaranteeing that each of the five executives elects 1/5th of the 60 cabinet ministers. All duplicate ministries with lower ranked names shall be elected as deputy ministers, and all nominees not elected shall be grouped as ministers awaiting higher rankings by executives. Once all SIXTY full ministries are elected, the executives shall take turns nominating new names to the cabinet, unless the parliamentary go-ahead is given, at which time all new nominees automatically receive all other four executives' #1 rankings. Thus each of the five executives are guarateed to automatically elect at least nine new nominees to any of the 60 Full Minister positions in the Cabinet.
34. Declare Roseanne Barr Queen
This rule, once approved by the ruling coalition will make Roseanne Barr the Queen of the 8th USA Parliament and all consecutively elected USA Parliaments from the 8th USA Parliament thereafter, in compliance with the US Constitution.
The rule will remain in effect until her death, or until the rule is changed by the majority coalition. Her decsendents will not be elected Monarch automatically, unless approved by the ruling coalition. She and all future royalty elected, must be a USA citizen, and must have been born within the United States of America.
35. Five Executives to Elect Five Princesses and Royalty Staff Members
The USA Parliament's five executives (the three Prime Ministers and two Secretaries) shall elect five princesses and two or more staff members in two multi-member districts. The princesses and staff will be paid with Queen Roseanne Notes (QRNs).
The five princesses will nominate a Queen in waiting from among their own names, Royalty rules and two or more Royalty staff, by electing them all simultaneously in one multi-winner district. In case of the current Queen's death, the USA Parliament's ruling coalition will give the final approval of the revised Queen rule #34, automatically electing the nominated Queen, Royalty rules and staff.
36. Parliament Platform
The elected executives shall elect a party platform with a series of "planks". The parliament's planks will be used as a guide and road map as things to be accomplished once elected in governmental office, and each plank shall be listed in consecutive order beginning with the #1. Only the planks that are ranked by the five elected executives (the three prime ministers and two secretaries) will be considered approved by the parliament under ranked choice consensus voting.

Executive Platform Platform Minister Sam Hopkins [Info. Not Avail.]

Deputy Platform Minister J.R. Myers [Constitution] 
The USA Parliament's Executive Platform's Planks Updated on 11/22/2014
1 VOTING SYSTEMS: Abolish the electoral college. Adopt the Sainte-Lague parliament seat distribution system, TO ELECT LEADERS BASED ON POPULAR VOTE WITHOUT INTERFERENCE OF CONTROL BY ANY GROUP.
2 CORPORATE LAW: Overturn the citizen's united ruling that 80% of America is opposed to. Add a constitutional amendment that says corporations are not people and that corporations are forbidden to lobby or give money DIRECTLY to political campaigns. And are specifically limited in the amounts Corporations can give per year to any PAC, or Candidate for office, and such non-tax deductible donations must all be publicly disclosed for all to see.
3 RESTORE GLASS-STEAGAL ACT: Restore Glass Steagal act.
4 PRO-ORGANIC FOODS AND PURE WATER: Incentives for implementing Pro-organic foods & pure water.
5 INFRASTRUCTURE: A rebuilding of America's infrastructure with a huge investment in high speed rail, electric cars, windmills, solar panels and any other energy efficient technology. Major R&D research into green tech and find those silver bullet breakthroughs that could create a tech boom much like the evolution of the computer/internet age that's still evolving. It's long overdue that America invests in itself and that our government takes a very active role in this. Hiring preferences need to be given to US citizens first and foremost. Also, meaning an increase in the public investments made into the universities of this nation, to encourage leading scientists and high level students to test and work on as much cutting edge research as is possible at the university level with full government support and resources to expedite research.
6 Immediate labeling of all foods containing GMO products and require that seeds be made available for testing as a condition of their release to the market.
7 HEALTH CARE: a) A tax based expansion of medicare taxation on all workers, to the point of offering that national insurance plan for all the people under the age of 65, but limited to true emergencies and yearly checkups and otherwise tests which doctors insist are needed. (meaning free healthcare, but not cushy everything you want once a week healthcare which some (some) often do, but honest as everything YOU ACTUALLY NEED healthcare.)
b) The existing HMO systems can remain as supplementary, faster, better service care systems, which offer faster more convenient services, as the result of paying into said HMO systems. Meaning, for profit care can remain, if it actually provides extra services to its members, while all rational and reasonable real needed care for the masses would be provided as by the national system.
c) The payment scale for this national plan would be set to what medicare is now, and adjusted as is reasonable over time.
d) As part of this national plan, a form of nationalized cheaper testing for all biological samples (blood tests), is needed to provide the affordable means to encourage testing by doctors, and doing everything to motivate doctors to investigate their patients problems to the utmost, and do to this, requires cheap and efficient and trustworthy testing. Yet again, still allow private testing to service HMO's and other systems, who service private clients for profit.
8 CONGRESSIONAL LEGISLATION: CONGRESS PASS SPECIFIC AND EFFECTIVE LAWS LIMITING THE INFLUENCE OF LOBBYISTS AND ELIMINATING THE PRACTICE OF LOBBYISTS WRITING LEGISLATION THAT ENDS UP ON THE FLOOR OF CONGRESS. And empower the Attorney General to seek punishment for Representatives who do not write their own bills. All Congressional bills must be written by members of Congress, and must be read in entirety by members of Congress prior to voting.
9 PRIVACY: We support upholding the fourth Amendment 4 - Search and Seizure. Ratified 12/15/1791. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Restore constitutional rights of privacy and freedom from self-incrimination.
* * *

