Sunday, May 25, 2014

Boycott Bon Jovi, Roger Waters, Annie Lennox, Elvis Costello, Carlos Santana,Emma Thompson,

#NoEmmaT Boycott Haters of Israel Like Emma Thompson:
Emma Thompson is an Israel hater. She is an anti-Israel extremist who advocates for a boycott of Israeli theatre. JtB boycotts the haters of Israel back: anti-Israel media like NY Times, LA Times, Washington Post, CNN, TIME; performers like Roger Waters, Annie Lennox, Elvis Costello, Carlos Santana, Bon Jovi; and actresses like Emma Thompson. We urge you to boycott all Emma Thompson's movies including her recent Saving Mr. Banks and her new movie The Love Punch. Please tweet messages of encouragement for boycotting Emma Thompson under the hashtags#thelovepunch and #NoEmmaT. You can support this JtB protet with a Like on our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter. Remember: we can boycott the Israel haters better than they can boycott us. Thank you for your support. 5/26/14
Please post your support of this boycott on Facebook and Twitter, etc.

Boycott All Links to Anti-Israel Media:
The anti-Israel media are desperate to get you to follow them online. The NY Times, LA Times, Washington Post, Time Magazine, CNN, etc. now earn considerable income from companies that advertise on their websites. Every time you visit their website or click on a link to their website you are helping contribute to those ad revenues. Refuse to click or send out any link to anti-Israel media. Join the Boycott of the anti-Israel media- see Honor Roll. If you would like to join our email list please write
to and put SUBSCRIBE in the subject line and tell us in one sentence or two (literally) why you support Israel. 5/8/14

#YesScarJo Scarlett Johansson Stands Up to the Israel Haters:
Scarlett Johansson is the latest top Hollywood star to reject the anti-Israel extremism of BDS. The Israel haters have been trying to get Johansson to stop appearing in ads for the company Sodastream (see video below) which has a factory in Judea and Samaria. Most recently, BDS has been trying to get anti-Israel "charity" Oxfam to drop Johansson as an ambassador. Instead Johansson has ditched Oxfam for its anti-Israel politicing and extremism and has expressed support for Israel and Sodastream. Well done Scarlett. We're proud of you. Pleasetweet messages of support for her under the hashtag #YesScarJo and Like the Facebook page supporting her. The viciousness of BDS hatred of Israel and its bullying tactics reflect its origins in the PLO and is an indicator of the depth of racist anti-Jewish animus motivating its members. Kudos to the many other top artists who have rejected BDS extremism, among them Madonna, Alicia Keys, Sir Elton John, Justin Bieber, Pet Shop Boys, Alanis Morissette, etc. 2/1/14

Join the Boycott is Now on Facebook!

Join the Boycott has opened a page on Facebook! Please visit us and like our page here. You can also folow us on Twitter here. Thanks.1/31/14

26 Years of Non-Stop LA Times Anti-Israel Propaganda:
Nothing changed but the date for the anti-Israel LA Times. The boycott of the paper started in January 1988 (see headline below) and it continues to this day. During that time circulation of the paper has shrunk dramatically but it continues to gain online. We urge you to boycott all manifestations of the paper, website, links, book fair, etc. Remaining subscribers, please call 1-800-252-9141 and cancel your extremist anti-Israel LA Times and let us know - see Honor Roll1/29/14 

Sharon's Passing in an Anti-Israel Media Age:
Israel mourns the passing of Ariel Sharon Z"L, founding father, and architect of its most significant military successes climaxing in the triumphant surrounding and cutting off of the Egyptian army in 1973. To the anti-Israel media it has been an oppportunity to republish all the tired old slanders and distortions of his record. Although beloved by a majority of Israelis for his lifetime contribution to Israel's security, he inexplicably turned on his strongest allies in 2005 by forcibly evacuating Israeli residents from Gaza and Northern Samaria. As so many then predicted, it led inevitably to the current PLO terror state in Gaza firing rockets at Israel and, in a bitter irony, even at Sharon's funeral. Ariel Sharon passed into history a great and courageous General, a supreme patriot, but flawed. A man who late on thought to turn his special bravery to the task of peacemaking but instead turned it to self-destruction. But judged on the entirety of his record, Ariel Sharon's legacy will be immense and inspiring. 1/16/14

Capitulations Only Bring More Pressure:
It has been a difficult year for Israel. Under heavy pressure from Obama, and more recently from the EU, Israel has made a series of high profile capitulations. The Obama-forced apology to Turkey, the nonsensical PLO murderer release, the bending to EU's economic blackmail on "settlement guidelines". Israel has not even earned itself a minimal return such as the release of Pollard (see video below). These unwise one-sided concessions have only brought more pressure on Israel including a wave of academic boycotts and ever-intensifying PLO incitement and media bias. In 1967 the US, Europe, and the UN made a commitment to Israel under UN Resolution 242 guaranteeing it "secure and recognized boundaries", not restricting it to 1967 lines as the anti-Israel Obama has wrongly insisted. To retain Jewish sovereignty over Judea and Samaria, the heart of Israel, will require taking a stand. The sooner Israel realises that the beter. 12/30/13 

Boycott CSUN Until It Stops Promoting Boycott of Israel:
The Administration at CSU Northridge, led by its President Dianne Harrison, is promoting an extremist anti-Israel anti-semitic boycott of Israel from a "Boycott Israel Resource Page" on the CSUN website (see below). The source of the page is Professor Klein a man with apparently extremist anti-Israel views. For the last several years the brave leaders of a group called AMCHA have been battling anti-Israel anti-semitic extremism on California campuses. AMCHA has fought to have Klein's webpage removed but they have run into a wall of stubborness and obstruction from Harrison. CSUN recently admitted Klein's page was posted without their permission but are still refusing to remove it. Please write to Harrison at to demand CSUN remove Klein's webpage and CC us at - see example. We also urge alumni and other donors to boycott CSUN and withhold donationsuntil CSUN stops promoting the boycott of Israel. 10/15/13 

Anti-Israel LA Times Posting More Content Online:
The gathering and presenting of news has changed dramatically over the last decade. Today, the primary source of news for most Americans and the world is online. The LA Times is typical. Most of its articles on Israel are now posted online, and many do not even appear in print. The commercial imperative in this digital revolution is website advertising. Each time you click on a
link to a LA Times online article you help generate ad revenues for the paper. The boycott of the anti-Israel LA Times therefore extends to their website meaning boycotters should avoid clicking on links that indicate the source is the LA Times. Occasionally links are disguised and you may find you arrived at the LA Times by accident. We recommend you close the window and be cautious in the future about clicking on links from the same source. Newspapers also earn revenue by charging a digital subscription for their content. We urge you not to subscribe and to urge your friends who have purchased digital subscriptions to cancel - seeHonor Roll. LAT snapshot © 10/7/13
Have you signed The Body Shop Petition yet? 
If not, please click here


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Join the Boycott - All Rights Reserved - This is the original copyright work of Join the Boycott. No copying or reproduction or re-publication of this work is allowed without the express written permission of Join the Boycott and must be made without change to the original. It must also include a credit to Join the Boycottacknowledging it as the author of the work and must also include a prominently displayed clickable link to Join the Boycott's home page at Join the Boycott or a written equivalent if copied in print form. This site best viewed with the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser. To contact the webmaster click here Occasional graphics content from animation

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