Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Operation American Spring

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Dedicated Operation American Spring Marchers Asks: Where Are You?

Operation American Spring has sprung and participant Jeremy White wants to know when if you’re joining him? Over 800,000 bikers across the state will be joining OAS marchers and weekend warriors will swell the crowds, and he is grateful to be one of them. He plans to return as soon as he is able. This march is different than most of the others, in as much as, they have no intention of quitting until their demands are met.
He measures the difficulty of the OAS march not by the personal sacrifice, which there was plenty of, but by difficulty of getting the message out.  He said the Law Enforcement Officers were courteous, the participants like extended family, and even the rain couldn’t stop him. 
White’s  Facebook page was suspended for 30 days when he tried to share videos of the OAS event and it  was his most disheartening moment.  His friends list was erased as well. The media blackout is far more telling, in that larger marches have not experienced this.  Live feeds were prevented from a malicious outside source. Articles, pictures, videos posted to Facebook, all had serious glitches, blocks, or repeated disconnects and this was a common experience for everyone, including myself.
Even as I write this I am wondering will it reach the people? Will they know how important it is to spread the word and share the article before it is scrubbed from the internet? So if you got this copy, save it, share it with everyone as an act of defiance, to keep free speech ALIVE.

I interviewed Jeremy White about his participation in Operation American Spring to more fully understand the mindset of the participants.
Lisa – What do you hope to accomplish by participating in OAS?
Jeremy - We are taking America back!
Lisa – Can it be done?
Jeremy - It's not a question! We're not going anywhere!
Lisa- I watched a lot of the OAS videos, and the reoccurring theme is the disappointment in the turnout. Do you think the message got out, or are people still unaware?  
Jeremy - The attitude is extremely positive, hopeful and very uplifting, like after going to church.  I can't wait to get back there again! I know I'm doing what's best for our country. I am awake. I know what's to come, because I know what has happened in history. Life works in a cycle, that’s why it's called the cycle of life. I know I have a purpose in life, I'm not always sure what it is, but I know it's for something great! And with my life's experiences I know everything that happens is Gods plans for my life.
Lisa – In OAS’s planning stages it seemed certain there would be violence. But is has been very peaceful and respectful.
Jeremy - You never know what the Law Enforcement Officers will do, you have to anticipate every possibility.  I never thought there would be violence. There is always a chance of it but as I've said all along, as long as people are smart and use there heads there is no need for violence.
 Lisa - I actually believe this movement will grow organically, if they stay committed. School will be over and our youth will find there way to DC as well.
Jeremy - At times, I myself, got quit disappointed about the turnout. Case in point, when I got there Friday morning at 7 a.m., two guys who I rode down with and I we're walking in the rain and looking for a giant crowd of people. When we finally found the Washington Monument we found like 5 people waiting under the overhang of the restroom. We walked over and I was quite upset to say the least!
Lisa – I am surprised you didn’t leave.
Jeremy - My thoughts were, our military all around the world is working in bad weather, yet here people are afraid to come out in the rain. That was quite disturbing to me, but I can't make people do what they don't want to do. I remind you, it wasn't a drizzle, it was a serious rain with flash floods and school closings. But still that to me was no excuse. I just road 3 hours to stand up for my country!
Lisa – Did it rain the whole time?
Jeremy - As the rain started to let up people were starting to come, with the exception of being soaked and cold, it was starting to feel good. After a few hours of standing in the down pouring rain and wind, we decided we would walk back to the car and eat a small snack and get dry. After about an hour the sun was out. That was reassuring and uplifting.
Lisa – Did more people show up?
Jeremy - I walked to the Washington monument and as I was getting closer and closer I realized there were well over 100 people possibly 150 to 200 at the time and that was quit uplifting but I was expecting more like a million. So it was still a little let down. As I approached the crowd and said hi to people and listened to the speakers, I thought to myself, this isn't too bad. Hell, we beat the million Muslim march, with their 17 people they started with.  So either way I knew it was going to be a good day.
Lisa – What was your sleeping arrangements for the trip?
Jeremy - Later in the day we didn't really know where we were going to stay. I started to get worried. Before I was offered the ride down, I said a prayer basically asking God if you want me to go than you will supply the ride or gas for me to drive there. Well he supplied the ride so I knew everything would be ok. I messaged a few people trying to figure out what to do, being that our funds were low, and we still needed to get home. After messaging some people, someone I met that day, rented a hotel room for the night. That was never the plan but clearly it was God’s plan. So we went and rested for the night so we could be up early the next day.
Lisa – So this trip was a spontaneous adventure and it all worked out?
Jeremy - Yes, it was in God’s hand.
Lisa – When did you realize your Facebook account was suspended?
Jeremy – When I got to the hotel, I began adding videos and pictures to my face book page, after the fourth or fifth one my phone shut off and restarted. Then I clicked on my FB app and it said I have to sign back in. Ok, no problem, so I did, then it said I used the wrong password so I did it again, knowing its right, and it said it again!
 Now I'm thinking… what the hell? So I do It again and yet again, same message. Now I'm starting to get annoyed but it did it a total of 7 times. The last time it said, ”You are temporary banned from posting for 30 days,” due to a comment I posted 2 months earlier. As annoyed as I was I figured it was best to get some sleep.
Lisa – How was the turn out the following day?
Jeremy - We went to the Washington monument there was a decent crowd I'd guess maybe 3 to 4 hundred people. More and more came as the day went on. We got to the capital there were a small crowd of people probably 7or 8 on the balcony steps, where we were blocked off and everyone was chanting .