The executives' eballots cast which elected the planks on the platform:
Prime Minister Miss Joy Waymire's [Decline to State] Eballot Received on 8/5/2012:
Executive's Marked Eballot for Platform Planks
Secretary James Ogle's [Republican] Eballot Received on 11/3/2012:
Executive's Marked Eballot for Platform Planks
Prime Minister Jeffrey Drobman [Democratic] Eballot Received on 11/20/2014:
Executive's Marked Eballot for Platform Planks
Prime Minister Vanessa Davis [Defender of the Republic] Eballot Not Received:
Executive's Marked Eballot for Platform Planks
Secretary Benjamin Meiklejohn [Green Independent] Eballot Not Received:
Executive's Marked Eballot for Platform Planks

The USA Parliament Press Secretary Ministry

The Tenth USA Parliament
8/6/2016 to 8/5/2020

Prime MinisterMiss Joy Waymire [Anarchist]
SecretaryJames Ogle [Republican]
Prime MinisterJeffrey Drobman [Democratic]
SecretaryBenjamin Meiklejohn [Green Independent]
Prime MinisterEdlira Zeka [Democratic]
President: Edlira Zeka [Democratic]
Vice President: James Ogle [Republican]

The USA Parliament Welcome!

Welcome to The United Coalition!
By James Ogle [Free Parliamentary]
See also, Business Overview
Thank you for allowing us to use your name in the Parliament. Your name will be edited into the international, national, state or county level of the Parliament's web site as elected or self-appointed.
Your name will be elected or appointed to the highest position available. Please allow 24 to 48 hours for the editing to be completed and contact us if your name doesn't appear there as you expected. When there are ever any further requests, additions, corrections, etc., etc. please don't hesitate to contact us.
If your name wasn't elected or nominated and you do want your name nominated or elected now, then please click the "Register" tab in the navigation bar, follow the directions there and write in your name (or some one else's name to represent you) and click "send".
Use the same method on the "Register" tab for removing your name (to "stand down") by writing in your request; to be removed, switch party/category, or to make any other changes.
MIP=member of international parliament (Earth)
MP=member of parliament (USA National Level)
MSP=member of super-state parliament (State or Multiple States Level)
MMP=member of mini-state parliament (County or Multiple Counties Level)
MCMP=member of county micro-state parliament (Single County Level)
* * *
The Unity Coalition is fueled by votes cast and kept as proof. The marked ballots (and eballots) use a ranking system where voting by ranking is required. To do that you'd need to type in numbers (i.e. #1, #2, #3, #4, etc., etc.), the more the better, and that's the first step of the algebra. That's known as ranked choice voting (RCV). (E)Ballots MUST always be marked with consecutively ranked numbers beginning with the number one or the (e)ballot is deemed less democratically legit when incorrectly marked.
There are many voting systems that use RCV, and the one that this web site uses is the Sainte-Lague parliament seat distribution system, Hagenbach-Bischoff method, in multi-winner districts only. By using only multi-winner districts of two or more we nurture team psychology.
It's around the single parliamentary (e)ballots on which we build. We are configuring these Parliaments as a "citizens' committee" web site, where the elected names are listed along with their terms, responsibilities, parties, etc., where people can readily see and understand the rules for how the organization works and how to weigh in and make their voices heard.
