“Rip Apart The Community Of The Infidels” Muslim Refugee Prays For The Destruction Of The Native Germans
A Muslim “refugee” to Germany makes Islamic supplication (du’a) for the destruction of the native Germans.
The video’s title is Some Muslim refugees in Germany curse in their prayers on the birthday of the Prophet the infidels (Kufar), including the host society. These types of prayers are legitimized in Islam, among others, the following texts: Surah 71:26 Surah 10:88 (See Al-Qurtubi’s Commentary), Bukhari 2932. Translated thanks to Google Translate:
A Muslim “refugee” to Germany makes Islamic supplication (du’a) for the destruction of the native Germans.
The video’s title is Some Muslim refugees in Germany curse in their prayers on the birthday of the Prophet the infidels (Kufar), including the host society. These types of prayers are legitimized in Islam, among others, the following texts: Surah 71:26 Surah 10:88 (See Al-Qurtubi’s Commentary), Bukhari 2932. Translated thanks to Google Translate:
“The mercy of the community of Islam, the Koran and of Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. The nations surround us from all sides like a dog, but besides you we have none. O Allah, expel infidels wherever they are located. Oh Allah, scatter them. O Allah, rip their community apart. Oh Allah, destroy their faith. O Allah, let the Earth tremble beneath their feet, for you are the stronger, they are weak. You are the exhalted, they are the humiliated. O our mightier god, our position is well known to you.You know our weaknesses, you know our sufferings. Strengthen us.”
As for the verses referenced earlier:
And Noah said, “My Lord, do not leave upon the earth from among the disbelievers an inhabitant.- Koran 71:26
And Moses said, “Our Lord, indeed You have given Pharaoh and his establishment splendor and wealth in the worldly life, our Lord, that they may lead [men] astray from Your way. Our Lord, obliterate their wealth and harden their hearts so that they will not believe until they see the painful punishment.” – Koran 10:88
The Prophet (ﷺ) used to recite the following invocations during Qunut: “O Allah! Save Salama bin Hisham. O Allah! Save Al-Walid bin Al-Walid. O Allah! Save `Aiyash bin Rabi`a O Allah ! Save the weak Muslims. O Allah! Be very hard on Mudar tribe. O Allah! Afflict them with years (of famine) similar to the (famine) years of the time of Prophet Joseph.”–Bukhari 2932
Different Place, Same Nonsense; Another Refugee Camp In Northern France; This IS The Future Of Europe
Give not that which is holy to the dogs, neither cast you your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you- Matthew 7:6
Calais, France refugee camp
Could you imagine 20 years ago that Europe would look like a third world country?
We have been extensively covering developments surrounding the dangerous Muslim “refugee” camps at Calais, France. However, about 20 minutes away from the Calais camps is another called “Grande Synthe”. According to the head of Doctors without Borders:
“Conditions in Grande-Synthe are some of the worst that I have seen in 20 years of humanitarian work…”
That means these camps are as bad as or worse than third-world nations in Africa and Asia. And they are all Muslims.
Here is a video of the camps. Note at 2:10 when a Muslim starts yelling at the cameraman:
Forget whatever lies the media says about Muslims bringing “cultural enrichment,” that “Islam means peace,” or whatever other idea they want to sell. These people have come illegally, they demand to be taken care of, and yet they do nothing to even take care of themselves, let alone anybody else. I am a firm believer in charity, but not for these people because they do not respect it. They do not deserve help because they will take whatever good you give them and turn it into trash because these people treat themselves and others like trash.
As a reminder, here is one of the videos of Muslim “refugees” throwing food aid given to them:
Major Massacre: Muslims Butcher Twenty People And Now Thirty Three People Are In The Hospital
By Theodore Shoebat
A major massacre just took place in the African nation of Burkina Faso. Twenty people were killed and thirty three people have been hospitalized. According to one report:
Security forces raided a besieged hotel in Burkina Faso and freed 63 hostages early Saturday — hours after terrorists struck in the middle of the night.Of those, 33 have been hospitalized, Alpha Barry, the nation’s foreign minister, told CNN affiliate BFMTV. Preliminary reports indicate that 20 people were killed, he said.Burkinabe forces scoured the rooms at the Splendid Hotel, looking for terrorists and any remaining hostages. Those rescued included a government minister, state media reported.The West African nation’s forces, with logistical support from American and French troops, circled the hotel for several hours before they started rescuing hostages.Shortly after they stormed the hotel, gunshots that had raged for most of the night died down.Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb claimed responsibility for the Friday night attack in the capital of Ouagadougou. It mirrored another attack at a Mali hotel last year, which the militant group also said it conducted.
