Friday, October 28, 2016

A London Muslim reconsiders his position on Israel when confronted with ...

Published on Aug 27, 2015
A London Muslim reconsiders his position on Israel when confronted with facts.

We are often asked if there is any point in doing what we do as it's unlikely we'll change anyones mind. While it is true that one chance encounter is not likely to undo years of indoctrination, we are able to regularly place questions in the minds of those we meet and doubts about what they've been taught.

Many of the anti-Israel camp have never been exposed to the Israeli perspective and have often been fed a banquet of anti-Israel propaganda. In this video it is pretty obvious that the gentleman is intelligent, well meaning, but completely ignorant to the facts of a conflict he feels passionately about.

We have a duty to reach out to people like him and help them to get a more balanced view of the conflict. Each person we challenge has friends, each video that is shared reaches thousands of people.

This took us less than 20 minutes to film and publish, it was no effort. The only way we will change the perception of Israel by the British public is if we get out there and speak up :)

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