We acknowledge the fact that a lot of work needs to be done. That's why we welcome and appreciate your name and your talents. We apologize in advance if we're not able to utilize your valuable resources and contributions better. Don't let us slow you down. Let's get to work as a team ASAP. Demand the ball now and run with it. Our secretaries are waiting to hear from you and we're eager to act and improve. Eager, ready and able to spread the word about your ideas for unity. Let's make it so today!
The Sixty Full Cabinet Ministers
Small Business Administration Minister Benjamin Meiklejohn
Foreign Affairs Minister Robert Morris [Republican]
Research and Science Minister Niranjan C. Bhat [Info. Not Avail.]
Press Secretary Minister Tim McClellan [Independent]
Defense Minister Palmer Kain [Info. Not Avail.]
Environmental Minister Andy Caffrey [Democratic]
FEMA Minister Joe Phillips [Socialist]
Health and Human Services Minister Kristy Knight [Consciousness]
Government Reduction Minister Joseph Kopsick [Mutualism and Cooperation]
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Minister Nikhil Chakma [Jumma indigenous people, Chittagong Hill Tracts]
Interior Minister David Grimesey [Green]
Treasury Minister Miss Joy Waymire [Decline to State]
Independent Expenditure Minister James Ogle [Free Parliamentary]
Mediation Minister Miss Joy Waymire [Decline to State]
United States Postal (USP) Minister Andrew Hollis [Info. Not Avail.]

Housing and Urban Development Minister Ernest Wells [Communist]
Families, Housing, Community and Indigenous People Minister Vicky Holte Takamine [Info. Not Avail.]
FBI Minister Samuel Clemens [Atheist]
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Minister John Spencer [Liberty]
Peace Corps Minister Beverly Dittmar [Libertarian]
Global Foreign Affairs Minister Edlira Zeka [Democratic]
Federal Maritime Commission Minister Eric Peterson [Green]
Securities & Exchange Minister Jim Mueller [Direct Representation]
IRS Minister Patricia Gray [Justice]
Federal Elections Commission Minister James Mason [Justice]
Justice Minister Clinton Crane [Whig]
Agriculture Minister Mary M. Hill [Independent]
Economics Minister Amaterasu Solar [Ethical Planetarian]
Federal Communications Commissioner Minister Brandon Andrews [Info. Not Avail.]
Evict Corporate Influence Minister Dale Hamaker [Independent]

Arts & Culture Minister Lucian Myron [Polyglot]
National Council on Disability Minister Alexander "Sasha" Ivanoff [Independent]
General Services Administration Minister William Cerf [Green, Modern Whig]
Speaker Minister Aldous C. Tyler [Green]
Federal Reserve System Minister Cornelius F. Brantley Jr. [Multi-Party USA]
Social Security Administration (SSA) Minister Veronica Nowakowski [Socialist]
States Rights Minister Parker Louis Seely [Conservative libertarian Independent]
Labor Minister Joseph C. Skues [Green]
Transportation Minister Saichairi Rian McGrath [Socialist]
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Minister Barbara Marumoto [Republican]
Human Rights Minister Mimi Soltysik [Socialist]
Constitutional Law Minister Larry Carter Center [Green]
Energy Minister Dr. Paul Kangas [Green]
Veterans Affairs Minister Dick V. Franson [Independent]
Vote Counting Minister Will Lupinacci [Green]

