Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2016 AMERICA FIRST LORETTA MILLER CAMPAIGN: Hillary Now faces charges in Egypt

2016 AMERICA FIRST LORETTA MILLER CAMPAIGN: Hillary Now faces charges in Egypt: My My My  first Israeli Americans sue you Hillary  Now you face charges in  Egypt..... Yep you are Presidential Material just like the Liar ...

Hillary Now faces charges in Egypt

My My My  first Israeli Americans sue you Hillary  Now you face charges in  Egypt..... Yep you are Presidential Material just like the Liar Obama.Wonder what kind of brain tumor you going to get for this trial in Egypt. Maybe they'll find it in another colonoscopy. You never know what is up Hillary's .......... you finish it. 

Hillary Clinton Faces Criminal Charges In Egypt

Photo Credit: Aaron Webb Creative Commons

According to a recent report by World Net Daily, expected 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is embroiled in yet another international scandal. Still reeling from what many perceive as a botched response to the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, reports indicate the former secretary of state is being investigated by Egypt’s attorney general.

 Hisham Barakat’s criminal complaint against Clinton alleges she conspired with the wife of former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi – and the Muslim Brotherhood – to encourage rebels in the nation.
According to a translator, Morsi’s wife, Naglaa Mahmoud, reportedly claims to have a “treasure trove of secrets from the White House,” indicating Clinton “fears my wrath.”
Mahmoud goes on to confirm she “will not speak about Huma Abedin,” a former aide with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Sources indicate Mahmoud works with Abedin’s mother, Saleha, as a leader of the Muslim Sisterhood.
As Morsi heads to trial, the actions of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will likely be central themes. As the lamest of all presidential ducks, Obama’s sullied reputation can’t suffer much more as a result of charges filed against him.
The added controversy, however, is the last thing a fledgling Clinton campaign needs
Mahmoud seems convinced Clinton will be “looking for the support of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood” in her pursuit of the Oval Office.
“Hillary depends on us tremendously to help her succeed in the coming presidential elections,” Mahmoud reportedly confirmed, “just as we helped Barack Obama win twice.”
Clinton is obviously desperate to retain power despite the frequent missteps she made during her short tenure as secretary of state. Millions of outraged Americans will not let her scandalous behavior be forgotten in the years approaching 2016.
With the stage set for another big midterm win for Republicans, the continued derailment of the Democrat Party’s presidential frontrunner only makes the conservative cause that much more attractive to voters.
–B. Christopher Agee

Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/hillary-clinton-faced-charges-egypt/#HasjEGAr4greT5KE.99

2016 AMERICA FIRST LORETTA MILLER CAMPAIGN: Chinese President Orders PLA To Prepare For War

2016 AMERICA FIRST LORETTA MILLER CAMPAIGN: Chinese President Orders PLA To Prepare For War: I dont know where Info Wars gets their information But here is something I came across . If this is true the USA is in a mighty heap of trou...

Chinese President Orders PLA To Prepare For War

I dont know where Info Wars gets their information But here is something I came across . If this is true the USA is in a mighty heap of trouble.


Chinese President Orders PLA To Prepare For War

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“Major changes” in Beijing’s national security situation
Paul Joseph Watson
December 30, 2013
The recent spate of bellicose militaristic rhetoric emanating out of Chinese state media has continued in the form of a 7,500 word Xinhua editorial which outlines how Chinese president Xi Jinping has ordered the People’s Liberation Army to prepare for war.

Image: Chinese Troops (Wikimedia Commons).
According to a summary of the editorial, China’s “Mission Action 2013″ exercise was part of a move, “to deepen preparations for potential conflict to ensure that the troops are ready if called upon not only to fight, but to win.”
President Xi’s increased number of visits to PLA military zones over the past year are part of military reforms in order “to prepare his troops in the event of war,” the editorial stated.
The editorial cited the threats posed by Japan over the disputed Senkaku Islands, domestic terrorist attacks, and the increased US military presence in the Asia Pacific. These issues have caused “major changes” in China’s national security situation and warrant strengthening and increasing the “battle-readiness” of the PLA.
As we have highlighted, via its media mouthpieces, Beijing has recently engaged in a spate of announcements and commentaries that observers have noted for their aggressively jingoistic tone.
After Chinese state-run media released a map showing the locations of major U.S. cities and how they would be impacted by a nuclear attack launched from the PLA’s strategic submarine force, follow-up reports bragged of how China’s new H-6K strategic bomber can target US military bases in the Western Pacific with nuclear missiles.
Following discussion in state media about plans to to turn the moon into a Star Wars-style “death star” from which the PLA could launch missiles against any target on Earth, a display to promote China’s Jade Rabbit Moon rover also included a background photograph of a mushroom cloud over Europe.
China has becoming increasingly irate over the United States’ growing presence in the East China Sea and recently retaliated by sailing a surveillance ship through Hawaiian waters for the very first time in an unprecedented and provocative move.
Earlier this month, a PLA military website also bragged that China’s first aircraft carrier combat task force was close to rivaling the U.S. Navy.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

