Wednesday, March 12, 2014



Commentary By Adina Kutnicki



Americans should internalize they are in a whirlwind of trouble, particularly when Egypt’s leaders (not exactly a bastion of freedom and liberty seekers) are the ones taking the lead, that is, in pushing back against the leader of the free world. Its essence revolves around Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia. They have an incontrovertible case to bring before the International Criminal Court, aka the ICC. What an upside down world. Alice-in-Wonderland time…down the rabbit hole…loony tunes too.

In this regard, HOT on the heels of yesterday’s commentary,  REVEALED: MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD MAFIA COMPLETES ‘PHASE 3′ FROM ‘THE PLAN’, INFILTRATES AMERICA’S FAMILY COURT SYSTEM. 2 MORE ‘PHASES’ TO GO, as well as countless others revealing Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s links/fealty to the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia (most glaringly, through the evidence revealed within The Muslim Brotherhood’s Quest For Global Dominance – An Interview With Adina Kutnicki), this site lays out the same indictment. Its genesis also harks back to his Kenyan Sunni roots, as well as his ‘outreach’ to the Brotherhood during his first term. Coming down on the same side as Egypt on any matter, heretofore unimaginable, is now coming to pass.This is how low a pit the POTUS is sinking America into.

As a result of his anti-western jiggering and his purposeful empowerment of the Brotherhood Mafia – through Egypt’s corridors, as a first stop – he will feel their wrath. So, it is through his much ballyhooed maiden voyage into foreign affairs via his Cairo “outreach” to the Muslim world, that his machinations (with more than willing surrogates/accomplices) are coming full circle. How about that. Kismet. Blow back. Tragically, Barack HUSSEIN Obama left the entire Mid East in a firestorm, and it will be decades, if ever, before the damage is reversed.



Alleges involvement with Muslim Brotherhood

WASHINGTON –- Several prominent media sources in Egypt are now reporting that Egyptian lawyers have filed criminal terrorism charges in the International Criminal Court against President Obama in addition to the criminal terrorism charges previously filed in Egyptian courts against the president’s half-brother Malik Obama.
Malik Obama is quickly becoming a person of interest in Egypt for his alleged management of funds for a terrorist organization based in neighboring Sudan. A group of Egyptian lawyers, meanwhile have charged President Obama with crimes against humanity for his support of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
The charges come as the criminal trial against former Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi is scheduled to begin in Egypt in January 2014. Morsi facing charges that he supported the Muslim Brotherhood in acts of violence directed against the Egyptian people.
President Obama is likely to be a subject in Morsi’s criminal trial because of evidence the Obama administration used the U.S. Embassy in Cairo to provide direct financial support to key Muslim Brotherhood political operatives, with the full knowledge and complicity of the Morsi government, as WND was first to report in August.
Criminal complaints filed at ICC
The Egyptian newspaper El Watan has reported a group of Egyptian lawyers has submitted a complaint to the International Criminal Court in The Hague, charging Obama with backing the group that incited widespread violence in Egypt both before and after what is known in Egypt as the “June 30 Revolution.” The Egyptian army coup d’état removed Morsi from the presidency July 3.
As first reported by CBN News, the complaint names several top-ranking Muslim Brotherhood leaders, beginning with the head of the organization, Muhammad Badie, as well as Mohamed al-Beltagy, Essam al-Erian and Safwat Hegazi.
The complaint charges that Obama coordinated, incited and assisted the armed elements of the Muslim Brotherhood in the commission of crimes against humanity in the period from March 7 through Aug. 18 in Egypt.
The complaint specifies the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt persecuted the country’s Christian minority, including the torching, destruction and plundering of some 85 Christian churches. The regime also scapegoated the Christian Copts in Egypt for their support of the June 30 Revolution and the removal of Morsi from the presidency, the complaint asserts.
The complaint alleges Muslim Brotherhood incitement against the Copts resulted in the murder of a 10-year-old girl who was shot and killed as she walked back from Bible class, the murder of a young Coptic priest who was shot in front of his church in the Egyptian Sinai with his body found mutilated and beheaded, and the murder of two girls, aged 8 and 12, who were riddled with bullets as they attended a Christian church wedding.
The complaint further alleges that since the Muslim Brotherhood denounced the Copts, entire towns and villages have been emptied of Christians. More than 100 Christian families, for example, have been driven from the North Sinai city of El Arish.
Muslim Brotherhood supporters are accused of extorting Copts by making them pay tribute money to Islamic overlords, while those unwilling to pay were attacked, with their wives and children being beaten or kidnapped.


