Thursday, March 6, 2014

What Does it matter Hillary Clinton Doesn't remember, makes many mistakes and never says a lie!

Lately we have been hearing about how Hillary is the choice of the Democratic party. If this is the case then the Democrats have decided who is the best person that they think NOT YOU but the Party thinks is the one who should be President.

What positive things have Hillary done?
 1. Hillary lied that as First Lady with a trip to Bosnia  So What she Makes a mistake.. "What Does it matter" When someone else makes a mistake according to Hillary is a Liar

2. Hillary Lied about Benghazi terrorist attack, But SO WHAT she made another MISTAKE  Someone else is a LIAR! "What does it matter"

3. Hillary Lied about White Waters  Stealing property from the elderly... According to Hillary So What they will lose all their money and starve on the streets. That is her Social Security Fix.

How can you trust a person who has the Muslim Sisterhood leader as her Chief Adviser Huma Abedin Wiener who allegedly gave secrets to terrorist in  Benghazi! Now she states is Putin is another Hitler! If Putin is another Hitler then Hillary is another Joseph Stalin who killed more people then Hitler in the USSR and kept it silent.

Hillary Clinton Compares Putin's Ukraine Strategy To Adolf Hitler's In Nazi Germany: Report

 | by  Shadee AshtariEmail

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton compared Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent activities in Ukraine to Adolf Hitler’s “population transfers” in the late 1930s during a closed Boys & Girls Club of Long Beach fundraiser on Tuesday, according to the Long Beach Press-Telegram.
“Now if this sounds familiar, it’s what Hitler did back in the 30s,” Clinton reportedly said, referring to Putin's plan to issue Russian citizenship to those in Ukraine's Crimean region. “All the Germans that were ... the ethnic Germans, the Germans by ancestry who were in places like Czechoslovakia and Romania and other places, Hitler kept saying they’re not being treated right. I must go and protect my people and that’s what’s gotten everybody so nervous.”
Putin is a man “who believes his mission is to restore Russian greatness,” Clinton said, which includes gaining control over countries once under the former Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact.
In late February, the legislature’s lower house passed a bill that would authorize “Russian-speaking citizens of the former USSR, irrespective of nationality, who are in danger of a real threat of ethno-cultural, political, or professional discrimination” to obtain Russian citizenship.
When he looks at Ukraine, he sees a place that he believes is by its very nature part of Mother Russia,” Clinton said, according to a Press-Telegram reporter attending the event.
Clinton, a potential Democratic 2016 presidential contender, projected that if Ukraine and Russia are to attain any kind of agreement, negotiations would start in Crimea.
Harry Saltzgaver, the executive editor for Gazette Newspapers in Long Beach and the reporter who broke the Clinton news, said he feels "badly" about leaking the comments:
I’m a news source for a national story.Frankly, I don’t think Clinton said anything that surprising, or inflamatory [sic]. But when a presumptive presidential candidate says something, it is going to be news.
I feel badly, only because it seems like I’ve somehow breeched [sic] a confidence -- even though I was never asked to keep anything in confidence. So instead of being the news, I’m reporting the news.

Iran Expert Timmerman: State Dept. Befriends Radical Islamists

Wednesday, 05 Mar 2014 07:04 PM

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The State Department's decision to allow an anti-gay Muslim cleric into the United States is an alarming sign that the government is befriending radical Islamist groups, says Kenneth Timmerman, executive director of the Foundation for Democracy in Iran.

"It has been the State Department's policy under both Hillary Clinton and now John Kerry to support the Islamist groups in Syria," Timmerman told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

"The State Department policy has been systematically to aid and abet and sometimes to arm and equip these Islamist groups around the world, specifically in Libya and in Syria."

It was Timmerman who first revealed that the State Department had issued Sheikh Mohammad Rateb al-Nabulsi a visa for a 17-city tour of U.S. mosques to raise money for the uprising in Syria.

In an interview three years ago, the cleric said, “Homosexuality involves a filthy place and does not generate offspring. Homosexuality leads to the destruction of the homosexual. That is why, brothers, homosexuality carries the death penalty.”

Timmerman said the U.S. embrace of radicals is dangerous.

"[The] mark on my forehead [is] because today is Ash Wednesday," he said.

"If I were to appear in a Christian town in Syria today that had been taken over by these groups, the Islamist groups that Sheik al-Nabulsi is supporting, they would give me two choices . . . Get out of town really fast, convert, or die."

Now as Far as ObamaCare the Royals have passed the Mace and Steptor onto Hillary without you even deciding if you want her as President.      WHAT DOES IT MATTER!

Another Obamacare delay pushes the pain  past 2014 elections and well into 2016 as Obama leaves the fallout for Hillary to face

  • Next deadline for 'substandard' health care plans to disappear has moved from just before the 2014 election to just before the 2016 election
  • Republicans mocked the move as cynically political, noting President Obama's desire to maintain Democrats' control of the U.S. Senate in the fall
  • Democrats fear an angry public facing new health insurance costs and burdens will turn out in force to send them packing on Election Day
  • Obama's party may take a hit five weeks before the 2016 presidential contest, when Hillary Clinton or another Democrat will have to answer to contented holders of what the White House calls 'junk' plans
The latest in a string of delays and alterations to the Affordable Care Act – nearly 30 in all –has the federal government deciding to delay penalizing about 500,000 Americans who have what President Obama recently called 'substandard' and 'junk' health insurance plans.
Penalties scheduled to hit as many as 1.5 million such Americans who have not yet seen cancellation notices from their insurers were set to kick in just before the November 2014 congressional election.
But now that deadline has been pushed back until five weeks before the 2016 presidential contest, creating a potential headache for Hillary Rodham Clinton – Obama's former secretary of state and his party's presumptive nominee to succeed him.
Republicans immediately mocked the move as cynically political and designed to protect vulnerable liberals in Congress, noting Obama's quest to avoid a Republican-majority U.S. Senate when the dust settles eight months from now.