This article was posted: Monday, December 30, 2013 at 9:55 am


2016 AMERICA FIRST LORETTA MILLER CAMPAIGN: Happy New Year 2014: I want to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year from my Family to Yours Loretta Lax Miller

Happy New Year 2014

I want to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year

from my Family to Yours

Loretta Lax Miller

Monday, December 30, 2013

2016 AMERICA FIRST LORETTA MILLER CAMPAIGN: Dick Farrel on radio on subject of Freedom of Spee...

2016 AMERICA FIRST LORETTA MILLER CAMPAIGN: Dick Farrel on radio on subject of Freedom of Spee...

Dick Farrel on radio on subject of Freedom of Speech

2016 AMERICA FIRST LORETTA MILLER CAMPAIGN: Who I hate are people who make up stories and lies...

2016 AMERICA FIRST LORETTA MILLER CAMPAIGN: Who I hate are people who make up stories and lies...: Someone is spreading a rumor now I used the N word and I hate African Americans as well as Catholics Christians etc, Let me give you some ...

Who I hate are people who make up stories and lies

Someone is spreading a rumor now I used the N word and I hate African Americans as well as Catholics Christians etc,

Let me give you some background on me. I have an African American working on my campaign. She is my right hand person and has been with me since 2010 when I began my first campaign to run as President. Her family has been in my home, had dinner as my guest and we help each other.When she hurt her back I was there to drive her to the hospital, waited for her, and drove her back home. I am friends with Orlando from BTL Collectable Show in Miami who is a Black man from PR who was also a business associate and I have included him in all my family functions and business functions.

My Grandparents came from Egypt. Egypt is in Africa therefore this make me an African American also. My niece Tzippi married a Japanese/African American and I love him dearly.

Now this same person said I hate Gays. Now that is quite on the opposite. When my son was a child my husband, may he rest in peace, and I wrote a will out. We were friends with a couple who were married in a commitment service which we attended. When it was suggested we re-write our will we went through each heterosexual relative and crossed them out. We decided the best people to raise our child if anything happened to us would be Mike and Sal.Both an extremely loving warm couple who were decent, no drugs no drinking straight lace. Never had a harsh word to say about anyone. Mike was a close friend of mine and when we moved to Florida I gave my my sewing machine that I had bought when I was 16, I remember the exact date 06/06/66. Six days before my birthday and the White Sewing machine total cost with tax came to $66.66. Had that machine until June 2003. Mike is Black and Sal is White. Both Catholics.

Today I have many gay and bisexual friends. I am very friendly with Daisy Dee who is an entertainer and a crossdresser and I had given her wigs that I wore when I was extremely religious. Since my husband died I stopped wearing wigs and went on with my life.

I dislike people who make up stories and lies. Hate is a very powerful word and someone who accuses a someone of hate isn't a very good person because if someone accuses you of hate, then they are the ones who really hate.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

2016 AMERICA FIRST LORETTA MILLER CAMPAIGN: Retired Commanders and Generals call for Massive D...

2016 AMERICA FIRST LORETTA MILLER CAMPAIGN: Retired Commanders and Generals call for Massive D...: When former and retired  US Commanders and Generals call for a major march on DC we are now talking about major civil unrest and a possible ...

2016 AMERICA FIRST LORETTA MILLER CAMPAIGN: Knock Out Game Riot and Shuts down the mall

2016 AMERICA FIRST LORETTA MILLER CAMPAIGN: Knock Out Game Riot and Shuts down the mall: Is this what America has come to. It is unsafe for anyone no matter what color you are or what religion you are to be beaten in a mall from ...

Retired Commanders and Generals call for Massive Demonstrations in DC... The REVOLUTION?

