Wednesday, May 30, 2018

update Good Christians took away Jewish Rights. Roseanne Barr

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According to the Republican Party and the Democrat Party Jewish Blood is cheap just like they thought what Hitler did was right.

The Muslim in their Koran call Jews Pigs and Apes

But a Jew like Roseanne Barr can't call Muslim Valerie Jarrette an Ape.

She's an Iranian Muslim.

My fellow Jews do not give any money to any candidate unless they are independent and Jewish.

Now I resigned not only for health reason but because the Republican Party who claims not to be Anti Semitic was. I went to a Political Meet and Greet and they started with a Prayer which was clearly a Christian Prayer disregarding 1. it was Passover, 2 there were other people there who were Jewish. As I was sitting there one of the Candidates leaned over and said We don't want any dirty Jews in Office. I was really confused because this person was running for Attorney General of the State and was part of Dennis Ross's Law firm. I as a better person ignored this Nazi . When I returned to my table after I spoke I noticed another person coming over , trying to steal my cards and when I said hey one card at a time he said "Why would a Jew want to run in a Christian Country." Now I am a Constitutionalist running in as a Republican, there is no clause, amendment or statement in the Constitution that states that the USA is a Christian Country. In Fact Jackson had the man who financed the revolutionary war Hyam Soloman assisted Jackson in writing the Bill of Rights and the Constitution they left out anything pertaining to religion.
But these so called Good Christians threatened in me with religion. One stated everyone was already told not to give the Jew money. Jews are all Bankers, Jews are the Illuminati, Jews are all Communist, Jews are all baby killers since it's in our blood. Then they added look what you did to those poor Palestinian babies. You even killed Christ.

First of all let me set the Record Straight, the word Christ means Messiah. Moses was a Messiah in my opinion. He brought the Jews out of Egypt. The Maccabees were Messiahs , they saved Israel. King David was a Messiah he killed Goliath and save Israel. The Haganah army and everyone who supported them are the Messiah they saved Israel, returned Jerusalem to the Jews . The Prime Minsters of Israel , the Mossad, the Bet Shin and the IDF, IAF and INF are all Messiah they save Israel. The word Messiah in Hebrew means messenger. Action of all these people were messages from G-d. The word G-d is too holy to write out in Judaism and writing his name is taking it in vain. So all you holy rollers who make comments on Jews I am making it on you.

These Good Christians claimed they follow the 10 Commandments when they clearly don't . THEY BROKE THE FIRST 3 WHICH ARE MAJOR
The first Commandment is
I am the Lord Your G-d, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.Second Commandment You shall have no other gods beside Me (Christians have Jesus as a god). You shall not make for yourself any graven image ( the cross is an graven image), nor any manner of likeness, of any thing that is heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them, nor serve them ( Christians bow to Jesus), for I, the Lord Your G-d, am a jealous G-d, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation.
Third Commandment You shall not take the name of the Lord Your G-d in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that takes His name in vain ( Christians call G-d Jesus Not his name  His name is I AM. He told Moses his name was I AM.)

Now I can name names and point fingers but that would make me like a "Good Christian" That is the least thing I want to be is Christian. I rather be a Bad ass Jew! I wrote on National Tea Party on Facebook this and I got messages that my religion is wrong. Even though they claim Jesus was a Jew and he followed these laws they rewrote history. Oh yes I forget to mention Jesus speaks to them... The demon spoke to Regan MacNeil in the Exorcist and these holy Rollers decided to play doctor telling me I am crazy.
After years of hearing on the National Tea Party these "Good" Christian comments on Anti Abortion as a Jew I had enough of Oh Jesus this and Oh Jesus that. I do not believe in Jesus So I put on the National Tea Party Facebook page Jewish Laws pertaining to Judaism,,,,, I got Jew B8tch and called Kike and Hymie and the best one Hebrew. The name Hebrew is what the Jews were called when enslaved in Egypt. That is like calling a Jew the N word.  This is what I wrote and it brought out all the Antisemitism you can imagine,  These Christians think all Jews are progressives , all Jews are communist. all Jews not human. Just like Hitler.
Personally I agree with most of your policies up to the point of your religious ones.. I am not against or for Abortions that is for the person who decides to has one or not Mind your own business.and stop pushing a religious/social issue on others..In Judaism 
An unborn fetus in Jewish law is not considered a person (Heb. nefesh, lit. “soul”) until it has been born. The fetus is regarded as a part of the mother’s body and not a separate being until it begins to egress from the womb during parturition (childbirth). In fact, until forty days after conception, the fertilized egg is considered as “mere fluid.” These facts form the basis for the Jewish legal view on abortion. Biblical, talmud ic, and rabbinic support for these statements will NOW be presented.
Intentional abortion is not mentioned directly in the Bible, but a case of accidental abortion is discussed in Exodus 21:22‑23, where Scripture states: “When men fight and one of them pushes a pregnant woman and a miscarriage results, but no other misfortune ensues, the one responsible shall be fined as the woman’s husband may exact from him, the payment to be based on judges’ reckoning. But if other misfortune ensues, the penalty shall be life for life.”
The famous medieval biblical commentator Solomon ben Isaac, known as Rashi, interprets “no other misfortune” to mean no fatal INJURY to the woman following her miscarriage. In that case, the attacker pays only financial compensation for having unintentionally caused the miscarriage, no differently than if he had accidentally injured the woman elsewhere on her body. Most other Jewish Bible commentators, including Moses Nachmanides (Ramban), Abraham Ibn Ezra, Meir Leib ben Yechiel Michael (Malbim), Baruch Malawi Epstein (Torah Temimah), Samson Raphael Hirsch, Joseph Hertz, and others, agree with Rashi’s interpretation. We can thus conclude that when the mother is otherwise unharmed following trauma to her abdomen during which the fetus is lost, the only rabbinic concern is to have the one responsible pay damages to the woman and her husband for the loss of the fetus. None of the rabbis raise the possibility of involuntary manslaughter being involved because the unborn fetus is not legally a person and, therefore, there is no question of murder involved when a fetus is aborted.

