Monday, August 29, 2016

Anthony Weiner before his wedding to a Devoted Muslim Huma Abedin converted to Islam.

The Abedin Clan

Huma Abedin who married Anthony Weiner in Islam first and then the fake wedding Bill Clinton performed for the Muslim Brotherhood member after to throw smoke over the Sharia compliant Huma.

Anthony Weiner before his wedding to a Devoted Muslim Huma converted to Islam. Therefore he is no longer Jewish even though he states he is still Jewish.

Unlike a Jewish wife who would stand by her man Abedin had thrown the Weiner under the hot dog roll and took off the mustard stating he is a disgrace. Disgrace to whom? Weiner has exposed himself more then David Bowie in the movie the Labyrinth. At least David Bowie is handsome and had a good figure along with the package he hid under his spandex.

Huma has stated in the past 3 months that her husband was the one who forced her to take money from the State Department during her child labor, her pregnancy, etc plus he forced her to become part of the Clinton Foundation and he forced her to be part of the company that placed the servers in Hillary basement so that she and Hillary could send and received top secret emails . This was all the Jews fault. Anthony became the Muslims Scapegoat. There was always hate and a plan to blame the stupid Jews who was struck by love that someone would actually marry the slime bag. So the Convert from Judaism to Islam Slime bag married a Muslim Shariah Compliant Slime bag. 

Now both Slime bags are separated and looks like a divorce is in the future. Will they get a Islamic Divorce first and then a American one. All I know since neither one is Jewish and it will not be in a Jewish court divorce and Huma will not receive a Get. Anthony will have to convert back to Judaism. But the question is do we really want him back into the Tribe? His child is not Jewish but Muslim since Huma is not Jewish. It is a win win for Islam but also a win win for Judaism since we got rid of the slime bag Weiner.

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