When former and retired  US Commanders and Generals call for a major march on DC we are now talking about major civil unrest and a possible civil war.

General calls for massive march on Washington

'We need to get off our derrieres. ... Hope is not a strategy'

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/12/u-s-general-calls-for-massive-march-on-congress-white-house/#yTDcShskBV6X8A07.99



'We need to get off our derrieres. ... Hope is not a strategy'

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/12/u-s-general-calls-for-massive-march-on-congress-white-house/#hXHES19wfuEtQplA.99


General calls for massive march on Washington

'We need to get off our derrieres. ... Hope is not a strategy'

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/12/u-s-general-calls-for-massive-march-on-congress-white-house/#yTDcShskBV6X8A07.99
The retired American military commander who earlier said in a statement released to WND that Americans need to confront Barack Obama’s tyranny now is recommending the Egyptian model through which to do that.
The Egyptian model, Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely explained on a podcast of an Internet radio show, was that 33 million people stood up to their government and told officials no.
 The result was that the Egyptian Muslim Brother was removed from power and then-President Mohammed Morsi was removed from office, Vallely explained,
His call for a massive march on Washington came recently on the WBTM (We Become The Media) show.
He was asked whether America can be restored as the shining light on the hill for freedom when the electoral process, which resulted in two presidencies for Obama in 2008 and 2012, “are known to be corrupt.”
Vallely said the absence of leadership in the White House and Congress makes it difficult, and he said, “I’m not even sure our traditional process will straighten our government out in time to save us.”
And he said processes like impeachment simply won’t happen.
Then he suggested the Egyptian model, and he said millions of Americans need to “stand up” to Washington “within the next 12 months.”
He said doing nothing is not an option, because Washington won’t fix itself and “hope is not a strategy.”
“We need something … a no confidence vote,” he suggested. And perhaps legislation that could create a national recall process.
“We need to get off our derrieres, march at the state capitol, march in Washington,” he said. “Make citizens arrests.”
He said when there are those who are “conducting treason … violating the Constitution, violating our laws,” it should not be overlooked.
“When you have a president and his team who don’t care about the Constitution, they will do anything they can to win,” he said.
Vallely has been immensely popular among tea party organizations that are seeking a way to restore the rule of law to Washington.
Among other things, they cite the Obamacare law, and the 15 or more times Obama has changed the law – without consulting Congress.
In a statement earlier to WND, Vallely said a vote of no confidence could be used.
The founder of Stand Up America, an organization that provides education resources for leaders and activists based on the values of the Founding Fathers, said:
“Clearly America has lost confidence and no longer trusts those in power at a most critical time in our history,” Vallely said. “It is true that not all who ply the halls of power fit under that broad brush, but most of them are guilty of many egregious acts and we say it is time to hold a vote of no confidence. It’s time for a ‘recall.’”
Vallely believes the “credibility of our current leadership is gone.”
Now, he said, “we listen to their excuses, finger-pointing, lies and all manner of chicanery.”
He admitted there is no legal authority in a vote of no confidence, but he argued it will “take back the power of discourse.”
“What else is our nation to do now that the ‘rule-of-law’ has effectively been thrown out the window by the Obama administration? How are we to trust our government anymore, now that lying and fraud are acceptable practices?” he asked.
Vallely believes impeachment likely wouldn’t lead to conviction and doesn’t solve the problem, anyway.
“Harry Reid still controls the Senate, so like in Clinton’s day, forget about a finding of guilty,” he wrote. “Incidentally, if Obama was found guilty and removed from office, Joe Biden would step in, Valerie Jarrett still wields all the power, and likely we get more of the same.”

