Friday, December 27, 2013

Knock Out Game Riot and Shuts down the mall

Is this what America has come to. It is unsafe for anyone no matter what color you are or what religion you are to be beaten in a mall from a game called the Knock Out Game.
It had come to the point that teenagers should not be allowed to walk the streets without their parents. It has come to the point that we need a police state and declare children under the age of 18 not allowed off the step of their home unless they have a parent escorting them.  Parents you are responsible for your childrens actions.

Hundreds of teens terrorize Brooklyn mall and SHUT IT DOWN after mob organized on Facebook to watch fight between girls

  • More than 400 teens swarmed the mall Thursday afternoon
  • They beat up shoppers and security guards, stole things and trashed stores and concourses
  • A game of 'knockout' may have broken out on the mall's top floor
  • The mall has banned all people under the age of 18 without an accompanying adult
Hundreds of teens terrorized a Brooklyn mall Thursday during an attack organized on social media, forcing it to close its doors for hours during crucial day after Christmas sales.
More than 400 teens swarmed Kings Plaza Mall, in Southern Brooklyn, trashing stores, assaulting shoppers and stealing things after a t-shirt insulting a high school student sparked anger among classmates.
A large group of teen girls reportedly fought each other over the incendiary t-shirt and the violent 'knockout' game also broke out on the mall’s top floor – where one teen may have been carrying a gun, cops told the New York Post.
held down
Chaos: This girl is dragged by her hair out of a fight just after the woman standing in the picture at right swung at the officer holding another person down
Teens used social media to organize the attack with the goal of putting the mall ‘on tilt,’ according to Facebook and Twitter posts cited by the Post.
The shirt showed a picture of the girl with a derogatory comment about her, the New York Daily News reported.
Mall employees rushed to close their stores as chaos broke out all around them.
‘I’ve been here seven years and I have never seen anything like this before — I’m so scared. I know they will come back,’ store clerk Abu Tabel, 31, told the paper.
‘I was begging them to stop. There were a lot of kids hundreds of kids… [Security] would chase them out one door and they would come back in another door,’ he continued.

Anarchy: A large group of people fight in the picture at left while an officer runs to break up the fight at right
Larger stores, such as Macy’s, quickly rolled down their gates to keep the calamity outside, but small merchants weren’t as able – forcing the mall to close from 5pm to 7pm, sources told the Post.
One fight caught in front of Best Buy showed the bedlam and panic of many.
There was fighting, screaming and people running for cover as fights broke out in front of multiple stores.
'You know they were playing the knockout game yesterday,' a mall employee told the Post. 'People were getting really scared. 
Crowd control: A security guard herds rowdy teens down the stairs and out of the mall


gang signs
On the move: A group of teens runs along a mall concourse while another brags about the afternoon

'A tall white guy with a grey bubble coat was wearing a ski mask and a skull cap and he had his hand under his coat like he was holding a gun,' the employee continued.
Piles of people punching and kicking each other could be seen - some people even fought with police.
A cop is shown at one point running after and tackling a teen before another officer came to assist him in subduing the person.
Another scene showed a police officer dragging a screaming girl by her hair from a fight. She was taken into custody but not arrested, according to WABC.

Police were shown standing guard of another girl injured in a separate melee.
The out-of-control crowd was ultimately herded out of the mall, but that did not stop them from bragging on social media about their escapades.
MailOnline uncovered further plans on social media to return to the Kings Plaza both today and tomorrow but that may have been thwarted by a new mall policy.
No one under the age of 18 is allowed inside the mall at any time without an accompanying adult. 
A person who declined to be named confirmed the change to MailOnline and said this will be the rule going forward.

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Below happened February 2013 


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