Friday, October 21, 2016

Assange Report dead but he is Alive Video below

Published on Oct 21, 2016
New Breaking News Julian ASSANGE speech at the Ecuadorian Embassy !


Following the news feels like watching an archery contest. You blink, you miss the shot.
On second thought, keeping up with the news these days is more like trying to keep your eye on ten arrows shot all at once. Wikileaks, Zika virus, Veritas videos, vote-rigging, Black Lives Matter, war with Russia, cyber attacks, Obamacare collapsing on our heads, and on and on.
That’s why we here at the Conservative Daily Post try to find and explain the most important news of the day–especially because you won’t hear about most of it from the mainstream media (aka the Democratic Palace Guard). The problem is, you can’t vet the news unless you report it.
I have written articles before that readers sometimes criticize like this: “That’s just speculation! What are your sources for this? Can you prove it?” Etc. Specifically, for example, earlier this week when I wrote about the apparent death of Julian Assange (founder and head of Wikileaks), we received blowback that his death was “just a rumor.”
Well, yes–that’s exactly the point.
When a man threatening the globalist elites with hacked revelations, and who is literally trapped in a foreign embassy that local police suddenly converge on–when a man like Assange goes silent, has his Internet cut off, and his organization’s starts tweeting much more aggressively and negatively, then, yes, there’s a name for rumors like that.
It’s called news–not history.
Assange is in London; we are not. All we have to go by are up-to-the-minute reports via on-the-street witnesses and friendly insiders via Twitter, Periscope, Facebook, etc. You can track an arrow in flight, but you can’t guarantee it will hit the bullseye. Likewise, we at CDP track the news as closely and objectively as possible, but that doesn’t guarantee the information we pass on to you always pans out.
So, because this is a high-stakes, international, complex, and still breaking story, let’s break it down piece by piece, arrow by arrow.
  1. The last time the world saw Assange in motion was September 10, when he gave a Web message from the Ecuadorian embassy in London (where he has been confined for over four years) to a Wikileaks conference in Berlin.
  2. Almost immediately Wikileaks began releasing thousands more emails that are sending the Democratic party into a tailspin.
  3. The last reported sighting of Assange was this Monday, when Pamela Anderson was reported bringing him “a vegan lunch.”
  4. The same day Wikileaks wrote three cryptic tweets with file-specific “hash codes” directed at Ecuador, John Kerry, and the British Secretary of State.
  5. Also on Monday Secretary of State John Kerry himself was in London, and police cars had converged on the embassy.
  6. Shortly after that, under pressure from America and the UK, the Ecuadorian government cut off Assange’s Internet connection was completely cut off, leaving him dead to the world (perhaps even to signal that he was already literally dead).
  7. Meanwhile, Wikileaks has continued to release emails and tweet announcements, although, in the past 48 hours, the tone of the tweets have become much darker and more aggressive, and the account has been responding to (jabbing back at) other users like never before.
  8. On Thursday, for example, Wikileaks stunned the world by announcing the first batch of secret Obama emails he had written since at least 2008 with an undisclosed (until now) email address.

Less than three hours later on Thursday, Wikileaks fired another warning across the nose of the leaking U.S.S. Democrat:

PHOTO: Heavily armed 'police' appear outside Ecuadorian Embassy in London where Julian Assange has political asylum (photo, Tuesday morning)

BREAKING: Hillary Has Gone Insane! Look What She Just Threatened to do to Julian Assange…

Look, y’all. Let me start here. Hillary Clinton uses her pawns as mouthpieces to say what she knows she cannot be on record saying. They let her get away with all kinds of BS that should land her in prison or worse.
**This time, the threat was murder!
One of Clinton’s top strategists, Bob Beckel, went on FOX News and declared his desire to use Special Ops forces to illegally kill Julian Assange and stop any more leaks against Hillary.
How can the world call Donald Trump a traitor for calling on 2nd Amendment supporters to unite and vote but cover it up when the Clinton campaign calls for the death of Julian Assange is pure insanity?

Hillary Clinton strategist Bob Beckel called for WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange to be assassinated. 

Just in case you didn’t catch exactly what he said:
“The way to deal with this is pretty simple. We’ve got special op forces.
I mean — A dead man can’t leak stuff.
This guy’s a traitor, a treasonous — and — and he — he has broken every law of the United States, The guy ought to be — and I am not for the death penalty, so if I am not for the death penalty, there is only one way to do it…
Illegally shoot the son of a bitch.”
This is the kind of stuff that caused the fall of Rome and almost every other great empire.
And do not forget, Bob Beckel is just another Clinton shill doing her speaking for her.
Hillary Clinton has already murdered at least 4 people this year. There would be no love lost for her if Julian Assange were to turn up dead.
Clinton Kill List 2016:
  • John Ashe, UN official who allegedly crushed his own throat while lifting weights. He was set to testify against Hillary. (June 22, 2016)
  • Mike Flynn, the Big Government Editor for Breitbart News. Published final article on death day (June 23, 2016)
  • Seth Conrad Rich, DNC staffer thought to be the one who leaked Democrat’s 20,000 emails to WikiLeaks. Murdered in D.C. It was not a robbery (July 8, 2016)
  • Shawn Lucas.was a Sanders supporter who served the DNC Papers on Fraud Case. (August 2, 2016)
American politics, and especially the Presidency, is about Democracy. You cannot simply murder your way into the White House, as Hillary Clinton is trying to do. (H/T – USA Politics Now)
We need to make sure the whole world sees how sick her and that idiot Bob Beckel is by sharing this across the entire internet.
FINAL QUESTION: Do you think Clinton will kill Assange before election day?

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