All was good except I noticed the people on the balcony were clearly mocking us. As if we were rats in the street. I thought to my self, really! We pay these jerks, we support them in every way, yet there up there mocking us?
So I went to the front and stood next to the barricade. And I ask 3 cops, “On your day off will you join us?” The one just kinda looked at me, like are you serious? So I asked again. They never said a word. Than I said, “Do you realize you’re just like us? We're just like you! We all played together in school, your cousins played with our cousins , our parents played with your parents.”  I could see this was striking a soft spot. I said, “Your uncle is out of work right now, and your Cousin, just got out of collage and can't find a job. We don't hate you because you have a job. Will you come join us on your day off? I saw one guy’s eyes were glassy.”  I said, “Do you understand what I'm saying?” The one looked into my eyes and nodded yes.
I pointed to the Capitol and said, “These guys aren’t protecting you. They didn't go to school with us. I than said, “Will you join us on your day off? We will still be here!”
Lisa - Did the police treat everyone fairly?
Jeremy - I personally, never saw one person arrested the whole time I was there. I never saw a single fight.
Lisa – The government seems to be taking the OAS march more seriously, why?
Jeremy - They know what happened in Iceland! They don't want the general public to know about Iceland.
Lisa – Yes, it was a peaceful revolution that overthrew the government, jailed their crooked bankers, threw out all the politicians, reelected new ones, refused to pay the debt of the corrupt government, and it now thriving in one of the best economies. This is my hope as well, and why I support OAS.
From the beginning the mission is dependant on the citizens to show up and address their grievances.
Jeremy - I just choose to play their game. That's my choice! Because if I didn't it would be a whole different outcome in life.  We are all in this together, we all need to show up.
Lisa – Thanks for showing up, talking to me, and I hope others will follow.
Jeremy – You’re welcome and thanks for covering OAS.
The OAS march is testimony to the dedication to save America. Talk radio feeds you 24 hour government malcontent and the politicians have given them plenty to talk about.  Rap music continues to address the inequities. You have organizations from all political parties bemoaning the state of American affairs. American’s are not arguing about whether we need change.  So let’s not argue about when is the right time to demand it.  It is time to MAKE DC LISTEN.
The economy won’t wait. You are in the last chapter of a very bad book and you don’t have time to split hairs. NOW is the time to make them listen! The sooner we win, the sooner America recovers.
(Lisa Cerda is Editor and columnist of American Outrage, and a contributor to CityWatch since 2008. She became a land use activist, fighting an avalanche of approved projects that could not meet local and state zoning laws and successfully won each case. She is VP of Community Rights Foundation of L.A.) Twitter: @CerdafiedLisa

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