Rosa Koire, ASA, Executive Director of The Post Sustainability Institute being interviewed by Leilani Clark, North Bay Bohemian newspaper. The paper did a smear attack on Rosa and Agenda 21 on June 15, 2011. Please go to to read the biased article. Help us spread the truth by forwarding this interview. Stop the press from attacking those who speak out about UN Agenda 21.
Rosa was videoing and has the entire interview for you here. The article is full of misrepresentations and distortions, and poses our concerns about Agenda 21 as a joke. We think it's notable that the Bohemian requested an interview with Rosa two days after she reported Sonoma County Supervisor Valerie Brown to the California Fair Political Practices Commission for alleged conflict of interest. Supervisor Brown sits on the national board of ICLEI and, at the same time, voted for Sonoma County to pay ICLEI $83,000 to design a greenhouse gas emissions protocol for Sonoma County. -
Rosa was videoing and has the entire interview for you here. The article is full of misrepresentations and distortions, and poses our concerns about Agenda 21 as a joke. We think it's notable that the Bohemian requested an interview with Rosa two days after she reported Sonoma County Supervisor Valerie Brown to the California Fair Political Practices Commission for alleged conflict of interest. Supervisor Brown sits on the national board of ICLEI and, at the same time, voted for Sonoma County to pay ICLEI $83,000 to design a greenhouse gas emissions protocol for Sonoma County. -
Read the article here:
Please forward our website to everyone so that they can see how the Press smears anyone who dares to speak the truth about UN Agenda 21 and Redevelopment.
Please forward our website to everyone so that they can see how the Press smears anyone who dares to speak the truth about UN Agenda 21 and Redevelopment.
Hidden Agenda
The 'Agenda 21er' crusade against sustainable development
The words "Post Sustainability Institute" might be eerily similar to the name of the Santa Rosa-based Post Carbon Institute, but its goals couldn't be more different. While the Post Carbon Institute promotes bike-friendly streets, transit-oriented development and SMART trains as solutions to a growing environmental crisis, members of the Post Sustainability Institute assert that there's a dark side to sustainable development, one that will eventually result in the loss of liberty and the stripping away of private-property rights.
It may sound a little ominous. And yet the nationwide group of activists, loosely called Agenda 21ers, could soon be to sustainable growth what the Tea Party is now to the Obama administration.
Agenda 21ers believe that an 18-year-old United Nations initiative, called Agenda 21, is forcing sustainable development projects in the United States. They say the initiative is corporate-driven and has infiltrated local governments with a smart-growth agenda that will result in the loss of property through eminent domain and increasing land restrictions. Depending on which wing of the group is pointing fingers, Agenda 21 might also be forcing people to ride bikes, stealing family-owned land and boxing the population into congested areas to facilitate government spying.
On Aug. 6, the Post Sustainability Institute sponsors a conference in Santa Rosa, "Behind the Green Mask," featuring talks on smart meters, the "new urbanism" and "recognizing communitarianism."
One of the founders of the Post Sustainability Institute is Rosa Koire. Koire and partner Kay Tokerud are familiar names in local politics; in 2007, Tokerud was asked to step down as president of the Santa Rosa Junior College Neighborhood Association when other members labeled her a "disagreeable character." Speaking of the pair, Neighborhood Alliance chair Judy Kennedy says, "They really rile people." And of Tokerud's presidency, Santa Rosa City Council member Gary Wysocky says, "She didn't run it like a neighbor. She had other ideas."
One of those ideas was a 2007 lawsuit filed by Tokerud against the city to block the formation of a redevelopment district along the Highway 101 corridor. Judgment was awarded to the city, but the Juilliard Park area, where Tokerud owns property, was taken out of the plan, and the Gateways Redevelopment project was put on hold for three years.
"I looked behind it," says Koire, pointing to the International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives as the "implementation" arm of the United Nations, "and I found Agenda 21." (Supervisor Valerie Brown is a board member of ICLEI, but tells theBohemian she's never heard of a connection between Agenda 21 and property rights.)
