Monday, October 14, 2013

Obama wants to kill Americans READ NOW Obama declared himself DICTATOR

Pentagon Warns To Expect “Radical” Change In US Government Soon

A highly troubling “urgent bulletin” issued earlier today by theMinistry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) states that it has receivedinformation from the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) warning to expect a “radical change” in the government of the United States, possibly within the next fortnight, based on information they have received from “highly placed” sources within the Pentagon.
According to this MoFA bulletin, GRU intelligence assests were notified by their Pentagon counterparts this past week that President Barack Obama is preparing to invoke the powers given to him under 50 USC Chapter 13 to hold that various American States are now in a “state of insurrection” thus allowing him to invoke the National Emergencies Act under 50 USC § 1621 and invoke the highly controversial “continuity of government” plan for the United States allowing him, in essence, to rule with supreme powers.
Specifically, this bulletin says, Obama will invoke 50 USC § 212 that states: “ the President shall have declared by proclamation that the laws of the United States are opposed, and the execution thereof obstructed, by combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings”
The specific laws being opposed by these “combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings,” that Obama will outline in his reasoning’s for declaring a state of emergency, this bulletin continues, are the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act(PPACA), otherwise known as Obamacare.
The NDAA is opposed by many US States, this bulletin says, with California joining Alaska and Virginia this past week in passing a law making it illegal to be enforced in their territory, and with many other States, also, preparing to do the same.
The specific portions of the NDAA law being opposed by these US States allows for the indefinite detention without charges or trial of all American citizens and allows for their assassination should Obama order it.
The PPACA (Obamacare) law is, likewise, opposed by over half of the US States and has led to an American“shutdown” this past week that has closed 15% of their government, but has left fully 85% of it still open.
To the specific “combinations too powerful” Obama will cite in his declaration of National Emergency as being needed to be defeated by extraordinary measures, the MoFA says, is a faction of the US House of Representatives popularly known as the Republican Tea Party whom the President and his allies have likened to “hostage takers” and “political terrorists.”
Obama’s greatest fear, and reason(s) for declaring a National State of Emergency, this bulletin continues, was outlined yesterday by his US Treasury Department who released a report yesterday warning of potentially “catastrophic” damage should Congress fail to raise the debt ceiling and prevent the government from defaulting on its debt.
As the current US government shutdown crisis and debt ceiling fight have now merged, the MoFA warns in this bulletin, Obama further warned yesterday that an impasse on the debt ceiling beyond 17 October, when the US government will be essentially out of cash to pay its bills, could start a downward economic plunge worse than the recession of five years ago – with credit markets seizing up, the dollar’s value plummeting and US interest rates soaring and even coming close to the brink of such an unprecedented default that could roil both domestic and foreign financial markets.
Preparing to oppose Obama, should he, in fact, declare a National State of Emergency, the GRU grimly warns, is the US military who themselves are preparing to invoke 50 USC § 842 which allows them to protect America from“The Communist Party of the United States, or any successors of such party regardless of the assumed name, whose object or purpose is to overthrow the Government of the United States, or the government of any State, Territory, District, or possession thereof…”
Not known to many Americans is that the Progressive movement Obama belongs to, and whose media acolyte “presstitutes” swept into office, have long been associated with the Communist Party.
And, as the World Net Daily News Service reported this past August, John C. Drew, Ph.D., the award-winning political scientist, met Obama in 1980 and wrote in 2011: “[Obama] believed that the economic stresses of the Carter years meant revolution was still imminent. The election of Reagan was simply a minor set-back in terms of the coming revolution. … Obama was blindly sticking to the simple Marxist theory … ‘there’s going to be a revolution.’ Obama said, ‘we need to be organized and grow the movement.’ In Obama’s view, our role must be to educate others so that we might usher in more quickly this inevitable revolution.”
With Obama’s “revolution” now at hand, the GRU warns in this bulletin, it is critical to note that that United States, unlike other nations, have all of their elected officials and military personal swear allegiance to the US Constitution, and not to their government or its leaders.
The most recent example of this conflict between Obama and the US military, the GRU further states, was in Egypt when the Obama regime supported Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown by the Pentagon backed Egyptian military, and who, like the United States, makes its political and military leaders swear allegiance to their constitution, not to any of its leaders.
As many in America now know that these present times are not the normal activities of a government seeking peace and prosperity, and as dozens of undisclosed Obama Presidential directives that define US national security policy and task government agencies are still unknown either to the public or, as a rule, to the US Congress, this bulletin warns in its summation that with each passing day American can be more likened to a communist dictatorship than a functioning democracy.
So bad, in fact, has the United States become that one of its legendary reporters, Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh wrote this past week that the Obama administration lies systematically yet none of the leviathans ofAmerican media, the TV networks or big print titles, challenge him.
Even worse, and in a further Sovietization of American Life by the Obama regime, the US this past week refused to grant entry visas to internationally renowned authors Ilija Trojanov and Ernst Titovets who were invited to speak at conferences, and which Justin Raimondo of the highly respected blog calls “part of a disturbing pattern of repression that all points to one ineluctable conclusion: the United States is the Soviet Union of the new millennium – an ideological state with global ambitions that holds itself up as the epitome of “freedom” and yet is the single most powerful enemy of liberty worldwide.

