Saturday, April 26, 2014

Guests in the USA or just Terrorists?

This is NOT Israel. This is the United States of America. If these Pally Students who are Guests in the USA and may be on Foreign Scholorships need to harass American Students who are Jewish then send them back to Gaza and the West Bank. If they are so called "Freedom Fighters" and claim they are slaves in Israel HOW DID SO MANY OF THEM GET OUT TO COME TO THE USA? In order for them to leave they had to go to Tel Avi Airport to take a plane to the USA. They didn't swim here and like so many Jews who were victims of the hands of Nazi Muslims and the Nazi Christians (Hitler was a Christian) and had to travel on freightships to leave detention camps in Europe for freedom in Israel. It was then after the Declaration of Independence did the Muslim Countries declare war on the Victims of the Concentration Camps.

Has anyone been to Gaza? The inner Cities and the Beaches are gorgeous and at one time when Israel had open boarders Gaza was a busy international tourist area with white sandy beaches and hotels that served drinks and music. Now it's a crime to have music at a wedding or to even think about going onto the beach since it's loaded with mines.

This hate for Jews is deep rooted. You can find this hate in the Koran. This hate was written by a thug who raped, stole, and defaced the Earth with his distruction. Yet they cannot see it since they are so involved in the chanting of their prayer, beating their wives, raping their children, and hating the Jews.  Islam does not mean peace it means submission. Now you do have a few Muslims who want to live a normal life of minding their own business and loving their wife and children but the few who are radical and the students who feel they need to imagine dying for a cause will make them a martyr.  I have heard more Palestinians whose mission in Israel have gone wrong and they are hurt or dying calling for MOMMY rather then Allah.

Why is it when these children who want to be a suicide bombers realize after they get to their destination that they need a back up person to blow them up if they change their minds? They should realize it's not for their Allah who is not merciful it is for those who sit behind that mask telling the lambs, the children to die for them them. A G-d would not want his children to die for masked men. Hamas is not Allah nor are they messenagers of Allah,

It is time to stop all Federal, State, and Local money aid to these schools who recieve Jewish and Christian tax payers money. These colleges need to clean up their acts and allow everyone the right to peaceful living and learning on the college campuses.

Outrage as Pro-Palestinian activists leave eviction notices for Jewish NYU Students

  • The eviction notices were slid under the doors of Jewish students in an NYU residence hall
  • The group Students for Justice in Palestine has taken credit for the notices
  • The group claims the Israeli government routinely evicts Palestinians living in Israel

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Jewish students at New York University have been targeted by a pro-Palestinian group that reportedly slipped 'eviction' notices under the doors of several Jewish students in one of the university's Greenwich Village residents halls last week.
'If you do not vacate the premise by midnight on 25 April, 2014 we reserve the right to destroy all remaining belongings. We cannot be held responsible for property or persons remaining inside the premises,' the fake eviction slips read.
The NYU student group Students for Justice in Palestine have taken credit for notices, which came with a disclaimer at the bottom stating, 'this is not an eviction notice,' and explaining that the notices were meant to draw attention to the group's claim that the Israeli government issues similar eviction notices to Palestinians living in Israel.
Phony: These phony eviction notices were slid under the doors of several of NYU's Jewish students
Phony: These phony eviction notices were slid under the doors of several of NYU's Jewish students
NYU's Palladium residence hall on 14th Street in Manhattan reportedly was targeted because of its large Jewish population
NYU's Palladium residence hall on 14th Street in Manhattan reportedly was targeted because of its large Jewish population
The pro-Palestinian group targeted the NYU resident housing facility Palladium, on East 14th Street in Manhattan, because it is believed to house a lot of NYU's Jewish students, the Times of Israel reports - according to the paper, the building even has elevators that operate without buttons for students acknowledging the Sabbath.
A spokesman for NYU says the prank crossed a line.
'It is disappointingly inconsistent with standards we expect to prevail in a scholarly community,' spokesman John Beckman told the New York Post. 'Our Residence Life and Housing Office will be communicating with the students in the dorm, looking into the matter, and following up appropriately.'
According to Beckman, it's unclear why the group targeted the Palladium dorms.
Credit: The student group Students for Justice in Palestine have taken credit for the 'eviction' notices
Credit: The student group Students for Justice in Palestine have taken credit for the 'eviction' notices
'However, were it to be the case that the fliering was done there because it was perceived to be a dorm with a higher proportion of Jewish students, that would be troubling, dismaying and a matter of deep concern for our community,' Beckman said.
Students for Justice for Palestine took credit for the fliers in a blog post on its NYU website. 
'NYU SJP's eviction action created more dialogue than ever before,' the headline of a blog post on the site reads.
Students say they we troubled by the phony eviction notices.
'Dialogue': The students seem to thing their stunt was a success and has 'created...dialogue'
'Dialogue': The students seem to thing their stunt was a success and has 'created...dialogue'
'We thought we were getting evicted. We were panicking a little bit,' sophomore Gabrielle Doria, 20, told the paper.
Similar pranks, the paper reports, have recently happened at other universities, including Rutgers, Michigan and Northwestern.

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