Friday, January 3, 2014

Klayman NSA class actions move forward

Klayman NSA class actions move forward
(Washington, D.C., January 3, 2014) Today, it has been mistakenly reported that Senator Rand Paul will be the first to file a class action lawsuit regarding the NSA's spy program in the D.C. District Court as an individual, not as a U.S. Senator. This news comes just two weeks after the Honorable Judge Richard Leon ruled that the NSA's dragnet collection of metadata of over 300 million Americans violates the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. But, Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch, Freedom Watch and also a former Justice Department prosecutor, filed two class action lawsuits in June (13-cv-881, 13-cv-851) in DC federal court. The class certification is pending but Klayman feels confident that the certification will be approved shortly in these or related proceedings.

"Charles Strange, Mary Ann Strange, Matthew Garrison, Michael Ferrari and I were the first to file class action suits against President Barack Obama and his NSA. It has now been found in a court of law that the government's actions are unconstitutional. While I support Senator Paul's efforts, months ago I spoke with Senator Paul at a Tea Party rally in front of the Capitol regarding the NSA's spy program. I asked him to support our cases and in fact to join with us, since we already had class action lawsuits filed. However, and regrettably, I never heard back from Senator Paul. Now, given the success of our lawsuits, he finally says he will file class action lawsuits. For whatever reason, and perhaps others have reported that these are the first class action lawsuits. They are not. If Senator Paul wishes to join our lawsuit with any of his supporters, he is most welcome as we are moving for class certification in this or in related proceedings. And, just today the Obama administration filed a notice of appeal with regard to Judge Leon's historic ruling, which we are confident will be upheld at the Supreme Court."

For more information, contact Freedom Watch at or (424) 274-2579.

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