The Constitution can be amended without going through Congress, he pointed out, but it would take too much time, “a luxury we just do not have it we are going to save our republic.”
“That brings us to the other word no one wants to utter, revolution. In our opinion, this is the least palatable option. … Others talk about the military taking over as we saw in Egypt; again, we do not support this route,” he said.
Vallely listed a sampling of Obama’s broken promises and lies, crediting Peter Wehner at Commentary Magazine:
  • His promise not to allow lobbyists to work in his administration. (They have.)
  • His commitment to slash earmarks. (He didn’t.)
  • To be the most transparent presidency in history. (He’s not.)
  • To put an end to “phony accounting.” (It started almost on Day 1 and continues.)
  • And to restore trust in government. (Trust in government is at near-historic lows.)
  • His pledge to seek public financing in the general election. (He didn’t.)
  • To treat super-PACS as a “threat to democracy.” (He embraced them.)
  • His pledge to keep unemployment from rising above 8 percent. (It remained above 8 percent for the longest stretch since the Great Depression.)
  • To create five million new energy jobs alone. (The total number of jobs created in Obama’s first term was roughly one-tenth that figure.)
  • To identify all those “shovel-ready’ jobs. (Mr. Obama later chuckled that his much-hyped “shovel-ready projects” were “not as shovel-ready as we expected.”)
  • To lift two million Americans from poverty. (A record 46 million Americans are living in poverty during the Obama era.)
  • His promise to bring down health care premiums by $2,500 for the typical family (they went up) … allow Americans to keep the health care coverage they currently have (many can’t) … refuse to fund abortion via the Affordable Care Act (it did) … to respect religious liberties (he has violated them) … and the insistent that a mandate to buy insurance, enforced by financial penalties, was not a tax (it is).
  • Obama’s pledge to stop the rise of oceans. (It hasn’t.)
  • To “remake the world” and to “heal the planet.” (Hardly.)
  • To usher in a “new beginning” based on “mutual respect” with the Arab and Islamic world and “help answer the call for a new dawn in the Middle East.” (Come again?)
  • To punish Syria if it crossed the “red line” of using chemical weapons. (The “red line” was crossed earlier this year – and nothing of consequence happened.)
  • That as president “I don’t bluff.” (See the previous sentence on Syria.)
  • And of course the much-ballyhooed Russian reset. (Tensions between Russia and the United States are increasing and examples of Russia undermining U.S. interests are multiplying.)
  • And let’s not forget Mr. Obama’s promise to bring us together. (He is the most polarizing president in the history of the Gallup polling.)
  • Or his assurance to us that he would put an end to the type of politics that “breeds division and conflict and cynicism.” (All three have increased during the Obama presidency.)
  • And his counsel to us to “resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long.” (Remind me again whose campaign allies accused Mitt Romney of being responsible for the cancer death of a steelworker’s wife.)
“It is time to recall the reprobates and reclaim the power of the people,” Vallely said. “We need to start with the White House and all of Obama’s appointees, especially Eric Holder. … Then on to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi – the architects who shoved Obamacare down our throats. We also cannot forget John Boehner and company who openly castigate the tea-party caucus which are only doing that which they campaigned upon.”
Vallely quoted commentator Andrew C. McCarthy, who said that “absent the political will to remove the president, he will remain president no matter how many high crimes and misdemeanors he stacks up. … and absent the removal of the president, the United States will be fundamentally transformed.”
Vallely noted that while the U.S. Constitution lacks a provision for a “recall” at the federal level, “there is nothing to prevent its use as a comprehensive de facto indictment and conviction for contempt of Congress, violations of oath of office and of the Constitution itself – for all the reasons stated in such a resolution.”
He warned of growing “tyrannical centralized rule” without action.
There may be advances in the 2014 elections, but will that be a solution?
“Obama is still the president, and his Cabinet and appointees still remain in power. … Obama will just continue to subvert the Constitution he took an oath to faithfully protect. His track record shows us that no matter what the make-up of Congress is, he will twist his way around it with a pen and secure even more power reminiscent of a dictator,” Vallely said.
“When that does not work, he will manipulate the courts and law enforcement will be run by fiat, choosing winners and losers.”
Congress already is addressing charges that Obama is violating the Constitution.
WND reported when Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said Obama’s actions have reached “an unprecedented level, and we’ve got to do something about it.