Attorney General Minister Asa Gordon [DC Statehood]
Platform Minister Sam Hopkins [libertarian]
Supreme Electoral Council Minister Rhys Scarlett [United Socialism]
Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive Minister Matt Lemmons [United Socialism]
Internal Affairs of the Senate Minister Steve Kest [Info. Not Avail.]
CIA Minister Mark Phillips [Info. Not Avail.]
BATF Minister Russell Lajoie [Peace]
Education Minister Merlin Harper [JacobinTrotsky]
AMTRAK (National Railroad Passenger Corporation) Minister Michael Villinova [Progressive Socialist]
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Minister Michael Music [Peace & Freedom]
Native American Affairs Minister Charlie Hill [Info. Not Avail.]
Homeland Security Minister Thomas Muhammad [Independent]
Commerce Minister Jim Cortez [Roseannearchist]
Secretary of State Minister Patrick Swarts [Roseannearchist]
Farm Credit Administration Minister Prince Joseph [Roseannearchist]

The Deputy Cabinet Ministers
Deputy Small Business Administration Minister Dave Valente [Libertarian]
Deputy Research and Science Minister Keenan Dunham [Libertarian]
Deputy Press Secretary Minister Dorothy Collins [Democratic]
Deputy Defense Minister Brian Crowell [Info. Not Avail.]
Deputy Environmental Minister Charlie Strong [Boarder]
Deputy FEMA Minister JZ Knight [Info. Not Avail.]
Deputy Health and Human Services Minister Sean Churchill [Independent]
Deputy Government Reduction Minister Greg Cipes [Info. Not Avail.]
Deputy Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Minister Sevenlayercake [Roseannearchist]
Deputy Interior Minister Paul Holman [Independent Democrat]
Deputy Treasury Minister Rocky Anderson [Justice]
Deputy Independent Expenditure Minister Shannon Cox [RoseanneArchist]
Deputy Mediation Minister Laurie Irvin [Roseannearchist]
Deputy United States Postal Service (USPS) Minister Robert S. [Pot]

Deputy Housing and Urban Development Minister Kelly Ann Pritchard [Roseannearchist]
Deputy FBI Minister April Flint [Democratic]
Deputy Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Minister Dashus Christ [Roseannearchist]
Deputy Peace Corps Minister Mary Zimmerman [Democratic]
Deputy Global Foreign Affairs Minister Joy Waymire [Decline to State]
Deputy Federal Maritime Commission Minister Jake Pentland [Roseannearchist]
Deputy Securities & Exchange Minister Misha Bogatirev [Environmentalist]
Deputy IRS Minister Michele Marie Bachmann [Republican]
Deputy Federal Elections Commission Minister Cornelius F. Brantey Jr. [Multi-Party USA]
Deputy Justice Minister Jay Kelly [Roseannearchist]
Deputy Agriculture Minister Anita Stewart [Green]
Deputy Economics Minister Jim Burns [Libertarian]
Deputy Federal Communications Commissioner Minister Hal Ginsberg [Green]
Deputy Evict Corporate Influence Minister Debra "Paaatriot101" Paulsen [Independent]
Deputy Arts & Culture Minister Willie Nelson [Teapot]

Deputy National Council on Disability Minister Michael King [Roseannearchist]
Deputy General Services Administration Minister Joshua-Paul Angell [Communist]
Deputy Speaker Minister Johnny Argent [Roseannearchist]
Deputy Federal Reserve System Minister Magdalena Zurawski [Roseannearchist]
Deputy Social Security Administration (SSA) Minister Adam Cavalli [Roseannearchist]
Deputy States Rights Minister Rene Jean [Free Parliamentary]
Deputy Labor Minister Joan Briscoe [Independent]
Deputy Transportation Minister Nathan Johnson [American Independent]
Deputy Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Minister Elizabeth Brossa [Roseannearchist]
Deputy Human Rights Minister Debs Keeler [Roseannearchist]
Deputy Constitutional Law Minister Mosheh Thezion [All]
Deputy Energy Minister Carey Campbell [Green]
Deputy Veterans Affairs Minister Gail Lightfoot [Libertarian]
Deputy Vote Counting Minister Rich Stevenson [Green]
Deputy Attorney General Minister Carl Person [Libertarian]

