Monday, October 17, 2016

Another person sexually abused by Hillary Clinton

I came out stating I was groped by Hillary but this is worse

Published on Oct 14, 2016
All Links to Cathy Obrien videos here.

Cathy Obrien was raped as a young child by Hillary Clinton. Cathy Obrien has done video interviews and written a book called "Trance Formation of America" detailing the rape by Hillary. This is the nuclear bomb that will destroy Hillary Clinton's campaign. I am paying $500 to anybody who gets Alex Jones to do this story and will pay $1,000 total if this story gets picked up by Drudge! Cathy Obrien is real and her husband Mark Phillips, a former CIA operative, confirms her story. They are in hiding in fear for their lives so it is now up to the people to share this information via social networks and email lists!

Full Contest Rules Can be seen in this article. Anybody who shares the article below will WIN something! Contact me at

Again this is my story below

In 1992 I was groped by Hillary Clinton in Philadelphia Pa at her campaign office in Center City. I don't remember the exact day but it was close to the elections.  I was always involved in politics and I heard Bill Clinton on TV and I went to the Campaign office to pick up posters to place them in my window.  The other volunteers said isn't this wonderful Hillary Clinton is here. You want to meet her and take pictures. Since I had a business I could not stay there. I just wanted the signs and leave. 
I had my son with me who was 12 and I wanted him to get involved in the election for experience . They said the posters were in that box and I bent over to get a few. I felt someones hands on my ass squeezing it. I turned around saying "get your fucking hands off my ass" She looked at me surprised and said "I wanted to see if you had an ass your cheeks are so flat" and laughed. I looked her straight in the eyes and called her a freak and a groper. This women is mentally ill and thinks she can just touch or disgrace anyone she wants. She did this in front of my son. My son witnessed this. A 12 year old witnessed this pervert touching his mother,Walked out without the signs and didn't vote for that creepy family. 
Hillary is not that innocent 
If Hillary wants to bring up the past of someone else she is living in a glass house and many others I am sure are out there with Hillary's fingerprints in their ass. When this was done there was no sexual harassment laws on woman and woman rape in Philadelphia and to tell the police I would be a laughing stock with locker room comments I wish I was there to see it. A woman touching you like that in 1992 was not considered rape because it was the same sex and not taboo. It was PORNOGRAPHIC! I am Jewish and I do consider it not only a sexual assault but a form of rape.  Hillary Clinton touch my private parts when she touched my ass. 

I am not doing this for any money or prizes. I am doing this to stop this mentally sick women

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