Saturday, June 3, 2017

MUST SEE: Rep Gohmert Describes Obama / Debbie's Plans To Destroy America from Within!!

Published on May 27, 2017
Floor Speech Date: March 10, 2017
1 Hour Open Discussion by Special Order
Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-TX)

Discussion on infiltration of Jihadist into the U.S. Congress and failure of prior Administration to remove or take efforts to ensure FBI and other Intelligence Agencies were able to effectively combat radical kihadists within our own government. Debbie Wasserman Schultz still defending Imran Awan and his family after being the target of a criminal investigation into suspected hacking of House Democrats, DNC leaks, as well as terrorist ties. Muslim Brotherhood connections. Edward Snowden, abuses of power by Intelligence Communities. Rebuilding our faith in our Intelligence Communities and allowing them to investigate suspected terror cells which have been largely stripped away by Secretary Napalitano. This has been going on for TWELVE YEARS! Bush and Obama Administrations both played a role, but it was largely under the Obama Administration where the largest breaches of our security have occurred.

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