50 USC § 1621 - Declaration of national emergency by President; publication in Federal Register; effect on other laws; superseding legislation

Current through Pub. L. 113-36. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)

(a) With respect to Acts of Congress authorizing the exercise, during the period of a national emergency, of any special or extraordinary power, the President is authorized to declare such national emergency. Such proclamation shall immediately be transmitted to the Congress and published in the Federal Register.
(b) Any provisions of law conferring powers and authorities to be exercised during a national emergency shall be effective and remain in effect
(1) only when the President (in accordance with subsection (a) of this section), specifically declares a national emergency, and
(2) only in accordance with this chapter. No law enacted after September 14, 1976, shall supersede this subchapter unless it does so in specific terms, referring to this subchapter, and declaring that the new law supersedes the provisions of this subchapter.

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50 USC § 212 - Confiscation of property employed to aid insurrection

Current through Pub. L. 113-36. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)
Whenever during any insurrection against the Government of the United States, after the President shall have declared by proclamation that the laws of the United States are opposed, and the execution thereof obstructed, by combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, or by the power vested in the marshals by law, any person, or his agent, attorney, or employee, purchases or acquires, sells or gives, any property of whatsoever kind or description, with intent to use or employ the same, or suffers the same to be used or employed in aiding, abetting, or promoting such insurrection or resistance to the laws, or any person engaged therein; or being the owner of any such property, knowingly uses or employs, or consents to such use or employment of the same, all such property shall be lawful subject of prize and capture wherever found; and it shall be the duty of the President to cause the same to be seized, confiscated, and condemned.

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50 USC § 842 - Proscription of Communist Party, its successors, and subsidiary organizations

Current through Pub. L. 113-36. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)

The Communist Party of the United States, or any successors of such party regardless of the assumed name, whose object or purpose is to overthrow the Government of the United States, or the government of any State, Territory, District, or possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein by force and violence, are not entitled to any of the rights, privileges, and immunities attendant upon legal bodies created under the jurisdiction of the laws of the United States or any political subdivision thereof; and whatever rights, privileges, and immunities which have heretofore been granted to said party or any subsidiary organization by reason of the laws of the United States or any political subdivision thereof, are terminated: Provided, however, That nothing in this section shall be construed as amending the Internal Security Act of 1950, as amended [50U.S.C. 781 et seq.]

