The biblical account of Sodom and Gomorrah is recorded in Genesis chapters 18-19. Genesis chapter 18 records the Lord and two angels coming to speak with Abraham. The Lord informed Abraham that "the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous." Verses 22-33 record Abraham pleading with the Lord to have mercy on Sodom and Gomorrah because Abraham's nephew, Lot, and his family lived in Sodom.
Genesis chapter 19 records the two angels, disguised as human men, visiting Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot met the angels in the city square and urged them to stay at his house. The angels agreed. The Bible then informs us, "Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom — both young and old — surrounded the house. They called to Lot, 'Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.'" The angels then proceed to blind all the men of Sodom and Gomorrah and urge Lot and his family to flee from the cities to escape the wrath that God was about to deliver. Lot and his family flee the city, and then "the LORD rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah — from the LORD out of the heavens. Thus he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, including all those living in the cities..."
In light of the passage, the most common response to the question "What was the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah?" is that it was homosexuality. That is how the term "sodomy" came to be used to refer to anal sex between two men, whether consensual or forced. Clearly, homosexuality was part of why God destroyed the two cities. The men of Sodom and Gomorrah wanted to perform homosexual gang rape on the two angels (who were disguised as men). At the same time, it is not biblical to say that homosexuality was the exclusive reason why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were definitely not exclusive in terms of the sins in which they indulged.
Ezekiel 16:49-50 declares, "Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestablethings before me..." The Hebrew word translated "detestable" refers to something that is morally disgusting and is the exact same word used in Leviticus 18:22 that refers to homosexuality as an "abomination." Similarly, Jude 7 declares, "...Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion." So, again, while homosexuality was not the only sin in which the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah indulged, it does appear to be the primary reason for the destruction of the cities.
Those who attempt to explain away the biblical condemnations of homosexuality claim that the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was inhospitality. The men of Sodom and Gomorrah were certainly being inhospitable. There is probably nothing more inhospitable than homosexual gang rape. But to say God completely destroyed two cities and all their inhabitants for being inhospitable clearly misses the point. While Sodom and Gomorrah were guilty of many other horrendous sins, homosexuality was the reason God poured fiery sulfur on the cities, completely destroying them and all of their inhabitants. To this day, the area where Sodom and Gomorrah were located remains a desolate wasteland. Sodom and Gomorrah serve as a powerful example of how God feels about sin in general, and homosexuality specifically.
Published on Apr 17, 2016
For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret. - Ephesians 5:12 For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything .
MKUltra - Monarch Illuminati Mind Control Programming!
Special studio guest: child protection campaigner of 22 years' standing Wilfred Wong, originally trained as a barrister and with expertise in Satanic ritual abuse.
MKUltra - Monarch Illuminati Mind Control Programming!
Special studio guest: child protection campaigner of 22 years' standing Wilfred Wong, originally trained as a barrister and with expertise in Satanic ritual abuse.
Published on Nov 22, 2016
9/11 Nov 22 1963 President John F. Kennedy Assassinated President-elect Donald Trump "doesn't wish to pursue" more investigations into DENNIS HASTERT Hillary Clinton's email practices, a top adviser said Tuesday. (Nov. 22) FBI #pizzagate Smoking Gun Hillary Clinton Comet Ping Pong Pedo Podesta Bros WERE STAYING IN PORTUGAL the night the Madeline Mcann DISAPPEARED. TRUMP If I was President You would be in JAIL #pizzagate No plans to investigate Clinton Wikileaks release of thousands of #pizzagate emails belonging to Hillary Clinton John Podesta, very little is known in US society about Podesta himself. While he’s maintained a low profile, John Podesta is actually considered one of Washington’s biggest players, and one of the most powerful corporate lobbyists in the world. Abby Martin
Despite calling Clinton "crooked Hillary" throughout his campaign and pledging to push for her prosecution, it looks like President-elect Trump will not go through with it.
Pedophiles, to include those who sexually abuse children as well as those who produce, distribute, and trade child pornography, a re using various types of identification logos or symbols to recognize one another and distinguish their sexual preferences. To specifically indicate the pedophile's gender preference, members of pedophilic organizations encourage the use of descriptions such as "boylove" , "girllove", and "childlove." These symbols have been etched into rings and formed into pendants, and have also been found imprinted on coins.
Dennis Hastert Tom Delay John Boehner PAUL RYAN = GOP Speaker of the House GRAND OLD PEDOPHILE's ALL Former Republican Speaker of the House are on more than GRAND OLD PEDOPHILE's = GOP Republican Party HERO Dennis Hastert =John Boehner / RYAN PAUL
former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay has written to a federal judge asking for leniency for ex-Speaker Dennis Hastert, the Republican politician who pled guilty last year to illegally structuring bank withdrawals as part of what prosecutors now say was a scheme to pay off a former student whom he had allegedly molested during his days as a high school wrestling coach. Prosecutors say that Hastert sexually abused at least four boys.
The former GOP leader has acknowledged that he “committed transgressions for which he is profoundly sorry.”
In a letter to the judge who will be sentencing Hastert in the banking violation case, DeLay defended Hastert as a good, godly man with very few flaws and who “doesn’t deserve what he is going through.”
