So Muslim Valerie Jarrett born in Iran gave the order stand down and kill Americans. She is the closest person to Obama and Obama allowed her to act as "The President". My question who is she loyal to? The Muslims or the Americans? Now is Bin Laudin really dead or they want you to beleive he is really dead. Everyone who was involved in that raid are dead excepting 2 who haven't died in mysterious deaths yet!. Why haven't we seen pictures of his deceased body when the news show us worse? Do I beleive Bin Laudin is dead NO prove it to me! I wont be surprise if money goes directly to him for military supplies for ISIS.
Jarrett’s influence has shaped our management of international crises, specifically her role in convincing President Obama to call off the planned raid on Osama bin Laden’s Pakistani hideout three separate times. That is not her job. How do we know she didnt say pretend he's dead?
Obama no Jarrett is so angry at Puttin because he has the guts to go in and fight ISIS and the Russians will find Bin Laudin. Even Puttin doesn't beleive Bin Laudin is dead.
Jarrett’s influence has shaped our management of international crises, specifically her role in convincing President Obama to call off the planned raid on Osama bin Laden’s Pakistani hideout three separate times. That is not her job. How do we know she didnt say pretend he's dead?
Obama no Jarrett is so angry at Puttin because he has the guts to go in and fight ISIS and the Russians will find Bin Laudin. Even Puttin doesn't beleive Bin Laudin is dead.
Did Valerie Jarrett Issue the Order to Stand Down in Benghazi? (Rush Limbaugh on new info, 8/6/13)
A post at the Conservative Report Online made the shocking claim that Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett gave the order to stand down in Benghazi during the Sept. 11 terror attack that saw four Americans killed, citing only unnamed "confidential sources." The report was discussed by Rush Limbaugh on Tuesday and an editorial at the Investor's Business Daily said Wednesday that it would not have been the first time Jarrett issued such an order.
"The military-order, not to initiate action, saving our men in Benghazi, was issued by the President's Advisor, Valerie Jarrett," Chip Jones wrote.
Limbaugh said that if the story is true, it would explain "all of the serial lies and the cover-ups and the obfuscation and all of the efforts that were made to distract people's attention from this."
"Somebody had to give the order, and Obama was off the grid. That has always, to me, been one of the most interesting aspects of Benghazi. Five o'clock he tells Panetta and whoever else -- we were originally told that Hillary, secretary of state, was there, too," he added.
Naturally, the ultra-left wing Media Matters weighed in, attacking Limbaugh for mentioning the story.
Others also reported on Jones' account, but did not get scrutinized by Media Matters.
The Blaze said the allegations are worth noting for two main reasons:
- The White House hasn’t been forthcoming with details about the deadly terror attack. In fact, the administration has gone out of its way to craft blatantly false narratives involving a YouTube video; and
- It’s been widely reported that Jarrett’s influence has shaped our management of international crises, specifically her role in convincing President Obama to call off the planned raid on Osama bin Laden’s Pakistani hideout three separate times.
Meredith Jessup said she is taking the report with a grain of salt, but added that the burden of proof is on the White House, since it "has worked overtime to muddy the water and obfuscate the truth."
Now the administration is claiming the entire scandal is "phony," a mere distraction cooked up by Republicans to keep Congress from acting on Obama's economic plans.
"Until the Obama administration is forthright and truthful with the American people, the rumor mill will continue churning out reports from unnamed sources," Jessup added.
Video of Limbaugh's on-air segment can be seen here.
The chronology of the evening of 9/11 are as follows:
At approximately 5 PM Washington time, reports came in through secure-channels that Special Mission Benghazi was under attack. Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey summoned the President,and briefed him on the crisis, face to face.
Subsequent to that brief meeting, President Obama proceeded to the White House to dine in his living quarters.
After supper, Barack Obama had a telephone conference scheduled with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Senior Advisor to the President, Valerie Jarrett was present for that conference, which was held due to problems the President was having with the perception of him snubbing Netanyahu in previous, formal encounters.
The telephone call between Obama and Netanyahu carried on for a full two-hours, creating the appearance of respect between the two world leaders.
As that meeting drew to a close, Ms. Jarrett, who is also the Assistant to the President for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs, went from the living quarters to the White House Situation Room, where the attack in Benghazi was being monitored by Dempsey, Panetta and other top-ranking officials.
Whether she was instructed by the President to go there, or if she went of her own volition, is only known by the President and herself.
A critical question that needed to be answered, and the sole military-order that could have launched offensive-actions, neutralizing the Ansar al Sharia terrorists attacks on the Mission (the purpose of which is detailed here) and its subsequent attacks on the adjacent CIA Annex, was the issuance of “Cross Border Authority”, an order that can only be issued by the Commander in Chief, himself.
As was reported earlier by Conservative Report, Cross Border Authority was denied.
Two revelations are deeply troubling:
First, it is reported that an Army Special Forces team was present with an AC-130U Spooky (also known as a Spectre Gunship) on the tarmac at the airport in Tripoli, Libya. The Spooky is a technologically sophisticated, tactical aircraft, operated by the U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command.
It operates under the overall Special Operations Command stationed at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, which is reportedly in charge of all military special operations units, including: Army Special Forces, Navy SEALS, Rangers and certain Marine units, as well as the USAF AC-130Us, and “stealth Blackhawks,” used in the Bin Laden raid.
The AC-130U Spooky is equipped with weapons that sync with laser-designators, like those that Woods, Doherty and Ubben had on that lonely rooftop above the CIA Annex. The laser-designator was used to “paint” the mortar targets during the attack, subsequently claiming the lives of Woods and Doherty, and leaving Ubben without a leg. Had the AC-130U been on station, over the CIA Annex in Benghazi, moments before the mortar rounds were fired, instead of “awaiting further instructions,” the entire outcome of the Benghazi fiasco would have been different.
Add to that, a team of Green Berets on the ground to secure and/or evacuate the Annex, and the outcome would have been two SEALS still alive, and a mess of dead terrorists.
The second, and most troubling aspect of the refusal to issue Cross Border Authority is, who issued the refusal. Rather than the President, the Commander In Chief, making critical decisions, granting or denying the authority to initiate offensive-actions in support of our valiant fighting men, the decision not to take action was made by a person, to whom the people did not elect, nor did the Congress have confirmation power over.
The military-order, not to initiate action, saving our men in Benghazi, was issued by the President’s Advisor, Valerie Jarrett.
And this is a “phony” scandal?
To add the anti semitic Administration began in 2009
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