Deputy Platform Minister J.R. Myers [Constitution]
Deputy BATF Minister Jeannette O'Neal [Non-partisan]
Deputy Internal Affairs of the Senate Minister Colleen Camp Goldwyn [Info. Not Avail.]
Deputy CIA Minister Tippy Canoe [Roseannearchist]
Deputy Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive Minister Zachary Scott Gordon [Free Parliamentary]
Deputy Supreme Electoral Council Minister Casey Peters [Independent]
Deputy Education Minister Daniel David Gentry [Catholic Trotskyist]
Deputy AMTRAK (National Railroad Passenger Corporation) Minister Seth Wetmore [Green Chaos]
Deputy Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Minister Tina Cook [Independent]
Deputy Homeland Security Minister Larry Sckwarczynski [Green]
Deputy Native American Affairs Minister Lisa Sahani [Roseannearchist]
Deputy Secretary of State Josh Ondich [Independent-Democrat]
Deputy Commerce Minister
Deputy Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Minister
Deputy Farm Credit Administration Minister
Deputy Families, Housing, Community and Indigenous People Minister 

All these people are traitors and committing treason towards the USA Constitutions and Government that our forefathers established. There rules constitute Communism and dictatorship. YOU DISAGREE WITH THEM THEY WILL KILL YOU. Please note Roseanne Barr name is not associated with this organization anymore.

Map of the 12 Population Balanced Super-States
Click on your state!

New EnglandCircuit 1New York
Circuit 2
North Atlantic
Circuit 3
Circuit 4
SouthEastCircuit 5South
Circuit 6
Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and VermontNew YorkDelaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and New JerseyVirginia, West Virginia, North Carolina and South CarolinaFlorida and Georgia

  (plus territories; Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands)
Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Alabama, and Tennessee

Great Lakes
Circuit 7
Circuit 8
Circuit 9
Circuit 10
Circuit 12
Indiana, Michigan and OhioIllinois, Iowa, Minnesota and  WisconsinTexasArizona, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Nebraska, Oklahoma and UtahCaliforniaAlaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Nevada, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington and Wyoming
(plus territories; American Samoa and Guam)

And who has been trashing me ? For suggesting him to check his friends list because someone was reporting him for his postings. I have seen worse postings on FaceBook than what he wrote and never deleted. I can understand why now... But Tim McClellan part of the Wacky Doogle group....
Now on Facebook he states the following 
President / CEO USAGuard.org Geopolitical Strategist, Int'l Journalist & Counter Terrorism Intel SOP

  1. President / CEO USAGuard.org Geopolitical Strategist, Int'l Journalist & Counter Terrorism Intel SOP

He wrote the following  IMs on facebook to me

He threaten PM of Israels life

Keep in mind this will be the last time you will see a picture like this because of you playing childish games. You will see Hillary and she is no friend of Israel's. Nice work!

Threaten me several times
Sure and that's why it was given to you to give to me. Your way out of your league. Good luck you'll need it with Mossad coming for you. Your a legend in your own mind. Phony as hell. Nobody makes me mad. I am way to intelligent for that. Nice try child.

threaten Israel
When the support under Hillary gets pulled Israel is finished. That is on you.

 more threats

You have already destroyed yourself. I just get to watch the show.
To stupid to know you just screwed Israel. Pitiful.

In the last five minutes, right. You lying evil twisted bitch. Good they know then that you are a TRAITOR!!!

Agreed. While the world crashes around you and you could have done something about it, remember what you just said.
If you think you wounded me, you don't know me at all.

God help you. You just fucked with the wrong person that was your friend until you showed your true colors. I don't believe you had or could get the BC anyway. Now you have proven you will backstab a friend. You are the very essence of evil and I destroy evil. I don't fight, I annihilate.

Press Secretary Minister Tim McClellan [Independent]
Contact Press Secretary Minister Tim McClellan [Independent]:
Telephone 954.234.7115
 Political Strategist, Inc. on Merchant Circle. Call: 954-234-7115,  2637 E Atlantic Blvd #128, Pompano Beach, FL, 33062

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