Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Hillary Rodman Clinton wants Jewish money to finance her bid for the Presidency of the United States of America. YET! she deny's Jews to have their own homeland by blaming everything on the Jews or should I say Zionist or Israelis. Zionist is a code word for any Jew who longs for their homeland and to return to their homeland.
I know Hillary is an anti Semite. I worked the Clinton Gore campaign and met Hillary many times. She knows you only when you give over $10,000 ... that is a Thank You note. under that amount  you get a bumper sticker. That is like saying F..K you.
Sheldon Abelson
Hillary of course lies and collects Jewish money from Sheldon Abelson , Stan Lee, Barbara Streisand other well known Jews. Her "Get Ready for Hillary" campaign  have been calling them for more money so she could be President and destroy Israel. If Sheldon Abelson , Stan Lee, Barbara Streisand other well known Jews want to give money for a campaign they could have given it to me. At least I stand with Israel and I am Jewish.

Who is behind all this? Well certainly not me. But a name I keep bring up HUMA ABEDIN WEINER  a Muslim with a Converted to Islam husband named Anthony Weiner's . There is nothing Kosher about Anthony or his wife since Anthony converted to Islam. Huma is the daughter and sister of very high officials in the Muslim Brotherhood. And I suspect Huma was the leak as well as Hillary on the mission of the Navy Seals when they fired upon  and then terrorist murdered the Seals. That folks is another story between Hillary and Obama.
In Hillary's book she admits the she feels Israel is at fault. So what does that mean. If Israel is at fault then all Jews are at fault. Maybe Hillary will begin her own special chat about American Jews... From the Ocean to the Rivers blame the Jews as the Killers.
FEMA has already built concentration camps under Clinton. Who are they for?


Hillary draws flak for writing that Palestinians are under Jewish 'occupation' as reviewers continue to shred her book