Based upon this biblical statement. Moses Maimonides asserts as follows: “If one assaults a woman, even unintentionally, and her child is born prematurely, he must pay the value of the child to the husband and the compensation for injury and pain to the woman.” Maimonides continues with statements regarding how these compensations are COMPUTED. A similar declaration is found in Joseph Karo’s legal code Shulkhan Aruch. No concern is expressed by either Maimonides or Karo regarding the status of the miscarried fetus. It is part of the mother and belongs jointly to her and her husband, and thus damages must be paid for its premature death. However, the one who was responsible is not culpable for murder, since the unborn fetus is not considered a person.

Murder in Jewish law is based upon Exodus 21:12, where it is written: “He that smiteth a man so that he dieth shall surely be put to death.” The word “man” is interpreted by the sages to mean a man but not a fetus. Thus, the destruction of an unborn fetus is not considered murder.

Another pertinent scriptural passage is Leviticus 24:17, where it states: “And he that smiteth any person mortally shall surely be put to death.” However, an unborn fetus is not considered a person or nefesh and, therefore, its destruction does not incur the death penalty.

Turning to talmudic sources, the Mishnah asserts the following: “If a woman is having difficulty in giving birth [and her life is in danger], one cuts up the fetus within her womb and extracts it limb by limb, because her life takes precedence over that of the fetus. But if the greater part was already born, one may not touch it, for one may not set aside one person’s life for that of another.”

Rabbi Yom Tov Lippman Heller, known as Tosafot Yom Tov, in his commentary on this passage in the Mishnah, explains that the fetus is not considered a nefesh until it has egressed into the air of the world and, therefore, one is permitted to destroy it to save the mother’s life. Similar reasoning is found in Rashi’s commentary on the talmudic discussion of this mishnaic passage, where Rashi states that as long as the child has not come out into the world, it is not called a living being, i.e., nefesh. Once the head of the child has come out, the child may not be harmed because it is considered as fully born, and one life may not be taken to save another.

The Mishnah elsewhere states: “If a pregnant woman is taken out to be executed, one does not wait for her to give birth; but if her pains of parturition have already begun [lit. she has already sat on the birth stool], one waits for her until she gives birth.” One does not delay the execution of the mother in order to save the life of the fetus because the fetus is not yet a person (Heb. nefesh), and judgments in Judaism must be promptly implemented. The Talmud also explains that the embryo is part of the mother’s body and has no identity of its own, since it is dependent for its life upon the body of the woman. However, as soon as it starts to move from the womb, it is considered an autonomous being (nefesh) and thus unaffected by the mother’s state. This concept of the embryo being considered part of the mother and not a separate being recurs throughout the Talmud and rabbinic writings.

Reprinted with permission from Biomedical Ethics and Jewish Law, published by KTAV.
 According to Roseanne 

Roseanne Barr Is Convenient Scapegoat for Right-wing Racism and anti-Semitism

Yes Roseanne you are. So was I. And when I went to you for support you ignored me. So now, Roseanne my question is are you going to allow these Muslims to place Sharia Law over you?  You according to them, Roseanne you are an Ape or a Monkey! You had every right to say what you want. This is still America and your rights fall under the 1st Amendment. Unless these Good Christians took away Jewish Rights. Roseanne Barr. 
Contact me Roseanne Barr at


There are several reasons Loretta has decided for this withdraw: 

1. Loretta has suffered with MS since she was 25 years old and according to her doctors at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville Florida in the past two weeks she has gone from Stage 2 MS to Stage 3 MS 

2. The Antisemitism from the Republican Party of Florida and District 15 by forcing the Christian Religion on her and forcing her to listen to only Christian prayers and not respecting her religion which she is Jewish.

3. By making fun of those who are Black, Latin American, Puerto Rican, Hindu, Jewish, and LGBTQ and then stating how Good a Christian they are.  

4. Loretta Miller has found the Good Christian and Conservative as a code word for Nazism and used the names Hymie, Kike, and Communist in describing all Jews.

5. Loretta Miller found out that Polk County and Lake Country with great disregard for Jewish Republican Delegates voted down a Synagogue eliminating Jewish growth in District 15.

6. The Republican Party Members have made fun of those who are disabled and continue to claim that if everyone believed in their God Jesus people will no longer have a disability and that the disability's are caused by the devil.

7 That all Jews are going to "Hell". 

Loretta Miller is shocked with such an open display of hate for Jews in fear this Good Christian Community would  be invaded by Jews even in new developments. The New Development in Groveland Hanover builders representative at the Reserves at Sunrise told Loretta Miller that "Maybe this community is not for you and to look elsewhere."

Loretta Miller has decided to become a Independent since both sides are equally discriminating.

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