If you like your plan, you can keep it -- until I'm nearly retired -- Obama seems to be saying, in a mvoe that Republicans are blasting as nakedly political
If you like your plan, you can keep it -- until I'm nearly retired -- Obama seems to be saying, in a mvoe that Republicans are blasting as nakedly political
Ballgame: All eyes are on the U.S. Senate elections in November, after which Mitch McConnell (C) could become the new majority leader -- and the unpopular Obamacare law could propel Republicans to victory
Ballgame: All eyes are on the U.S. Senate elections in November, after which Mitch McConnell (C) could become the new majority leader -- and the unpopular Obamacare law could propel Republicans to victory
Democrats fear that Americans frustrated with an Obamacare system that defied the president's many campaign promises, particularly his oft-stated pledge to protect those who wanted to keep their medical insurance plans and their doctors, will take it out on liberal legislators who voted for the law nearly more than four years ago.
But the most the White House can do is delay the onset of chronic health insurance pain, not prevent it: Clinton or another Democrat will have to carry the Affordable Care Act's baggage into the 2016 election.
Republican leaders met the announcement of the latest gear-shifting in Obamacare's implementation on Wednesday with rhetorical catcalls and we-told-you-sos.


'This move is a cynical ploy that delays thousands of insurance policy cancellations until after the elections,' said Republican Rep. Darrell Issa, who chairs the House Oversight and Government Affairs Committee, 'in the hopes that Americans won’t notice the spiking premiums and shrinking options they face under the president’s health care law.'
'Nothing, however,' Issa warned, 'can distract from the fact that the president blatantly broke his promise that "if you like your plan you can keep your plan."'
House Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia said in a statement that Democrats' worst fear is 'full implementation' of the Affordable Care Act.
'Time and again, the Obama Administration has shown its true colors by putting politics first and unilaterally delaying parts of the law to avoid political repercussions,' he sniped.
'Doesn't it say something that the authors of this legislation are worried that it's implemented before they face voters again?'

Will she? Won't she? (Will she still want to?) Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, a potential 2016 presidential candidate, will have to carry Obamacare's baggage into a presidential contest if she runs
Will she? Won't she? (Will she still want to?) Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, a potential 2016 presidential candidate, will have to carry Obamacare's baggage into a presidential contest if she runs
Health insurance policies that White House Press Secretary Jay Carney derided just months ago as 'substandard' will be acceptable until just before the 2016 presidential election
Health insurance policies that White House Press Secretary Jay Carney derided just months ago as 'substandard' will be acceptable until just before the 2016 presidential election

The net effect of Wednesday's announcement is that many Americans will be permitted to keep health insurance policies which, for a variety of reasons, don't meet the Affordable Care Act's standards.
A senior White House staffer told CNBC that the number could reach 1.5 million
President Obama railed against those options throughout 2013, and administration figures have called them 'substandard' and 'junk insurance.'
Explainer: Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said the latest sudden Obamacare policy shift represented a way for the government to ease the pain of transition
Explainer: Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said the latest sudden Obamacare policy shift represented a way for the government to ease the pain of transition
Those policyholders will be permitted to renew their plans through October 1, 2016, pushing their coverage well into 2017.
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said in a statement that her agency's shifting policy would 'implement the health care law in a common-sense way by continuing to smooth the transition for consumers and stakeholders and fixing problems wherever the law provides flexibility.'
'This comprehensive guidance will help ensure that consumers, employers and insurers have the information they need to plan for next year,' she added, 'and make it easier for families to make decisions to access quality, affordable coverage.'
The nuts and bolts of the regulatory walk-back are complicated. President Obama declared late in 2013 that Americans who wanted to keep their plans could do so, and Wednesday's move is an extension of that one.
But by the time the president changed course last year, at least 5 million taxpayers had already received cancellation letters from insurance companies whose offerings didn't meet with Obamacare's strict minimum requirements.
Not everyone can benefit from the White House's suddenly relaxed posture toward what will qualify as a 'compliant' insurance policy. 
State insurance commissioners, not the president, decide whether to allow insurers to continue offering plans from one year to the next. And the insurance companies are under no obligation to sell those plans in 2014.
But to conservatives who smell the latest drops of blood in the water, the White House appears mired in a posture dedicated more to winning elections than to seeing Obamacare through.
The move 'reeks of politics,' a spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner said.

Gloves come off: House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio said the Obama administration's move on Wednesday 'reeks of politics'
Gloves come off: House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio said the Obama administration's move on Wednesday 'reeks of politics'
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell declared it a 'desperate move to protect vulnerable Democrats in national elections later this year.'
McConnell will likely become the Senate majority leader if Republicans gain six seats in November – and he survives his own tough election challenge from Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes.
On the other side of the U.S. Capitol, House Republicans, still angry that the Obamacare law's 'individual mandate' tax remains in effect for the 2014 tax year, staged a protest vote on Wednesday.
Twenty-seven Democrats joined them, passing a bill by a 250-160 margin that would delay those penalties for individual taxpayers.
The measure faces certain death in the Democrat-controlled Senate.


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