Although Tom Delay letter is undated, the Chicago Tribune notes that most of the letters in support of Dennis Hastert were “written in late February and early March — before prosecutors detailed sex abuse allegations against Hastert from decades ago.” Although prosecutors only recently laid out the new charges against Hastert, the allegations of child abuse were widely reported in May of last year.
A federal judge sentenced former House Speaker Dennis Hastert to 15 months in prison in a case involving hush money that prosecutors said was used to cover up allegations of sexual misconduct from decades ago
GRAND OLD PEDOPHILE's = GOP Republican Party HERO Dennis Hastert = EQUALS the TRUE FACE of the GOP = Rape, , Sexual Battery, Lewd Conduct, Possession and Distribution of Child Pornography, Possession and Distribution of Obscene Material, Prostitution, Solicitation of Prostitution, Pimping, Pandering, Indecent Exposure, Lewd act with a Child, and Penetration of the Genital or Anal region by a Foreign Object.
(KNOW Your Enemy) GRAND OLD PEDOPHILE's = GOP Republican Party HERO Dennis Hastert = EQUALS the TRUE FACE of the GOP Rape, Child Molestation, Sexual Battery, Lewd Conduct,
ABEL DANGER Link to Truth Share
Clinton Foundation ISIS Chinagate WACO Holocaust Oklahoma City Bombing F.B.I. Weapons of Mass Destruction & its Technology for SALE B61-12-LEP Nuclear Weapon ATOM Bomb for SALE Edward Snowden Clinton's plan for Syria would "lead to World War 3 because of the potential for conflict with military forces from nuclear-armed Russia Nuclear Terrorism Neutron Bomb ISIS Atom Bomb Banned by fake news networks CNN FOX NEWS ABC MSNBC ets Wikileaks the Youtube Video Banned by Hillary CLINTON Obama and George W Bush : Shocking Rare Footage
Despite calling Clinton "crooked Hillary" throughout his campaign and pledging to push for her prosecution, it looks like President-elect Trump will not go through with it.
Pedophiles, to include those who sexually abuse children as well as those who produce, distribute, and trade child pornography, a re using various types of identification logos or symbols to recognize one another and distinguish their sexual preferences. To specifically indicate the pedophile's gender preference, members of pedophilic organizations encourage the use of descriptions such as "boylove" , "girllove", and "childlove." These symbols have been etched into rings and formed into pendants, and have also been found imprinted on coins.
Dennis Hastert Tom Delay John Boehner PAUL RYAN = GOP Speaker of the House GRAND OLD PEDOPHILE's ALL Former Republican Speaker of the House are on more than GRAND OLD PEDOPHILE's = GOP Republican Party HERO Dennis Hastert =John Boehner / RYAN PAUL
former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay has written to a federal judge asking for leniency for ex-Speaker Dennis Hastert, the Republican politician who pled guilty last year to illegally structuring bank withdrawals as part of what prosecutors now say was a scheme to pay off a former student whom he had allegedly molested during his days as a high school wrestling coach. Prosecutors say that Hastert sexually abused at least four boys.
The former GOP leader has acknowledged that he “committed transgressions for which he is profoundly sorry.”
In a letter to the judge who will be sentencing Hastert in the banking violation case, DeLay defended Hastert as a good, godly man with very few flaws and who “doesn’t deserve what he is going through.”
Although Tom Delay letter is undated, the Chicago Tribune notes that most of the letters in support of Dennis Hastert were “written in late February and early March — before prosecutors detailed sex abuse allegations against Hastert from decades ago.” Although prosecutors only recently laid out the new charges against Hastert, the allegations of child abuse were widely reported in May of last year.
A federal judge sentenced former House Speaker Dennis Hastert to 15 months in prison in a case involving hush money that prosecutors said was used to cover up allegations of sexual misconduct from decades ago
GRAND OLD PEDOPHILE's = GOP Republican Party HERO Dennis Hastert = EQUALS the TRUE FACE of the GOP = Rape, , Sexual Battery, Lewd Conduct, Possession and Distribution of Child Pornography, Possession and Distribution of Obscene Material, Prostitution, Solicitation of Prostitution, Pimping, Pandering, Indecent Exposure, Lewd act with a Child, and Penetration of the Genital or Anal region by a Foreign Object.
(KNOW Your Enemy) GRAND OLD PEDOPHILE's = GOP Republican Party HERO Dennis Hastert = EQUALS the TRUE FACE of the GOP Rape, Child Molestation, Sexual Battery, Lewd Conduct,
ABEL DANGER Link to Truth Share
Clinton Foundation ISIS Chinagate WACO Holocaust Oklahoma City Bombing F.B.I. Weapons of Mass Destruction & its Technology for SALE B61-12-LEP Nuclear Weapon ATOM Bomb for SALE Edward Snowden Clinton's plan for Syria would "lead to World War 3 because of the potential for conflict with military forces from nuclear-armed Russia Nuclear Terrorism Neutron Bomb ISIS Atom Bomb Banned by fake news networks CNN FOX NEWS ABC MSNBC ets Wikileaks the Youtube Video Banned by Hillary CLINTON Obama and George W Bush : Shocking Rare Footage
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