Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Pay Off with Immunity Hillary's staff, Chelsea, Bill, Obama and Hillary along with Huma are getting away with TREASON!

Full Hearing

Points of interest.


Comey also said that he wasn’t sure if the FBI knew about the Reddit posting when prosecutors granted Combetta immunity to gather statements about what happened during that time. But, he added that a deletion like that wouldn’t automatically be considered an attempt to destroy evidence. Comey thought he could deflect what happened with those simple statements, but the evidence points to a completely different story.
“Not necessarily… It would depend what his intention was and why he wanted to do it.” The intention is pretty clear don’t you think? He clearly states in his post that he needs to “strip” out an email address! That means that he wanted to delete the email completely! How much more evidence do you need? A man with clear technical skills went to an online community and asked for help on engaging in criminal activity.
If you need to do that, then it is pretty obvious that you are trying to destroy evidence (which is a crime all by itself). Otherwise, why would ask about it? And considering the fact that Clinton’s emails have been a source of debate throughout the entire election season, something like this furthers suspicions that she deleted evidence.
If he wasn’t destroying evidence, then what was he doing? According to Comey and the FBI, all the computer aide was attempting to do was replace Clinton’s email address. Again, why is there a need to replace Clinton’s email address unless she was trying to hide something? Furthermore, this means they knew that using a private email server was inherently insecure.
This just shows that Comey is still in with Clinton. After all, even though he said that she was “extremely careless” with the way that she handled her emails, he still didn’t charge her with anything.
And with this new ruling, it is now confirmed that Clinton and her staff did their best to delete and destroy the evidence to hide it from investigators. The corruption that was allowed to go on is frankly sickening. At this point, the American People have seen all they need to determine that both Comey and Hillary colluded together to completely resolve her of any and all charges.
Once again, Clinton is going to get away with something that normal Americans would get the death penalty for. And yet, she got help from the FBI director himself!
This latest scheme is just one more way the American People have been abused by the current administration. Do your part to Make America Great Again, because we can’t afford to have another 4 years of lies, deceit, corruption, and hatred.

Hillary Clinton will need a doctor when she and Huma are charged with TREASON !

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