Sunday, June 1, 2014


Yes there are home grown Nazi Terrorists!

The other day my name was linked in a hate Blog.To quote Shakespeare it was  
Much Ado About Nothing other then a witch hunt against Jews and that is a hate crime. Anyone who challenges or disagrees with this woman suddenly becomes a target that they are Terrorists,  Traitors, or  non Americans  . Now mentioning my religion falls under the hate crimes and recently Jewish Organizations who press charges against hate Crimes against Jews and Jewish figures are beginning to take notice of this person. What is really scary, from my limited conversations with this persons relatives are that this stalker has an assault weapon. 

I totally support the second amendment and the rights that go with it for an emotionally stable person. And even if we were to ban weapons there is the black market where weapons are readily available.  

This Stalker has major issues that need to be address. My fear is that the stalker is going to use the assault weapon on me and anyone listed on this persons blog-site This person has listed their address and locations . 

Now what we have here is a person ready to snap since the courts refuse to entertain any of This persons filing. This person is working theirself into a frenzy blaming me and about 30 other people for woes and faults and the majority of them are Jewish.

So people there is anti Semitism in the USA. More then you think.  

 For all those who supported me on this journey I thank you and I appreciate all the help I have received in the past and together we can fix this country.

The Journey  To The White House Begins With A Single Step. Come Walk With Me

Team Loretta

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