German Media Tries To Spin Muslim Takeover Of Hamtramck As Good And Normal
There has been a tremendous amount of propaganda being produced to favor Islam and Muslim, like this recent Deutsche Welle report about the Muslim takeover of Hamtramck, MI. Note the emphasis on “discrimination” in the report:
But no matter how much propaganda the media produces, remember that truth will always prevail over lies., like how when the city elected the nation’s first Muslim-majority city council in November 2015, one of the Muslims made it clear in a speech to fellow Muslims he wants to “show the Polish and everybody else” :
As the Daily Caller noted:
“Today, we show the Polish and everyone else,” Ibrahim Algahim, proclaimed in his victory speech. Several people in the room could be seen shaking their heads in disagreement.
Saad Almasmari, the top vote getter of the evening, distanced himself from Algahim, telling Fox 2, “I don’t believe in that.” He added, “and as a candidate, as a city council member, I’m going to work for everybody, represent everybody, because I got elected for everybody.”
“I’m shocked that he said that. I’m a very good friend of his,” former council member Cathie Lisinki-Gordon said.
Saad Almasmari. Muslim and elected politician from the video above.
What Mr. Algahim stated was a simple fact that Islam has always taught and which many people either do not believe, do not know, or do not want to know:
O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you – then indeed, he is of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people.– Koran 5:51
As another Muslim stated even more clearly in an article in the Washington Post:
“The Polish people think we were invading them,” said Masud Khan, one of the mosque’s leaders, recalling that time in an interview earlier this month. “We were a big threat to their religion and culture. Now their days are gone.”
FAIL: Germany Hands Out Pamphlets With Pictures Thinking It Will Stop Muslim Rapists
In response to the mass rapes and antisocial behavior so prevalent among the Muslim “refugees,” the German and Swiss governments have respectively put together pamphlets in German with pictures illustrating “proper” behavior for refugees to help them “integrate” into European society. Via Zero Hedge:
Switzerland has adopted an Austrian cartoon flyer for its upcoming Lucerne carnival. The pictogram lays out various instances of accepted behavior such as kissing and praying, while making it clear that flying into a mad rage and open-hand slapping women and small children is frowned upon in polite society.
Well now, in a story that combines the concern about public pools and the effort to dissuade lewd behavior with cartoons, The Local reports that “in Bavaria, swimming pools have issued leaflets with simple pictorial instructions on behaviour for migrants who may never have swum in public before.”
Officials dreamed up the leaflets in 2013 after witnessing an increasing number of “problems” at the city’s 18 public swimming pools.
“The ground rule of respect for women – whatever clothing they’re wearing – is unfortunately not respected by all our swimmers. That’s why there is an explicit indication about it,” a Munich city spokesman said.
As we reported yesterday, these Muslim “refugees” have enough problems with skills that normal people in most cultures have, such as not defecating where one washes oneself. If these people cannot practice the most basic hygiene, does one think they will even care to look at (forget about read) a pamphlet like this for more than a second, let alone follow its directives?
Pakistani Imams Block Passage Of “Un-Islamic” Child Marriage Bill
Islam has a problem with pedophilia going back to its founder Muhammad. Pedophilia is widespread in the Muslim world, and as we wrote last week in a special report on Muslim pedophilia, Pakistan is the worst offender in the Muslim world.
In a new low, Pakistan’s Imams have protested and successfully blocked a bill that would impose harsher penalties on those who marry children under 16. It should be noted that many of these laws are routinely flouted, but the law represents at least an attempt to address the problem. Via the UK Daily Mail:
Pakistani lawmakers have withdrawn a proposal to impose harsher penalties on those who arrange child marriages after it was scuttled by a religious body who branded it “blasphemous” and against Islam, sources told AFP Friday.
The proposal, which would also have raised the legal age of marriages for females from 16 to 18, called for “rigorous” punishment up to two years in prison for those who organise child marriages, still common in some parts of Pakistan.
Marvi Memon, a member of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz), had moved to amend existing child marriage legislation in the lower house but was forced to withdraw her bid after it was rejected by a parliamentary committee on religious affairs, a source familiar with the development told AFP.
Islamically speaking, these Imams are correct. Child marriage is perfectly Islamic and acceptable, as Muhammad himself demonstrated:
Narrated ‘Aisha: that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death) –Bukhari Book 62, Hadith 64
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