Saturday, September 17, 2016

Earth to Hillary... Earth to Hillary

Comes Now, Hillary Clinton is for Women Rights is a false statement.

Bill Groped her on a campaign Jet and Hillary did nothing

Lets bring up Hillary's past Do you remember this or did you lose of memory start here. Earth to Hillary... Earth to Hillary


A former flight attendant on Bill Clinton's 1991-92 campaign plane claims in a paid interview with a supermarket tabloid that Clinton fondled her on the jet while his wife slept a few feet away. Cristy Zercher told the Star magazine that the future President also barraged the flight attendants with rude gestures and crude sexual jokes about barnyard animals. Zercher, the latest in a string of women who have charged that Clinton sexually harassed them, said the Democratic presidential candidate once invited her to join him in the campaign jet's bathroom while his pants were unzipped. Ex-Clinton campaign advisers scoffed at the allegations, and an ex-husband of Zercher's said he found the story hard to believe. Zercher, now a corporate executive assistant living in Clifton, N.
J., could not be reached for comment. Star editor Phil Bunton said "she was in hiding" and might hold a press conference soon. Bunton admitted the 34-year-old blond Texan was paid for the interview and photographs that accompanied the story. He declined to say how much. Gennifer Flowers was paid $150,000 by the Star for the story of her affair with Clinton. In an interview with The Washington Post in July 1994, Zercher made no mention of being harassed by Clinton and said only that he had flirted with her. She quoted him as telling her, "I could really get lost in those blue eyes.
" In the same article, she said that top Clinton troubleshooter Bruce Lindsey warned her not to accept Clinton's invitations to work out with him and to tell reporters "all positive things" if they asked about campaign plane antics. And in a 1992 interview with her Texas hometown paper, the Celina Record, she talked only about admiring his ability to answer questions on a variety of issues. Star magazine provided a notarized and sworn March 23 affidavit in which Zercher attested "to the truth of the material furnished which appeared in the article.
" The supermarket tabloid said "several of her friends and relatives" have confirmed that Zercher told them she was harassed by Clinton. None of those persons was identified by name. Although she was quoted in the story as being "humiliated" by Clinton, Zercher is seen smiling in an undated photograph with the Democratic candidate's hand wrapped around her waist. Zercher said she was shocked by Clinton's alleged behavior, which she charged started in late 1991 as his campaign got under way and he first met her and the two other attendants on the jetliner. "His immediate reaction was, 'Wow, this is great! What'd they do, go out and hire models?
' " Zercher claimed. Clinton's behavior got more lewd and crude, and by the end of the campaign was so bad, "if he'd been a passenger on a commercial plane, or even a regular charter, under FAA rules he would have been prosecuted or fined," she said. Zercher said that on an overnight flight from New York to California, Clinton began rubbing her left breast and asking her intimate questions about her two failed marriages while Hillary Clinton slept a few feet away. Zercher said the groping went on for about 40 minutes before another flight attendant, Debra Schiff, told Clinton, "I really think you'd be more comfortable in your chair," and he left. Zercher said she stayed silent about Clinton's alleged advances because she was afraid of losing her job and now wishes "I had the maturity then I have today that I could have said something when the behavior was inappropriate.
" Zercher's charges come after claims by Kathleen Willey that Clinton groped her outside the Oval Office and accusations that he lied about an affair with ex-White House intern Monica Lewinsky. The President has denied the allegations. Clinton lawyer Robert Bennett and White House spokesman Jim Kennedy had no immediate comment on the Star report. But Jim Fisher, the lawyer representing Clinton sex-harassment accuser Paula Jones, said he intends to look into Zercher's story. Key aides who traveled with Clinton on the plane cast doubt on Zercher's story. "That's absolutely ludicrous," said James Carville, a top Clinton strategist in the 1992 campaign. Carville said the Clinton campaign did not have a regular charter until sometime after the New Hampshire primary in 1992. Zercher said the charter started in 1991. Dee Dee Myers, Clinton's former press secretary, said Clinton "was friendly with the stewardesses, but I never saw anything inappropriate.
" In a recent interview with the National Journal, former White House chief of staff Leon Panetta said Clinton's aides took great pains to make sure he was never alone with women who were not family or close friends. Ex-husband John Zercher, in Celina, Tex., said she recently warned him that reporters might call him asking about her but didn't say why. "I can't see her charging someone like Clinton with sexual harassment," he said. "That's not like her.
" Zercher was one of three attendants on the plane. The others were Schiff and Angela Fields. Schiff, who works as the receptionist in the West Wing of the White House, referred a reporter to her lawyer, who declined to comment. Fields could not be reached. In the Star article, Zercher also claimed that photos and a diary she kept during the campaign were stolen from her apartment during a mysterious break-in and that the White House pressured her to keep quiet. GRAPHIC shows various pages and cover of Star Magazine, including excerpted quotes from Jame Carville and Cristy Zercher. Notes:Graphic not available electronically

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