Sunday, May 6, 2018

Floridians want jobs with good wages.

The left is energized more than ever in Florida, and we need to show them that we will fight for Florida values. I've been warning for months how the left will show up for this election and now they have even more reason to. 

Floridians love freedom. My opponent wants to restrict our freedom. Floridians want jobs with good wages. My opponent running in the Primary wants to have more regulations on businesses which will stifle growth and wages. 

The difference could not be clearer. I am proud to be a steadfast consitutionalist who fights for our Floridian values. My opponent is a proud far-left Republican who never spoke out like I did against Obama during the Eligibility and will never speak out against Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Chuck Schumer or Hillary Clinton . I say LOCK HER UP! . 

My opponent is raising a lot of money and to make sure we win this election, we need to raise more money than we are. Your IMMEDIATE donation of $25, $50, $100, $250 or whatever you can afford will help us close the gap. 

We need to meet the energy of the left because if we don't, November could be ugly. I'm confident that we will exceed the energy of the left, but we won't be able to do that without your help. 

We need everyone to pitch in. I have always been proud to stand with the grassroots, and I am proud to stand with you. I will be extremely proud to represent you. Florida is the greatest state in the union and I fight hard every day to keep it that way. 

The well-funded "resistance" will love nothing more than to turn Florida blue and make it more like California. We can't let that happen. Will you stand with me with your donation today? 

This election is at a pivotal point. We still have a lot of work left to deliver on the promise we made to voters to protect the Constitution. If we lose the House, everything we've accomplished will be undone. Democrats are already talking about raising taxes if they get back in power.    

I am confident you will choose liberty, and it is why I will be proud to be your Representative. Thank you for all you have done. 

For Liberty, For Justice, For the American Way

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