Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The beginning of Obama becoming the Muslim Dictator.

This is from a comment my friend Tim McClellan wrote.

ALLERT: Hillary's private Hospital in Chelsea's Apt. Has Same Address as a Medical Facility!--Hillary's Secret Hospital?
A Presidential candidate collapses at a ceremony in NYC...and is shoved, unconscious, by SS into a van like a side of beef and rushed off...not to one of the many world-class hospitals and clinics nearby...but to her daughter's $11M apartment.
Sound odd? It did to me.
So I looked up a bit about Chelsea's new apt.:
[link to]
I discovered that it exactly shares an address with:
21 East 26th Street, 4th Fl
New York, NY 10010
[link to (secure)]
SAME address..SAME Floor...only One Apt. per floor.
For a woman very secretive about her ambiguous medical conditions...whom avoids hospitals like the plague, it occurred to me that when the Clinton's bought this incredibly expensive apt. for their daughter in 2013...they may have also purchased it with the intent of using it as a secret private medical treatment facility for Hillary to use during her anticipated campaign.
To the would only appear Hillary was just dropping in for a visit with her daughter...when, in reality, she is receiving medical treatment and controlled substances from private physicians and private pharmacists...on private property (no need for disclosure).
If so, Chelsea's apt. served it's secret purpose flawlessly this Sunday.
It makes sense that to establish a clandestine medical treatment facility in a residential apartment--one which is legally compliant with the controlled substances dispensing/stocking/delivery & shipping requirements...and one which is able to legally supply and treat a private patient with the drugs needed, one would also have to register the address as a medical treatment facility.
In this case, I would assume the Clinton Foundation would be the controlling entity.
A staff (and private) doctor or pharmacist would then be employed (Hillary has two) to legally treat the patient, practice medicine within the confines of the private residence...and dispense drugs to that private patient without any disclosure.
This sham medical facility, while legally registered as a public care facility...would also have to be closed to the public in order to operate without any disclosure.
THIS is exactly what appears to be taking place at 21 East 26th Street, 4th Fl., New York, NY.
"Hillary for President. That joke is over." ~ Timothy M. McClellan
"Hillary Rodham Clinton, UNFIT for public office" ~ Timothy M. McClellan
“The politicians that are running our country, are running it into the ground!” ~ Timothy M. McClellan
“Obama and Hillary, the enemies within" ~ Timothy M. McClellan
“Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and the pursuit of all that threaten it!” ~ Timothy M. McClellan,
Timothy M. McClellan
Geopolitical Strategist
Int’l Investigative Journalist
Counter Intelligence CCTA
Cybersecurity CCIT
#USAGuard #NewAmericaRevolution #NAR #FightBack #PresidentTrump #TCOT #WakeUpAmerica #ccot #Trump2016 #2A #MAGA #TrumpPence16 #NeverHillary #SeanHannity #SheriffClarke #Militia #Anonymous #III%er #CleanDC

So what do we have here? We have a woman who pretends to have gotten sick. All this falling is to bring in more money to the Hillary Campaign.. the Pity Donations. Like the time Obama's "grandmother" just happened to die right before the General Election.. the Pity vote. Personally I think Hillary is putting on an act about Pneumonia. One week her doctor who examined her says she is in perfect health. Next week she has heat exhaustion, then when that did not go it's Pneumonia. And she is prancing around, kissing people, infecting them , touching children to spread an epic Pneumonia plague on the people of the USA. Reminds me of the Last Ship show on TV. 
I think it's congestive heart failure and she is going to collect as much money as she can to give it to Chelsea .  Her handler (Soros) told her to get sick and step down.
Folks , I believe this is the beginning of Obama becoming the Muslim Dictator. I bet a donut that within the next couple of weeks Obama is going to sign an order to stop the election. 
Congress  is getting close to answers. Someone is going to squeal like the pigs who Hillary and Obama are and the truth will hit the Liberals like a iron pan in the face. Hillary was the first person to question Obama's citizenship and she did the old spin and blamed it on Trump.  

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