CBN News contributor Raymond Ibrahim reported from Egypt details of alleged atrocities committed by Muslim Brotherhood members against Christians in Egypt.
Criminal complaints against Malik Obama
Former PLO member and native Arabic-speaker Walid Shoebat reported on his website that Youm7 television in Egypt has now confirmed Ahmed Nabil Ganzory – in his capacity as a lawyer and agent for Sadik Rauf Ebeid, a physician residing in the United States and an officer in the Egyptian Air Force – filed a criminal complaint against Malik Obama with Egyptian Attorney General Hisham Barakat.
WND reported in September that the complaint called for Malik Obama to be placed on Egypt’s terror watch list because of his involvement as an owner and investment adviser for the Sudan-based Islamic Dawa Organization, or IDO, and the organization’s umbrella group, the Muslim Brotherhood.
The following is a direct translation from Youm7:
Dr. Ahmed Nabil Ganzory, in his capacity as lawyer and agent for Dr. Sadik Rauf Ebeid, and resident in the United States of America, filed a complaint with Egypt’s Attorney General Hisham Barakat, against Malik Obama, accusing him of supporting terrorism in Egypt and for his involvement in managing the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO). The complaint also asks to include Chancellor Tahani Al-Gebali to substantiate claims against Obama. …
Complaint No. 1761 for the year 2013 reported to the Attorney General asked the Egyptian High Court to consider the suspicious activity of a group called the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO), which is owned and managed by Malik Obama. This group is now being investigated by international bodies and the attached evidence proves beyond a reasonable doubt that a close link exists between Malik Obama and some of the most notorious characters already wanted for their involvement in terrorism, as is consistent with the pictures and reports attached. …
The complaint also asks the court to bring in Malik Obama – a resident of the United States – to be questioned in regards to the terrorist groups in Egypt, whether by inciting or participating with or in any form of support punishable by law. It seeks permission to declare Obama a defendant in his right outside Egypt diplomatically, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the case of non-appearance and compliance for the investigation, the complainant requests monitoring [Mr. Obama] by including his name on all Egyptian airports and ports, and take the necessary legal steps. [emphasis placed by Walid Shoebat]
In August, WND reported Tahani Al-Gebali, chancellor of the Constitutional Court of Egypt, substantiated the claims made against Malik Obama. On a television news programs in Egypt, al-Gebali asked the court to bring Malik Obama to Egypt for questioning as “one of the architects” of investments made by the Muslim Brotherhood.
Ganzory, the attorney who filed the criminal complaint against Malik Obama, was identified in a recent interview on El-Balad TV in Egypt as an Egyptian constitutional law expert.
In the interview, Ganzory claimed he has “what it takes to convict Obama’s brother in financing terrorism.”
“Malik Obama will be brought to face justice in Egypt if and when these charges are proven,” he said.
In an email to WND, Dr. Sadek Raouf Ebeid, the U.S. resident who brought the criminal complaint in Egypt against Malik Obama, explained an attempt to serve the complaint to Malik in Kenya failed because he was not in the country at the time.
Ebeid further explained his attorney, Ganzory, is currently preparing to serve the complaint to Malik in the U.S.
Arguing that President Obama is complicit in advancing the activities of his half-brother, Ebeid said evidence WND has published suggests Malik Obama received unprecedented assistance from the White House through retroactive approval of tax-exempt status for the Barack H. Obama Foundation, a 501(c)3 organization created by Malik Obama in the U.S.
As to his half bro’, Malik Obama, where to begin, other than pointing to his top dog status within the Brotherhood’s terror financing. Now, Obama and Malik are tight. Truly in a blood pact. Indeed, Malik garnered a featured spot at this blogger’s recent Inquisitr interview:
This blog stands behind all the charges laid out above. More than indicting. A slam dunk. And we know how obsessed The One is about anything smacking of B-Ball!

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