Saturday, June 14, 2014

ISIS has Kidnapped Jewish Children, Threaten to attack NYC,

I bet these were the terrorist who attack the Embassy in Libya .. Obama and Hillary blamed this on a movie no one knew about.  ISIS kidnapped Israeli and American Children. Obama and Hillary released this insane Shakir Wahiyb. Obama thought alQaeda was dead only to find we have a new leader worse then Bin Ladin.  

Unmasked: The public face of the ISIS terror army threatening to destroy Iraq

  • Shakir Wahiyib appears on camera executing prisoners without disguise 
  • The hardline terrorist also interrogates prisoners during his films 
  • Other videos show him appearing with machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades 
  • Warning: Graphic content
He is the public face of the army threatening to destroy Iraq and is the chief executioner of the ISIS terror group. 
Unlike many other commanders in the al-Qaeda linked organisation, Shakir Wahiyib appears on camera without covering his face. 
Wahiyib has starred in several grotesque ISIS videos where he either interrogates or executes prisoners. 
Shakir Wahiyib, centre, is unusual in the ISIS army that he will appear on camera without covering his face
Shakir Wahiyib, centre, is unusual in the ISIS army that he will appear on camera without covering his face
Wahiyib's men have made significant gains in northern Iraq and are now marching on the capital Baghdad. 
According to the Telegraph, Armoured convoys containing U.S.-trained soldiers – who mysteriously melted away in earlier confrontations – stormed towards the town of Balad, some 50 miles outside of the capital Baghdad.
The soldiers told of a gruelling fight with  ‘crazy, ruthless’ militants who were determined to hold their recent gains even at the cost of their lives.
Over the past week ISIS made dramatic gains in the Sunni heartland north of Baghdad after overrunning Iraq's second-largest city of Mosul on Tuesday.
Shakir Wahiyib is a feared enforcer for the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham who does not cover up his face in videos of his killings
Shakir Wahiyib is a feared enforcer for the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham who does not cover up his face in videos of his killings
Soldiers and policemen melted away in the face of the lightning advance, and thousands have fled to the self-ruled Kurdish region in northern Iraq - prompting condemnation and threats of harsh punishment from senior politicians.
The collapse this week started at the top with the senior-most commanders abandoning their positions early on Tuesday morning as black-clad Isis fighters swept into the country's second city of Mosul.
After they seized Falluja and other areas of Anbar late last year, Iraqi medical sources say some 6,000 soldiers died there. Iraq-based foreign diplomats say 12,000 deserted their posts.
Wahiyib can often be seen posing with machine guns or rocket-propelled grenades when appearing on his videos which are spread over the internet
Wahiyib can often be seen posing with machine guns or rocket-propelled grenades when appearing on his videos which are spread over the internet
Mosul's defenders held up well for three days until late Monday evening, but over the next few hours the force imploded, with the senior commander for all of Nineveh province, Mahdi Garawi, fleeing.
The commander of Iraq's ground forces, General Ali Ghaidan, and the vice chief of army staff, Lieutenant General Abboud Qanbar, also abandoned their posts, according to an Iraqi official and a Western security expert.
A former U.S. official in Iraq said poor treatment of rank-and-file soldiers by their superiors contributed to mass desertions. 'These guys, these units are demoralized. 
They are underpaid and ripped off constantly by their commanding officers, who steal their allowances and use their commands as a way to build a personal nest egg,' the former official said.
Apart from a few standout units, such as special forces who have borne the brunt of the fighting, 'it's a hollow army,' the former official said.
ISIS has so far attacked Mosul, Baiji, Tikrit, Samarra and are now heading to Baghdad
ISIS has so far attacked Mosul, Baiji, Tikrit, Samarra and are now heading to Baghdad
In February, the leader of al-Qaeda issued a statement dissociating itself from Isis, which it accused of 'forbidden bloodshed' directed at fellow fighters.
Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda's chief, cut ties after Isis attempted to bolster its strength by merging with other rebels in Syria.
He said: 'We weren't informed about its creation, nor counselled. Nor are we satisfied with it: rather we ordered it to stop... Nor is al–Qaeda responsible for its actions and behaviour.'
The organisation is led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who has a U.S. bounty of $10million on his head, second only to al-Zawahiri.
