Thursday, December 24, 2015

This sign is in Dearborn Michigan

Of course the Muslim Community will deny it. Of course CAIR will threaten and scream they are not a hate group but will spew hate about Jews and Israel... Death to the Jews they have shouted in the past... Such a warm and loving peaceful people. Their anger towards the Jews stem from the time when Muhammad was poisoned by a Jewish woman. The Muslims keep forgetting to mention why she poisoned him. If you were a captive person who witnessed their family being raped, tortured and murdered you wont have love for the man who rapes you then forced you to marry him. If this murderer was a God or a Prophet he wont have died an agonizing death as the Koran and the Hadith says he did, Also it is mentioned that Mohammad hallucinated hearing voices seeing heaven and all who said he didn't raise to the heavens died. This set the tone of never speak against Mohammad. Those who decided to walk away from Islam Mohammad killed them. These acts of violence are still practiced today with honor killings, people who convert to Judaism and Christianity yet this government, Obama's government wants to make any criticism of Islam illegal. But the Muslims can and do say kill the Jew.
 The picture and article is real even though Snopes says it's not. But does Snopes take "donations" from Islamic Companies to white wash everything they do. Snopes also said Obama's Birth Certificate was real and they havent seen the orginial and it has been proven to be a false paper through a police investiagor and through the first Birther Hillary Clinton in the 2008 presidential campaign. But she too was silenced by Obama and promised the Secretary of State which she did a hell of a bad job. Hillary sold out America for a position she wasnt qualified for and she is far from qualified for the Presidential race. Hillary has partied her way through the Secretary of State office screwing up on protecting Americas and assests in the Middle East . Encouraging the take over of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and having Huma Abedin a Muslim Sisterhood member as her personal adviser and her deputy chief of her campaign. If you vote for Hillary you are putting in Huma Abedin in office as well as the Muslim Brotherhood. This will not stop terror in the USA.

We need a wall like they have in Israel on our boarders It will create jobs for Americans and keep unwanted un-vetted people out. We need to remove those who chant death to our citizens and remove the Muslim International Students from America and jobs in places such as Universal, Disney, Bush Gardens, etc. These jobs belong to Americans.

Snope Claims this: Because is all about rumors, it was only a matter of time before rumors began to circulate about it and its operators, such as the following: 

Snopes receives funding from an undisclosed source. The source is undisclosed because Snopes refuses to disclose that source. The Democratic Alliance, a funding channel for uber-Leftist (Marxist) Billionaires (George Soros etc.), direct funds to an "Internet Propaganda Arm" pushing these views. The Democratic Alliance has been reported to instruct Fundees to not disclose their funding source.
They refuse to verify their funding.... so how do we know they dont lie? So just because Snopes says they didnt see it doesn't mean it was there.

This sign is in Dearborn Michigan. And your worried about the confederate flag???? Wake up people before it's too late!!!!

Dearborn: Local Muslim calls for sharia patrols at city council meeting

Not really shocking considering the locale.
Islamic rage boy!!!
via The Arab American News. h/t Dee
…a local Arab American took the podium to address concerns he had with the city. The man, who identified himself as Hassan, stated that he lived in Westland but had concerns he wanted to address as an individual who works in the city. He refused to publicly give his address fearing for the safety of his family.
After referencing Prophet Muhammad and loudly chanting Islamic prayers, Hassan said that the city needed to monitor neighborhood parks around the clock because people have been using them to conduct sexual activities. Council President Susan Dabaja, however, told him that the city doesn’t have the resources or money for increased security at parks and asked him to move on to his next point.
Hassan also stated that there were magazines and newspapers at the public libraries and civic center that can “cause colossal damage to a child’s health,” asking the city to review and monitor literature before they are distributed. Dabaja cited that freedom of speech laws exist and that parents, not the city, should monitor what their children read.
“These issues are not relevant to this body,” Councilman Thomas Tafelski added, looking frustrated.
Hassan was told he needed to speed up his message to the council because, according to council rules, an individual is limited to three minutes of speaking time during the public comments portion of the meeting. Hassan proceeded to address concerns he has regarding discrimination against Arabs in the city. He cited his current place of employment as an example.
“There is no political correctness contained and there is so much harassment towards Muslims and Arabs,” Hassan said.
Dabaja, however, was quick to tell him that his points were out of line and not issues that the council usually tackles.
“If you have concerns about your supervisor, then go ahead and seek the advice of legal counsel. This is not something that we as a body can address,” Dabaja stated before telling the individual that his time on the floor had expired.
Expect this in your city soon.

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