Roseanne Barr is right Valerie Jarrett still wants to kill Jews and Israelis! Also Valerie Jarrett is not of Negroid descent but is an dark skinned Iranian who are classified as Persian Caucasians . I know many Iranians who look like apes and could stand into the movie planet of the apes without makeup.
Valerie Jarrett and Huma Abiden have in common they both have the same skin color and both are Caucasians . Valerie is classified as black because she worked for Barack Hussein Obama another Muslim only Obama is 1/2 black and 1/2 Caucasian. Yet the Blacks and Progressive say he is all black and the Conservatives are to scared to open their mouths. And he is all Muslims. He was raised to hate Jews by his stepfather and Islamic school he attended in Indonesia.
Obama attended Occidental college on a Madam Albright Scholarship for foreign students He also admitted it in a Biography in Harvard on one of the pamphlets long before he was the Manchurian President.
He is the first 1/2 White and 1/2 Black Kenya President.
Valerie Jarrett Persian Caucasian not Black

Same skin Color

A dark skinned Iranian Woman only she isn't as ugly as Valerie Jarretts
Like Huma Abedin , Valerie Jarrett brought into the White House the Muslim Brotherhood to plot and plan riots in American so that the Muslim Brotherhood form of Islam could sneak in. And it is sneaking in under this election where you have Sharia Muslims connected with the Muslim Brotherhood using American names running for US Office. There are 91 Sharia Muslims running in the Democrat side and 150 Sharia Muslims running on the Republican side. Some on the names they were born with as "Good Christians" to fool you like Keith Ellison and Andre Carson did. Both are black and friends of the Nation of Islam both support Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood , Sharia, and the destruction of Israel as well as killing Jews.
From the Haaretz
Amir Tibon
From the Haaretz
Amir Tibon
WASHINGTON - A number of Jewish American organizations expressed dismay on Monday after The Wall Street Journal revealed that Rep. Keith Ellison, a Democrat from Minnesota, attended a private dinner with Nation of Islam founder Louis Farrakhan, who has expressed Anti-semitic opinions over the years.
According to The Journal, Ellison attended the event in New York in 2013. Both Farrakhan and Iranian President Hassan Rohani were present. Ellison had praised Farrakhan in the past, but repudiated him during his first Congressional run in 2006.
Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti Defamation League,ADDRESSED
the issue in a series of tweets on Monday. While cautioning that his organization was still gathering information about it, Greenblatt wrote that "Based on what we know, it is extremely disturbing that Democratic [members of Congress] or members of any political group would attend a session hosted by hatemongers."

Greenblatt also wrote that even if Ellison was only one of many people who attended the event, "the presence of Louis Farrakhan should have been a red flag. He is an unrepentant anti-Semite who has said Jews are Satanic and responsible for 9/11." Greenblatt called on Ellison and others at the event who have denounced Farrakhan in the past to do so again.
Ron Halber, executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington D.C., told Haaretz that he thinks Ellison needs to step down from his position as vice chairman of the Democratic National Committee in light of the news.
It is simply outrageous that Ellison, less than five years before becoming Deputy Chair of the DNC, thought it was acceptable to have a private dinner with one of America’s most notorious anti-Semites and the president of a nation which calls for the annihilation of Israel," Halber said. "It demonstrates a clear lack of judgment and he should immediately step down from his party’s leadership position."
The Republican Jewish Coalition used the occasion to attack the left-wing nongovernmental organization J Street, which came to Ellison's defense in December 2016 after he was attacked for his positions on Israel. J Street said at the time that "Attempts to paint Rep. Ellison as anti-Israel or anti-Semitic aid a concerted and transparent smear campaign driven by those whose true objections may be to the Congressman’s religion, strongSUPPORT
for the two-state solution or concern for Palestinian rights." The RJC also wrote on Monday that Ellison "lied in 2006 when he said that he cut ties with Farrakhan."

National Journal political editor Josh Kraushaar wrote that he spoke with Ellison's office, which told him that "Ellison didn't talk to Farrakhan at the event" and that "they were on opposite sides of the room and didn't have dinner."
Now Ellison is running for Attorney General of the state of Minnesota That is a laugh. He is a known Anti Semite anti white and he used the pen name "Keith E. Hakim" for the Minnesota Daily, ...
The Russian issue was a distraction Obama, Hillary , Huma and Valerie dreamed up. I call it Operation Islam. Operation Islam was done so America would not see since they were so busy going after Trump they did not see Iran building up their Ballistic Arsenal with nuclear weapons. The ones Iran has now are aimed at Israel. So Roseanne Barr was not that far off of what is happening only this information is being brought out by Israeli Intelligence. Only you Good Christians in Congress refuse to hear it.
Roseanne Barr Retweets Statement Accusing Valerie Jarrett of Wanting to Kill Jews and Israelis
Barr, whose family is Jewish but who also was raised in the Mormon church, has drawn criticism for her social media usage
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