 “Assume that a statute said you had to provide two forms of ID to vote. Can the president require three forms? Can the president require one form? Can you suspend all requirements? If not, why not?” he said. “If you can turn off certain categories of law, do you not also have the power to turn off all categories of law?”
Gowdy cited Obama’s decisions to ignore certain immigration laws, even though Congress did not approve the changes. He also cited arbitrary changes to the Obamacare law and Obama’s “recess appointments” of judges even though the U.S. Senate was not in recess.
His proposal is for Congress to take the White House to court over the president’s actions, through a resolution proposed by Rep. Tom Rice, R-Ga., that would authorize the House to sue the Obama administration. It has 30 co-sponsors.
Rice said that because of “this disregard of our country’s checks and balances, many of you have asked me to bring legal action against the president.”
“After carefully researching the standing the House of Representatives has and what action we can take, I have introduced a resolution to stop the president’s clear overreach,” he said.
A Fox News interviewer asked Gowdy if Obama could refuse to enforce election laws.
“Why not?” asked Gowdy, “If you can turn off immigration laws, if you can turn off the mandatory minimum in our drug statutes, if you can turn off the so-called Affordable Care Act – why not election laws?”
Gowdy noted that a liberal law professor, Jonathan Turley, agrees.
WND reported Turley’s concerns earlier this month.
Turley has represented members of Congress in a lawsuit over the Libyan war, represented workers at the secret Area 51 military base and served as counsel on national security cases. He now says Obama is a danger to the U.S. Constitution.
He was addressing a House Judiciary Committee hearing Dec. 4. Chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., asked him: “Professor Turley, the Constitution, the system of separated powers is not simply about stopping one branch of government from usurping another. It’s about protecting the liberty of Americans from the dangers of concentrated government power. How does the president’s unilateral modification of act[s] of Congress affect both the balance of power between the political branches and the liberty interests of the American people?”
Turley replied: “Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The danger is quite severe. The problem with what the president is doing is that he’s not simply posing a danger to the constitutional system. He’s becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid. That is the concentration of power.”
Turley explained that the “Newtonian orbit that the three branches exist in is a delicate one but it is designed to prevent this type of concentration.”
“There are two trends going on which should be of equal concern to all members of Congress,” he said. “One is that we have had the radical expansion of presidential powers under both President Bush and President Obama. We have what many once called an imperial presidency model of largely unchecked authority. And with that trend we also have the continued rise of this fourth branch. We have agencies that are quite large that issue regulations. The Supreme Court said recently that agencies could actually define their own or interpret their own jurisdiction.”
Turley was appointed in 1998 to the prestigious Shapiro Chair for Public Interest at Georgetown. He has handled a wide range of precedent-setting and headline-making cases, including the successful defense of Petty Officer Daniel King, who faced the death penalty for alleged spying for Russia.
Turley also has served as the legal expert in the review of polygamy laws in the British Columbia Supreme Court. He’s been a consultant on homeland security, and his articles appear regularly in national publications such as the New York Times and USA Today.
WND reported that it was at the same hearing that Michael Cannon, director of Health Policy Studies for the Cato Institute, said there is “one last thing to which the people can resort if the government does not respect the restraints that the Constitution places of the government.”
“Abraham Lincoln talked about our right to alter our government or our revolutionary right to overthrow it,” he said.
“That is certainly something that no one wants to contemplate. If the people come to believe that the government is no longer constrained by the laws, then they will conclude that neither are they.”
Cannon said it is “very dangerous” for the president to “wantonly ignore the laws, to try to impose obligations upon people that the legislature did not approve.”
Several members of Congress also contributed their opinions in an interview with talk-show host Sean Hannity.
Vallely explained that a “no confidence” vote now “would also tell the world that we recognize the mess this administration has wrought upon the world and we do not support his actions. Despite what supporters of Obama say about our standing in the world, the world is laughing at us. We are not pleased!”
Without that action, he writes, “Obama will just continue to subvert the Constitution he took an oath to faithfully protect.”

