Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Syrian Refugees are ungrateful, tax payers are spending $257,481 per family that resettles in America

Read this .. and Muslim Obama wants to bring in more...

ALERT: Syrian Refugees Threaten to Leave America If THESE Demands Are Not Met

 While the refugees are being fed good food, clothed, and sheltered in nice facilities by European and American governments, some of them have decided to speak up. They have a message to give about their current decision, and it isn’t a pretty one.

Recently in the Netherlands during a television broadcast about Syrian migrants, a Dutch reported spoke with the refugees after finding out that they were sleeping outside of their nice facilities in protest of their conditions. The refugees were literally refusing to go back inside the nice buildings specifically built for them.
“This isn’t a life when you get right down to it. There is a TV but all it has is the news. And the bed is only a twin,” is what one English-speaking Syrian woman had to say who was wearing nicer clothes than you might expect for a refugee. Apparently this woman is a part of one of the “lesser” refugee camps, as hers doesn’t have a full-sized recreational center like some of the larger ones.
“We are going to stay outside because we don’t want to be subjugated to these types of living standards. We fled from our country to America because we want a better way of life. This isn’t enough for us.”

This woman even hinted that she thought they could do better if they went back to Syria, which is currently infested with radical Muslims sprouting off extremist Islamic ideologies. When we suggested that she then in fact move back, she said that “it would be too difficult right now.”
Most of the refugees at the camp were complaining about the additional refugees that were making their way into the compound. You would think they might be content with all of the free stuff that they are getting given the horrible conditions in their current country.
It’s amazing when you step back and take a look at the direction that the country is headed. Under Obama and his current administration we have allowed millions of refugees into the country. What’s worse is that it looks like most of them don’t even appreciate it. In fact, they are even going so far as to complain like the woman above.
There’s one thing that these people need to realize. This is AMERICA and we aren’t going to change our culture for you. These values were built over hundreds of years. Brave patriots have fought and died to protect the freedoms these Syrian Refugees say “aren’t enough.”
But it gets even worse. On top of them being ungrateful, tax payers are spending $257,481 per family that resettles in America. This is coming straight from the Center for Immigration Studies.
We are sick and tired of spending our hard earned money to support these ungrateful people. If they don’t like it, they need to go back from where they came from! If you agree, leave a comment below and tell us what YOU would spend $257,481 on! We are willing to bet it isn’t on ungrateful Syrian refugees!
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