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Exclusive: Mychal Massie explains why president is 'using race to divide America'

 The media refuse, and the Republican Party is either too afraid or complicit (and I think it is more the latter), to call Obama what he is. Obama is a neo-Leninist communist, and it is time we not only understand that, but call him that. The proof is undeniable.
People, specifically the talking heads who routinely appear on Fox News Channel programs, are ever ready to argue Obama doesn’t understand the economy and that leads him to make the poor economic decisions that he does. I contend that it isn’t that he doesn’t understand the economics and capitalism; it’s that the American capitalist system offends him based on his true political ideology.
His intentions, along with the intentions of the people he has surrounded himself with, are to destroy the American capitalist system and usher in communism. This is precisely the reason he has gone to such transpicuous lengths to foment racial discord. Doctrinally, he believes that revolution is the means through which the American capitalist system will be destroyed and replaced with a socialist state.
John C. Drew, Ph.D., the award-winning political scientist, met Obama in 1980. In 2011 Drew wrote: “[Obama] believed that the economic stresses of the Carter years meant revolution was still imminent. The election of Reagan was simply a minor set-back in terms of the coming revolution. … Obama was blindly sticking to the simple Marxist theory … ‘there’s going to be a revolution.’ Obama said, ‘we need to be organized and grow the movement.’ In Obama’s view, our role must be to educate others so that we might usher in more quickly this inevitable revolution.”
But Drew didn’t stop there. Drew was at that time a Marxist himself and disagreed with Obama on how to bring about a revolution. Drew supported Barrington Moore’s theory that “a Russian or Chinese style revolution – leading to communism – was only possible in an agrarian society with a weak or non-existent middle-class or bourgeoisie.”
Drew ended his article by saying, “I know something about what Obama believed in 1980. At that time, the future president was a doctrinaire Marxist revolutionary.”
It is no secret that Obama revered Saul Alinsky. As I wrote in 2012, “[Saul] Alinsky’s son, David, said: ‘Barack Obama’s training in Chicago by the great community organizers is showing its effectiveness. It is an amazingly powerful format, and the method of my late father always works to get the message out and get supporters on board. When executed meticulously and thoughtfully, it is a powerful strategy for initiating change and making it really happen. Obama learned his lessons [from my father] well.’”
Obama’s mother was as far left as one can get and still have both feet on terra firma. Her Marxist friends referred to her as a “fellow traveler,” i.e., a communist sympathizer. That is further validated when we consider that her parents sent her to a communist-run high school.
Another key figure in Obama’s life was the child rapist, Frank Marshall Davis, who was a committed communist with ties to the most sinister of communist groups. It is worth noting that it was his grandparents who sought Davis out to mentor and tutor the then young Obama. Of all people to employ as a mentor to your child, why engage a radical communist when they had the means to choose anyone they wanted unless they were communist sympathizers who wanted to be sure their grandson would follow in their footsteps and those of his mother?
It is inconceivable to believe that Obama, Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn, would be the close friends they are unless they shared the same ideologies.
The radical, far-left, anti-gun, liberal Harvard professor Laurence Tribe said Obama “was the best student [he] ever had,” a platitude Tribe had previously lauded upon the extreme left-wing radical Kathleen Sullivan an openly lesbian Stanford Law School professor who was at one time believed the person Obama would appoint to the Supreme Court to replace David Souter.
In 2011, Obama gave a speech that at Osawatomie High School in Osawatomie, Kan. The highlight of the speech, as I wrote at the time, was it was there that he uttered the now infamous words “limited government and rugged individualism [don't] work and [have] never worked.” But what goes unaddressed pursuant to that speech was that communists from every corner of America praised his speech. That Osawatomie was the name of the revolutionary newspaper published by the domestic terrorist group Weather Underground, which was headed by Obama’s good friends Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, is of note and provides further proof of Obama’s propensity to engage in code-speak with his Neo-Leninist comrades.
It should be clear to everyone why Obama is using race to divide America, and why he has branded successful capitalists as the enemy. It is to bring about a revolution that will result in the downfall of capitalism. But unlike in 1980, when he had openly advocated for a murderous revolution, he has since adopted the Alinsky model and has opted for the downfall of capitalism vis-a-vis a political revolution.


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