Koire, who works as a commercial real estate appraiser specializing in eminent domain valuations for the California Department of Transportation, describes herself a "feminist, pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, anti-war liberal." Her contentious views on eminent domain, "not-smart" trains and bike boulevards in Sonoma County have created a deep divide with otherwise similarly-minded Democrats, who she says "started crawling out of the woodwork and attacking me."
This month, Koire spoke about Agenda 21 to an East Bay Tea Party group. "Property rights are not a right-wing issue," says Koire of the appearance. "I don't know if they think I'm going to hell or what, but they were very nice to me."
In fact, Tea Party groups across the nation have aligned under the anti-Agenda 21 umbrella. In Maine, a Tea Party group issued a "red alert" notice about a development proposal to ease traffic around a major highway. A recent video made by Dean Philpot, a libertarian Texan operating seven blogs including "Peak Oil Freaks," claims that the goal of Transition Towns and the Post-Carbon Institute is "takin' yer land away from ya."
Michael Ruppert, Sebastopol-based journalist profiled in the 2009 documentary Collapse, says the Agenda 21 fear is an example of the scapegoating that occurs when societies face economic collapse. "This is a cookie-cutter tactic practiced by corporations, banks and the powers that be to sow and create political discontent," says Ruppert, "and to separate and divide and distract via needless controversy."
"It's unfortunate that anti-government groups like the Post Sustainability Institute see nefarious plots behind the efforts of those working towards environmental sustainability," says Asher Miller, executive director of the Post Carbon Institute. "After all, we likely share many beliefs—including the value of strong local communities. But I am curious to know what they envision a 'post-sustainable' world looks like. Here's betting they wouldn't actually want to find themselves or their kids there."
Please forward our website to everyone so that they can see how the Press smears anyone who dares to speak the truth about UN Agenda 21 and Redevelopment.
Leilani Clark, staff writer
The North Bay Bohemian
Your article was a smear, as I expected. You attacked my partner, did not interview her for the facts, solicited quotes from people with a grudge against us without giving us a chance to respond, distorted my statements, deliberately tried to injure my employment by naming my employer though I asked you not to (and you agreed), and coined a term "Agenda21ers" in order to diminish the importance of the issue.
A year ago I reported Michael Allen to the FPPC and the Press Democrat did a smear article on me using Judy Kennedy. Now I reported Valerie Brown to the FPPC and the Bohemian used Judy Kennedy--the quote is nearly identical. Gary Wysocky neglected to mention that he stole the position of Junior College Neighborhood president from Kay so that he could call himself a 'neighborhood leader' when he ran for Council a month later. That was the kind of 'neighborly' behavior he supports. She was democratically elected and he was not.
This kind of yellow journalism shows that you are available for hire; an ugly look into the Bohemian's inner workings. I'd like to refresh your memory regarding our interview. Take a look at or youtube.
Rosa Koire, ASA
Executive Director
Post Sustainability Institute - See more at:
The North Bay Bohemian
Your article was a smear, as I expected. You attacked my partner, did not interview her for the facts, solicited quotes from people with a grudge against us without giving us a chance to respond, distorted my statements, deliberately tried to injure my employment by naming my employer though I asked you not to (and you agreed), and coined a term "Agenda21ers" in order to diminish the importance of the issue.
A year ago I reported Michael Allen to the FPPC and the Press Democrat did a smear article on me using Judy Kennedy. Now I reported Valerie Brown to the FPPC and the Bohemian used Judy Kennedy--the quote is nearly identical. Gary Wysocky neglected to mention that he stole the position of Junior College Neighborhood president from Kay so that he could call himself a 'neighborhood leader' when he ran for Council a month later. That was the kind of 'neighborly' behavior he supports. She was democratically elected and he was not.
This kind of yellow journalism shows that you are available for hire; an ugly look into the Bohemian's inner workings. I'd like to refresh your memory regarding our interview. Take a look at or youtube.
Rosa Koire, ASA
Executive Director
Post Sustainability Institute - See more at:
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