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/12/u-s-general-calls-for-massive-march-on-congress-white-house/#hXHES19wfuEtQplA.99


General calls for massive march on Washington

'We need to get off our derrieres. ... Hope is not a strategy'

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/12/u-s-general-calls-for-massive-march-on-congress-white-house/#yTDcShskBV6X8A07.99

Friday, December 27, 2013

Knock Out Game Riot and Shuts down the mall

Is this what America has come to. It is unsafe for anyone no matter what color you are or what religion you are to be beaten in a mall from a game called the Knock Out Game.
It had come to the point that teenagers should not be allowed to walk the streets without their parents. It has come to the point that we need a police state and declare children under the age of 18 not allowed off the step of their home unless they have a parent escorting them.  Parents you are responsible for your childrens actions.

Hundreds of teens terrorize Brooklyn mall and SHUT IT DOWN after mob organized on Facebook to watch fight between girls

  • More than 400 teens swarmed the mall Thursday afternoon
  • They beat up shoppers and security guards, stole things and trashed stores and concourses
  • A game of 'knockout' may have broken out on the mall's top floor
  • The mall has banned all people under the age of 18 without an accompanying adult
Hundreds of teens terrorized a Brooklyn mall Thursday during an attack organized on social media, forcing it to close its doors for hours during crucial day after Christmas sales.
More than 400 teens swarmed Kings Plaza Mall, in Southern Brooklyn, trashing stores, assaulting shoppers and stealing things after a t-shirt insulting a high school student sparked anger among classmates.
A large group of teen girls reportedly fought each other over the incendiary t-shirt and the violent 'knockout' game also broke out on the mall’s top floor – where one teen may have been carrying a gun, cops told the New York Post.
held down
Chaos: This girl is dragged by her hair out of a fight just after the woman standing in the picture at right swung at the officer holding another person down
Teens used social media to organize the attack with the goal of putting the mall ‘on tilt,’ according to Facebook and Twitter posts cited by the Post.
The shirt showed a picture of the girl with a derogatory comment about her, the New York Daily News reported.
Mall employees rushed to close their stores as chaos broke out all around them.
‘I’ve been here seven years and I have never seen anything like this before — I’m so scared. I know they will come back,’ store clerk Abu Tabel, 31, told the paper.
‘I was begging them to stop. There were a lot of kids hundreds of kids… [Security] would chase them out one door and they would come back in another door,’ he continued.

Anarchy: A large group of people fight in the picture at left while an officer runs to break up the fight at right
Larger stores, such as Macy’s, quickly rolled down their gates to keep the calamity outside, but small merchants weren’t as able – forcing the mall to close from 5pm to 7pm, sources told the Post.
One fight caught in front of Best Buy showed the bedlam and panic of many.
There was fighting, screaming and people running for cover as fights broke out in front of multiple stores.
'You know they were playing the knockout game yesterday,' a mall employee told the Post. 'People were getting really scared. 
Crowd control: A security guard herds rowdy teens down the stairs and out of the mall


gang signs
On the move: A group of teens runs along a mall concourse while another brags about the afternoon

'A tall white guy with a grey bubble coat was wearing a ski mask and a skull cap and he had his hand under his coat like he was holding a gun,' the employee continued.
Piles of people punching and kicking each other could be seen - some people even fought with police.
A cop is shown at one point running after and tackling a teen before another officer came to assist him in subduing the person.
Another scene showed a police officer dragging a screaming girl by her hair from a fight. She was taken into custody but not arrested, according to WABC.

Police were shown standing guard of another girl injured in a separate melee.
The out-of-control crowd was ultimately herded out of the mall, but that did not stop them from bragging on social media about their escapades.
MailOnline uncovered further plans on social media to return to the Kings Plaza both today and tomorrow but that may have been thwarted by a new mall policy.
No one under the age of 18 is allowed inside the mall at any time without an accompanying adult. 
A person who declined to be named confirmed the change to MailOnline and said this will be the rule going forward.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2530092/Horror-hundreds-teens-terrorize-Brooklyn-mall-attack-coordinated-social-media.html#ixzz2okKoZy44
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Below happened February 2013 


2016 AMERICA FIRST LORETTA MILLER CAMPAIGN: Obamacare is an Obamafailure! Healthcare Obamanati...

2016 AMERICA FIRST LORETTA MILLER CAMPAIGN: Obamacare is an Obamafailure! Healthcare Obamanati...: State Obamacare exchanges halt payments for 'substandard, messed-up' websites – built by the same contractor that botched healthcar...

Obamacare is an Obamafailure! Healthcare Obamanation! Obamagate health! take your pick

State Obamacare exchanges halt payments for 'substandard, messed-up' websites – built by the same contractor that botched healthcare.gov

