A former FBI counter-terrorism special agent named John Guandolo has gone public with a BOMBSHELL and has issued a terrifying warning for the American people about Islamic centers and mosques around the country exposing that most are part of a broad “jihadi network.”
In an interview with Breitbart, Guandolo claimed that almost every jihad attack inside America has has the support of local Islamic centers and mosques.
Guandolo says that the cast majority of the more than 2,200 mosques and Islamic centers here in America “are part of this hostile network- they’re HOSTILE!”
He went on to say that over 75% of these centers, based on their property records, are a part of the “Muslim Brotherhood network” since they are “owned by the North American Islamic Trust, which is the bank for the Muslim Brotherhood here” and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Guandolo said that the San Bernardino terrorists attended the Islamic Center of Riverside, which he said was a “a Muslim Brotherhood Center.” He noted that the Boston Bombers attended the Islamic Society of Boston, which he said was a subsidiary of the Islamic Society of North America that was founded by an al-Qaeda guy who used to advise former President Bill Clinton and former Vice President Al Gore and is now in prison.
The map above shows the current distribution of Mosques in the United States as of April 2015, which totals 3, 186.
Guandolo even set up training courses to educate FBI agents and government officials but those were squashed by Hussein Obama, of course.
Conservative Tribune reports that in the course of his investigations, Guandolo also discovered via internal documents that “the purpose of this network is to wage civilization jihad… until the entire world, and specifically the United States, is under Shariah law and the Islamic State is established here.”
He went on to explain how the leaders of these Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Islamic organizations have worked themselves into various levels of the federal government as advisers in sensitive departments like the FBI, Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security staffs.
Guandolo said that these advisers have immense input on the writing of terrorism-related policies and have made numerous changes to existing policies due to some aspects being “offensive” to Muslims.
He also warned against focusing too much on terror organizations like the Islamic State group, as they are merely “part of a much broader movement” that is bigger than simply one group or organization.
Guandolo is astonished at how ignorant government officials are about the widespread threat saying that the majority of them had no idea what is going on in the Muslim community.
The reason these overpaid ‘officials’ are ignorant is because Obama’s people are the ones advising them, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Al Qaeda who are necessarily hostile to our system, our war fighting and our way of life.
“That’s the problem,” he said.
You can read more from our friends at All News Pipeline.
(H/T Right Wing Tribune)
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