Friday, December 27, 2013

Hot Diggity Dog, Bun anyone?

The  Halal Weiner may be making a comeback. 

Oy just what we need, more Weiner exposure. 

Hot Diggity Dog,

 I think I am going to invent condom for cell 


Bun anyone?

Anthony Weiner uses social media to hint at a comeback

  • Former mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner wrote an end-of-year message on his Facebook page
  • He admitted 2013 hadn't gone as he planned
  • The politician said he would keep supporters informed about his plans for the new year but that he 'hoped to keep the band together'
Former New York mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner has used social media to hint at a comeback.
The politician, whose embarrassing sexting scandals saw him resign from Congress in 2011 and lose the mayoral election this year, wrote on his Facebook page that he 'hopes to keep the band together.'
'What's next? I'll keep you posted on my plans. But I hope we keep the band together,' he wrote, noting that 2013 'didn't go as I had hoped.'
Mayoral candidate: Weiner used social media to admit that 2013 hadn't gone exactly as he planned
Mayoral candidate: Weiner used social media to admit that 2013 hadn't gone exactly as he planned
The democrat became a national joke after explicit images he sent to various young women under the alias 'Carlos Danger' became public.

He was called on by the New York Times editorial board, among others, to leave the mayoral race but stayed on until the end, securing 4.9 per cent of the vote.

'I continue to be deeply sorry that my personal mistakes undermined an amazing campaign that included too many amazing staffers to mention and hundreds of volunteers and many of you who kept active from afar with ideas, contributions and encouraging notes.' wrote Weiner in his end-of-year wrap up post on Facebook.
Long-suffering wife: Weiner's wife Huma stood by him at a news conference where he addressed his sexting scandals
Long-suffering wife: Weiner's wife Huma stood by him at a news conference where he addressed his sexting scandals

Weiner expressed his support for incumbent mayor Bill DeBlasio and hinted that he may write another book in the new year. 

'Our team has to be a font of ideas and debate. I tried to run my campaign on this theme and the response was amazing. (Who knows, maybe I have a third book of ideas in me!' he wrote. 

To Facebook friends and followers, he gave words of thanks for their support and for being 'an amazing resource.'

The response was less than enthusiastic. 

'Hey, bro! Don't you have some personal issues to deal with before you get back into public life?' wrote one.

Another requested that he 'Please do not contact me again!'
Lost the race: Weiner's ratings plunged after he admitted to having illicit online exchanges with women even after he resigned from Congress amid a sexting scandal
Lost the race: Weiner's ratings plunged after he admitted to having illicit online exchanges with women even after he resigned from Congress amid a sexting scandal
Many called for Weiner to take a step back out of the limelight and retreat from public life altogether.

'You are so self involved that you don't realize that no one with any character or self-respect lost interest in you a long time ago. Your poor wife. Get over yourself and step out of public life. Let the real go-getter in your family be the face of it: your wife. She is 100 times the person you will ever be Weiner, start following her example and stop being a self involved douchebag. Please, for the love of god.'

Overall, Weiner's message, the first on his Facebook page since he lost the mayoral election, was viewed with skepicism by those who read it. 

'Your empty words conceal myriad mistakes, lapses in judgment and deceiving actions... You are not and have proven never to have been a capable leader for our community... Please, with all due respect - which is, in this case very little - retreat from public life. Perhaps then we can refocus on issues that require our attention instead of CNN reruns of Jock Shots and your hollow and recycled apologies. To your family, I hope that better days lie ahead.

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