Friday, January 3, 2014

Former Ambassador: “Israel has assassinated most of those responsible for the terrorist attacks in Argentina”

Former Ambassador: “Israel has assassinated most of those responsible for the terrorist attacks in Argentina”

About 20 years after a terrorist attack took place in the Israeli Embassy and the Argentine Jewish Charities Federation Building in Buenos Aires, Argentina, an Israeli diplomat noted that most of those who are responsible for the twin terror attacks have been assassinated by Israel. The former Ambassador stated, “We did it ourselves without help from Argentina. They still owe us answers.”

Jan 03, 2014, 01:19PM | Rachel Avraham
Terrorist attack in Argentina
Terrorist attack in Argentina Photo Credit: Channel 2
“Israel assassinated most of those responsible for the terrorist attacks in Argentina in the early 1990’s,” former Israeli Ambassador to Argentina Itzhak Aviran revealed in an interview with the AJN Jewish news agency.  “We did it ourselves.   Argentine President Carlos Menem knew what happened, but didn’t do a thing about it.”   
 According to the former Ambassador, “We still need an answer from Argentina on what happened. We know who the perpetrators of the embassy bombing were and they did it a second time.”    
 In March 1992, a car bomb exploded in the Israeli Embassy in Buenos, Aires, Argentina, killing 29 people and injuring about 200.  Damage was caused to the building.  Two years later, in the summer of 1994, 85 people were slaughtered in a terrorist attack that occurred inside the Argentine Jewish Charities Federation Building (AMIA) in the same city.  
 The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the 1992 terrorist attack on the Israeli Embassy and the AMIA terrorist attack in 1994.  However, Israel and Argentina have accused Iran of being behind the two terrorist attacks.  
The Jerusalem Post reported that eight Iranians, including former Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi and ex-Iranian President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, were charged in an Argentina court over the AMIA bombing and authorities have issued Interpol warrants demanding the extradition of five Iranians and a Lebanese.  The Jerusalem Post also asserted that Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has been linked to the AMIA terrorist attack, as he was reportedly on the special Iranian government committee led by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei that plotted the terrorist attack.

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