  • Hillary Clinton writes that in 1981 when she visited Jericho, Palestinians 'were denied ... dignity and self-determination'
  • 'I got my first glimpse of life under occupation for Palestinians,' she writes in her memoir, 'Hard Choices'
  • NJ Gov. Chris Christie took heat in March for referring to the West Bank as 'occupied territories' during a speech to wealthy Jewish GOP donors
  • Christie apologized, but an adviser to the 'Ready for Hillary' presidential campaign PAC insists Clinton has said nothing she should feel sorry for
  • Palestinian partisans see territory on the West Bank of the Jordan River as their land and claim it's 'occupied' by Israel
  • Israelis and most American Jews see them as 'disputed,' insisting that there was no Palestinian state to 'occupy' after the Six-Day war of 1967
  • The contentious issue and its semantics are at the heart of the Arab-Israeli conflict
Hillary Clinton is stepping somewhere between meshuga and chutzpah with a lament in her new book about how Palestinians in Israel's West Bank are living 'under occupation.' 
In the memoir, due in stores on Tuesday, Clinton recounts a 1981 trip she took with her husband Bill between his nonconsecutive terms as governor of Arkansas.
'When we left the city and visited Jericho, in the West Bank,' she writes in her book Hard Choices, 'I got my first glimpse of life under occupation for Palestinians, who were denied the dignity and self-determination that Americans take for granted.'
Those are fighting words for any U.S. politician who hopes to court American Jewish voters.
The last elected official to make the same gaffe was Gov. Chris Christie, the constantly embattled New Jersey Republican.
Dumb choices? 'Crossfire' co-host S.E. Cupp read aloud a passage from Hillary Clinton's new book on Monday, which describes the former secretary of state's feelings about Israel's alleged 'occupation' of Palestinian lands
Dumb choices? 'Crossfire' co-host S.E. Cupp read aloud a passage from Hillary Clinton's new book on Monday, which describes the former secretary of state's feelings about Israel's alleged 'occupation' of Palestinian lands
A memoir by former first lady, U.S. senator and secretary of state Hillary Clinton hits bookstores on Tuesday, and critics are heavily dissecting her views with an eye toward 2016
A memoir by former first lady, U.S. senator and secretary of state Hillary Clinton hits bookstores on Tuesday, and critics are heavily dissecting her views with an eye toward 2016
Politically correct: Israel has built Jewish settlements on a little more than 1 per cent of the disputed West Bank territories, but it has become commonplace for politicians to refer to Tel Aviv as a wholesale 'occupier' of Palestinian lands
Politically correct: Israel has built Jewish settlements on a little more than 1 per cent of the disputed West Bank territories, but it has become commonplace for politicians to refer to Tel Aviv as a wholesale 'occupier' of Palestinian lands
Christie recalled during a March 29 speech before the Republican Jewish Coalition that he had taken 'a helicopter ride from the occupied territories across' in 2012 'and just felt personally how extraordinary that was to understand, the military risk that Israel faces every day.'
With the third-rail of Middle Eastern politics sparking, Christie made a hat-in-hand apology the following day to Sheldon Adelson, the über-wealthy conservative casino owner and serial campaign financier who had organizer the meeting.
But Clinton isn't expected to follow suit.
During a broadcast of CNN's 'Crossfire' program on Monday, a senior adviser to the Ready For Hillary political action committee, which is laying the groundwork for a 2016 presidential campaign, insisted that Clinton won't be falling on her sword.
'Does she owe Israel an apology for using the same language that Chris Christie used and then had to apologize to pro-Israel voters and pro-Israel groups?' asked S.E. Cupp, the conservative half of the show's left-right anchor desk.
'Hillary Clinton is going to stand by the words in her book,' said Tracy Sefl, the Clinton supporter. 'She is not going to apologize for something she need not apologize for.'
Cupp wasn't impressed.
'Then you think that she believes that the Palestinian territory is "occupied"?' Cupp asked. 'She's not going to apologize for that, and she asserted that on purpose?'
'I'm sure that when we all actually read the book and listen to her give these interviews, her words will stand for themselves,' Sefl shot back.
'She said it twice in the book,' chimed in Tim Miller, executive director of the conservative America Rising PAC.
Miller co-authored an opposition-research-heavy book for his organization, and released it to coincide with Clinton's. The title: Failed Choices
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie made a major gaffe at the March 20, 2014 Republican Jewish Coalition spring leadership meeting by referring to parts of the West Bank as 'occupied territories'
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie made a major gaffe at the March 20, 2014 Republican Jewish Coalition spring leadership meeting by referring to parts of the West Bank as 'occupied territories'
Apologies: Christie asked casino mogul and GOP super-donor Sheldon Adelson for forgiveness after the screw-up, but Hillary Clinton's surrogates don't seem to think she should apologize to anyone
Apologies: Christie asked casino mogul and GOP super-donor Sheldon Adelson for forgiveness after the screw-up, but Hillary Clinton's surrogates don't seem to think she should apologize to anyone
Trump card: Clinton counts Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu among her public supporters, with Bibi saying in a 2012 tribute video that she 'is a strong and determined leader; she's principled and pragmatic'
Trump card: Clinton counts Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu among her public supporters, with Bibi saying in a 2012 tribute video that she 'is a strong and determined leader; she's principled and pragmatic'
Co-host Paul Begala, a veteran strategist from Bill Clinton's White House days, insisted that the former first lady 'is very, very strong on' Israel.
'If that's the tree you guys want to bark up, I wish you luck,' he said.
Cupp asked Sefl, 'Does (Hillary Clinton) owe Israel an apology for using the same language that Chris Christie used, then he had to apologize to pro-Israel voters and pro-Israel groups?”
On Middle Eastern issues, Secretary of State Clinton painted a centrist self-portrait during her 2009-2013 time in office, and avoided clinging tightly either to Israel or to the Palestinian Authority.
But on the thorny issue of West Bank settlements, she wore President Barack Obama's policy like a shield.
In a May 2009 joint press conference with Egypt's foreign minister, she said the White House wanted 'to see a stop to settlements – not some settlements, not outposts, not natural growth exceptions. ... And we intend to press that point.'
Palestinians living in West Bank cities like Hebron, Jericho and Nablus believe they have a sovereign claim to landlocked territories west of the Jordan river, saying that Israel is 'occupying' Palestinian lands.
Israel's position is that 'Palestine' hasn't existed as a geopolitical entity since the British government ended its civil administration there in 1948. At most, Tel Aviv says, the land is 'disputed,' not occupied.
And that, Israel insists, means the land's status must be negotiated, not mandated at the barrel of a gun or handed over under threats from Hamas and other anti-Israel organizations that the U.S. sees as terror groups.
Tracey Sefl, a senior advisor to the Ready For Hillary PAC, insisted that Clinton 'is not going to apologize for something she need not apologize for'
Tracey Sefl, a senior advisor to the Ready For Hillary PAC, insisted that Clinton 'is not going to apologize for something she need not apologize for'
Palestinians threw stones and burned tires on Friday as they clashed with Israeli security forces about Jewish 'occupation' of Palestinian-claimed  land in the West Bank
Palestinians threw stones and burned tires on Friday as they clashed with Israeli security forces about Jewish 'occupation' of Palestinian-claimed land in the West Bank
Tim Miller, executive director of the America Rising PAC, mocked Clinton's new book this week with an opposition-research-heavy book titled 'Failed Choices'
Tim Miller, executive director of the America Rising PAC, mocked Clinton's new book this week with an opposition-research-heavy book titled 'Failed Choices'
In 1948 the West Bank was declared part of Jordan, but that country relinquished control of it 40 years later, stripping West Bank Arabs of Jordanian citizenship.
Israel has built settlements on just over 1 per cent of the West Bank and maintains civilian and military control of about 7 per cent of the territory overall.
Armed clashes between Israeli soldiers and pro-Palestinian protesters are common in other areas of the West Bank where Israel and the Palestinian Authority share control.
Clinton, Begala pointed out Monday, won praise from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a 2012 tribute video prepared for a public forum on Middle Eastern issues.
'I've just had the opportunity to work with her to achieve a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas,' Netanyahu says in the video.
'Hillary Clinton is a strong and determined leader, she's principled and pragmatic. ... As someone who knows a thing or two about political comebacks, I can tell you that I don't think we've heard the last of Hillary Clinton.'
But the maybe-running Hillary's book has already become more of a liability than an asset, with news networks procuring advance copies and interviewers leaning on her for news.
In one embarrassing interview with ABC News, she complained that she and President Clinton were 'dead broke' when they left the White House in 2000. 
Since then she has raked in $8 million in book earnings, and now charges $200,000 for public speeches.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2653641/Hillary-draws-flak-writing-Palestinians-Jewish-occupation-reviewers-continue-shred-book.html#ixzz34G0udiYD
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