Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The SAGA ( Society Against Guardianship Abuse) Protection of Elderly Law Bill

I am for restricting the power of the Guardians of  all wards of the Untied States. Once the Courts declare a person to be incapacitated, they ignore the family and appoint a court Guardian. These Guardians may be attorneys who have a Guardian Law Businesses. They specialize in Elderly Law, Family Law and Family Practice. With a Guardianship they claim their main practice is protecting a Ward of the state.

However in most cases this doesn't happen. I know from my own experience that 2.5 million dollars was stolen from my Mother in Law when she was alive and she was told I was after her money even though I was the legal trustee of my Father in Laws Estate Trust. She was isolated from her family, placed in one home after another and the purpose for this was to hide  her and the Estate from relatives as they stole the money from an irrevocable trust held by Legg Mason which is now Morgan Stanley Smith Barney. They then placed the money into a revocable trust fund where the Attorney Guardian was the trustee and the beneficiary. This was done through an investment adviser  who made commission off the money transfers. This adviser didn't like me because I was wise to how he handled  my personal investments and  money He told people how much I had. I personally removed everything from that account and placed it into Alex Brown where my information was safe.

My Mother in Law signed a predesignated Guardianship, a Will that read like a contract,That  didn't include a "of sound mind ' clause because she didn't have one, and she also signed a power of attorney which gave the attorney ultimate power over her. after she scored on the State Mini Mental Exam a 12 out of 30 points. It was clear to me and many Psychiatrists she was not in her right mind and didn't understand what she was signing but the Judge and Magistrates ignored it. I fought these attorneys for 10 years, then her money ran out of the Trust Funds.  She was suddenly  taken out of the home, her furniture was sold and she died 3 months later in an unknown place. She was buried in a different state without the family being notified. Her new best friends were all written into the will and that money all 2.5 million was divided among them.

I have just received the accounting papers last year, 3 years after her death. I am an accountant. The Attorney knew this and I went over each check that was written out to CASH and to various new friends as gifts from an account she was not allowed to draw from. The CASH checks were forged and according to the IRS Signature Experts it was not her signature but a signature of a younger woman. My Mother in law was allowed to live off the interest only. To withdraw money from  the Principle she had to present bills which she never did. Her long term care insurance took care of the assisted living. Sums of $8,000 per month were withdrawn. After she died 2 sums were withdrawn and one attempted withdrawal 7 months later but it was rejected because I was asking questions where the account was.

Mixed into  the accounting papers   was a letter that states  Her guardian asked for an increase of the money to go to another account he was guardian of. He is an attorney and another new best friend. He also had no standing to touch , transfer and access the accounts and the money according to the courts.

My family believes she was murdered. My mother in Law was diabetic and was fed large amounts of sugar at the end. There is a restriction on the family to exume the body and the funeral directors refuse to talk to us because we know that the doctors signature is a forgery. There are no records in his office and he has never heard of her. Everything is questionable.

I had called the Sheriffs department and filed a report. This was one of many reports I filed in the past only this one stuck after getting witness and the DCF report from the Sheriffs office.One thing you should  do is   not take anyone's word. I found out my name was on a do not give information to list so I entered the home under another name with forged ID and visited her. She d id not recognize me this was the mental state she was in. In one Nursing home according to their records her rib was broken and after that she was removed from the home after the home started an investigation.  Who Broke her rib? On the guest list was the signature of her new best friend visiting her that day. ( You come to your own conclusion.)

The reason why I am writing this is I have a bill that I want to present to US Congress and the US Senate making it a Federal Crime for Guardians whether they are  Attorneys or not to stop financial abuse    The Elderly Laws are written by Guardians who are  state senators and congress people who own Guardianship business  . The problem I found is that most of your US Congresspersons and US Senators    own Guardianship businesses and so do some  Judges in Family and Probate courts. So there is no hurry in introducing my bill to make it a Federal law to restrict them..

This  will be my signature Bill: The SAGA ( Society Against Guardianship Abuse) Protection of Elderly Law Bill which will give the families equal rights in the caring of the Ward. This bill will restrict the Guardians dictatorship over the finances and place of residence  by stopping the Guardian from moving them and isolating them from love ones and friends, This will also require  the signature of the Guardian as well as  2 family members..  This way the Guardians can not buy personal items for themselves, re-model their homes, buy new cars etc.

Support me to protect your family. There is a never ending supply of the Elderly.

Guardians are now using tracker  anklets on the elderly. They are not allowed to leave the place they are living and are required to sit quiet not talk watch TV or they will be drugged. Most families have to kidnap their loved ones out of the hands of the Guardians to save their mother's and father's lives. The Guardians are imprisoning their wards. There is a way to remove the device with icing the lock and breaking the catch. or cut it off with knife or scissors and remove them from the state  and hide them in Mexico or Canada and open a new bank account there with the SS security check going to that account.

 My bill will allow families  peace of mind  Protect the innocent and secure family values

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