Sunday, April 15, 2018

Facebook broke the Federal Trade Commission Antitrust laws

Image result for zuckerberg

I am confused. After rewatching the CEO Facebook at a Senatorial  hearing he had no idea that his company had violated The Peoples Rights in the United States because his employees decided they didn't like how a comment was written. The CEO also denied that facebook doesn't charge for a program.

His Employees in India have a different story. They are the customers service of Facebook.They told me "if you install this program for $99.95 you won't violate the Term Of Service . This program is suppose to remove any complaints or flag anyone who dares report you and you can say anything you want". Also these facebook helpers in India who are Muslims and are determine if you say something against Islam they have a right to block you for days , weeks and months and no one checks them. This program they sell you You can restrict anyone for weeks in posting on Facebook.  They are the Indian Facebook employees  who want to sell you their hacking program . And Mr Zuckerberg has no idea this is happening???

This program they sell you will also  allow them to control your computer. This is so they can have access to your bank account to pay for this program yearly. What they didn't know that I was recording them after they told me about the $99.95 program. I had them repeat it because I was acting dumb.

Why am I writing this? Is because Our Congress , Our Senate ,Our Hill held hearings with Mr Zuckerberg and Mr Zuckerberg pretended he did not even know what his company was doing. 

That is a lie since I have a program that listed all of Zuckerbergs emails as well as  his sisters and  his wife's which goes to his private accounts and I wrote to them asking for a donation. These emails did not kick back. His Sister and wife are involved with Facebook also. He sat there on the Hill in the Senate Hearing and doubled talked like a dumbbell. I wrote him after this "Indian Conversation " and he ignored me,

 Zuckerberg's Facebook is a public traded company and that removes him as a private company He has to answer to the SEC which is federally run and to the House and the Senate  There is no excuse for not knowing what Facebook is doing unless he really didn't care. He brought this company out of the US to foreign lands and eliminated American Jobs. He pays these Indians $3.00 an hour and this is why they are hacking into our computers and stealing out of our banks. 

Congresspeople and Senators have experienced the Term of Service just like you and me for no reason other than advertising or holding a conversation on line or using the live chat. It is time we stop this abuse. He bought all companies that went into competition with him which violates the Sherman Antitrust Act, Clayton Antitrust Act and the Federal Trade Commission Antitrust laws Section 7 of the Clayton Act prohibits mergers and acquisitions where the effect "may be substantially to lessen competition, or to tend to create a monopoly." As amended by the Robinson-Patman Act of 1936, the Clayton Act also bans certain discriminatory prices, services, and allowances in dealings between merchants

My name is Loretta Miller I am running for Florida US Congressional Seat in District 15. I am a Constitutionalist Republican  My job will be to protect your rights regardless of the name of your political party..

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