  • 'If we could do it all over again,' a Massachusetts official said, 'we would have been better off hiring a half-dozen undergrads at MIT'
  • Vermont, Hawaii and Massachusetts are among the states complaining about how CGI Global's U.S. arm handled their Obamacare sites
  • Massachusetts is holding back all but $11 million of $69 million in contract payments until its site works properly
  • Vermont is stopping payment on at least $6.1 million to the same firm
  • Hawaii's Web portal launched two weeks late and performed so badly that the executive director of the state insurance exchange resigned in disgrace
Several Obamacare exchanges in states that didn't participate in the healthcare.gov fiasco are now having so much trouble with their own health insurance websites that they're withholding payments to their biggest IT contractor – and it's the same company that botched the federal government's insurance portal.
CGI Group, the Montreal company behind the White House's error-prone, $677 million online white elephant, is under fire in Massachusetts, Vermont and Hawaii after those states' Affordable Care Act websites suffered from some of the same problems that first made Obamacare a late-night punchline in October.
The Commonwealth Health Connector has paid just $11 million to CGI for the Massachusetts project, although the website contract carried a $69 price tag, according to Fox News
A Massachusetts government official who requested anonymity told MailOnline that his state was 'just one of the governments that got substandard, messed-up results' from the contractors it chose.
'If we could do it all over again,' the official said, 'we would have been better off hiring a half-dozen undergrads at MIT.'
During his end-of-year press conference, President Obama blamed some of his administration's health care website woes on the rules that govern how IT work is contracted
During his end-of-year press conference, President Obama blamed some of his administration's health care website woes on the rules that govern how IT work is contracted
Commonwealth Health Connector in Massachusetts is out tens of millions as its uers continue to struggle with a faulty website
Commonwealth Health Connector in Massachusetts is out tens of millions as its uers continue to struggle with a faulty website
Coral Andrews, executive director of the Hawaii Health Connector, resigned on Dec. 6 because her state's Obamacare website was weeks late and registered hundreds -- instead of tens of thousands -- of new insurance customers
Coral Andrews, executive director of the Hawaii Health Connector, resigned on Dec. 6 because her state's Obamacare website was weeks late and registered hundreds -- instead of tens of thousands -- of new insurance customers
Spokesman Jason Lefferts told The Boston Globe that 'CGI has consistently underperformed, which is frustrating and a serious concern.'
'We are holding the vendor accountable for its underperformance and will continue to apply nonstop pressure to work to fix defects and improve performance.'
The state's officials will hold a January 9 meeting to determine how to proceed, but they're not pleased with the progress so far.
Vermont Health Connect, saddled with an $89 million contract on a website that wouldn't reliably let taxpayers enroll in coverage until early December, has held back $5.1 million of the $11 million CGI has billed to date, and is challenging other invoices totaling more than another $1 million.
'I've lost confidence in the contractors that were supposed to deliver a fully functioning website on Oct. 1,' Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin told the Globe. 'I'm going to continue to hold their feet to the fire until they get it right.'
Typical: Kathleen Sebelius (R), the secretary of Health and Human Services and the White House's chief Obamacare cheerleader, was left ashen-faced during a November photo-op when volunteers couldn't use healthcare.gov
Typical: Kathleen Sebelius (R), the secretary of Health and Human Services and the White House's chief Obamacare cheerleader, was left ashen-faced during a November photo-op when volunteers couldn't use healthcare.gov
Vermont Health Connect has performed so poorly that the state is withholding at least $6.1 million from CGI Global's U.S. arm
Vermont Health Connect has performed so poorly that the state is withholding at least $6.1 million from CGI Global's U.S. arm
Hawaii, Colorado, Kentucky, New Mexico, and California all used CGI as their principal Obamacare website contractor, and some have fared better than others.
Still sick: As the year's final Obamacare enrollment deadline arrived this week, the Web portal still wasn't performing as advertised
Still sick: As the year's final Obamacare enrollment deadline arrived this week, the Web portal still wasn't performing as advertised
California has been a rare bright spot in President Obama's plan to replace the nation's medical insurance system with government-brokered insurance marketplaces. But Hawaii's opened two weeks later than promised, and has performed so poorly that its executive director resigned on December 6.
CGI Global's U.S. arm also has a $93.7 million contract with the federal government, but a Health and Human Services official told MailOnline that the amount of its billings would not be made public.
Overall, Uncle Same has paid out $319 million to the contractors responsible for building healthcare.gov, a yet-to-be-completed project that Silicon Valley experts have told reporters should have cost no more than $10 million to bring online.
President Obama said during a Dec. 20 press conference that the federal government's contracting rules were partly responsible for the debacle.
'Part of it, as I've said before, had to do with how IT procurement generally is done,' he said.
A month earlier, Obama told a group of Wall Street CEOs that 'the way the federal government does procurement and does IT is just generally not very efficient.'
'In fact, there's probably no bigger gap between the private sector and the public sector,' he lamented.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2530010/State-based-Obamacare-exchanges-halt-payments-substandard-messed-websites-built-contractor-botched-healthcare-gov.html#ixzz2ojwcBsJx
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