The ISIS leader, who was born in 1971 in Baghdad, is touted as a battlefield commander and tactician.
ISIS rebels execute a civilian and film the event before broadcasting it on the internet
ISIS rebels execute a civilian and film the event before broadcasting it on the internet
Baghdadi, who has a degree in Islamic studies, apparently joined the insurgency that erupted in Iraq soon after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion.
He was taken as a prisoner of the Americans in Camp Bucca between 2005 and 2007 - it was here that one of the only two photos know to be in existence was taken of him.
He is known as 'The Ghost' to members of the pro-Assad Lebanese Shi-ite militia Hizballah.
The secretive Baghdadi talks with a scarf covering his face even when dealing with close allies, according to militants who worked with him in Iraq.
He addresses his ISIS followers through audio recordings posted to the internet, rather than in public places.
ISIS crucified this man they accused of being a supporter of the Syrian regime
ISIS crucified this man they accused of being a supporter of the Syrian regime
Military sources have reported his death on numerous occasions in the past years, but the fighter always seems to reappear. This has led to speculation that al-Baghdadi is in fact a name used jointly by several commanders.
Some estimates claim Isis group has in excess of 10,000 fighting men in its ranks. Many of its fighters are thought to be radicalised Western Muslims who have poured in from Europe and North American to join the fighting in Syria and elsewhere.
The group, which controls large areas of land in Syria, is thought to be pouring resources and money from those areas into its burgeoning Iraqi campaign, which has seen it tear through the northern regions on the country.
Its military progress, largely unhindered by Iraq's own security forces, have given it control over several highly valuable oil fields, which leaders will hope to exploit to strengthen their hand.
The situation has alarmed officials in Turkey, who called an emergency meeting of NATO ambassadors after 80 of its citizens were taken hostage by Isis.
'Turkey briefed the other allies on the situation in (the Iraqi city of) Mosul and the hostage-taking of Turkish citizens, including the consul general,' a NATO official said.
He said the meeting was held for informational purposes and not under Article 4 of NATO's founding treaty, which permits a member of the 28-nation alliance to ask for consultations with other allies when it feels its security is threatened.
Turks seized included 48 from the consulate in Mosul - including the consul-general and three children. Separately, 28 truck drivers who were delivering diesel to a power plant were captured on Monday.
Meanwhile, Baghdad residents were stockpiling food, fuel and weaponry in anticipation of an attack on the capital in the coming days.
Moments after this image was captured ISIS terrorists beheaded this man
Moments after this image was captured ISIS terrorists beheaded this man
Prime Minister Maliki has previously encouraged ordinary Iraqis to take up arms against the advancing soldiers of Isis, especially in light of claims that members of the police and military are intentionally defecting.
Senior sources in the Iraqi government have said that they have a plan to take back Mosul, but were unclear on the details.
Isis is pushing to expand its territory, which currently straddles the border between Syria and Iraq, and includes land extremely close to the Turkish border.
The group's centre of power is Raqqa, a city in northern Syria, which is being run under the regime's oppressive and violent code.
This video features an ISIS terrorist aiming a Kalashnikov AK-47 at a car on a video uploaded to YouTube
This video features an ISIS terrorist aiming a Kalashnikov AK-47 at a car on a video uploaded to YouTube
Raqqa was heavily contested throughout the Syrian conflict, and was held by several rebel groups until Isis threw out all other contenders in 2013.
Recently Isis leaders imposed punitive rules on the city's Christian population, demanding that they pay a levy of gold for 'protection' else face being killed on the streets for their faith.
Horrifying images have also emerged from the cities of crucifixions being used to punish men who attacked Isis fighters.
Seven men were sentenced to death after a grenade was thrown at a soldier near a roundabout in Raqqa. The men, who were riding motorbikes, were then hunted down by Isis forces, according to a statement from the group. Two of the men were sentenced to die by crucifixion.
One of the two was wrapped in a banner, which said: 'This man fought against Muslims and threw  a grenade in this place.'

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